Scream it out! Roe v. Wade edition

I read articles about this and I have to say, few things are creepier than the ‘advocates for the unborn’, especially creepy old white men. It just gives me that deep ick feeling.
The ‘unborn’ are an easy group to advocate for. They aren’t complicated like the poor, the homeless, the addicted, the incarcerated, the mentally ill, the disabled, the marginalized, the oppressed, etc.

Once they’re born, and begin to have voices and opinions and actual needs, they don’t give a shit about them.
Frankly, what they want is a permanent underclass that they can continue to demonize and abuse. That’s my take, at least.
Been following this thread but haven't had time to respond deeply, tho this was the main thought that gets me so sad I wanted to add. Just really try to empathize and feel so sad and want accurate education and critical thinking skills to reach the masses 😞

@KatieDoes... never thought of the fear of work force growing for immigrants.... kinda of obvious now that you say it!! always had just landed on above thought, and thought of pro-birth not pro- life of not caring to offer any help once baby is born :( but this makes total sense...
Yes, but they need that underclass to be made up of poor white people that will vote for them. The BAC’s that donate and keep them in power need workers desperate enough to accept their shitty wages. If there aren’t enough poor white women pushing out babies, they’ll have to obtain a work force from immigration, which will eventually vote them out of power. So they need to increase the white birth rate, especially among poor people.
So, mandatory vasectomies which can be reversed when a man is physically, financially, and emotionally ready to deal with the repercussions of his sperm?

I’m in.
Ya, I did a speech on this idea on high school... I thought it was ingenious... required parenting classes were in my speech... find it quite funny being what my current role in education is now!

My teacher from a strict church, didn’t find my persuasive speech so moving...
The ‘unborn’ are an easy group to advocate for. They aren’t complicated like the poor, the homeless, the addicted, the incarcerated, the mentally ill, the disabled, the marginalized, the oppressed, etc.

Once they’re born, and begin to have voices and opinions and actual needs, they don’t give a shit about them.
😥😥yes.. just 😥😥

And this all continues to be a distraction and deterrent keeping important work from getting done that could benefit everyone like universal childcare, promoting trade and craft schools in high school, affordable university, healthcare and list continue but greed is real.... and yes, I know what this thread is about.. I will quit babbling and digressing!! Haha!

My heart and thoughts run deep but just going to stick with summary memes here and listen in to you wise ones. Back to the PG before I spiral like I used to in current events.
The ‘unborn’ are an easy group to advocate for. They aren’t complicated like the poor, the homeless, the addicted, the incarcerated, the mentally ill, the disabled, the marginalized, the oppressed, etc.

Once they’re born, and begin to have voices and opinions and actual needs, they don’t give a shit about them.
That doesn’t make it less creepy!!!
I'll bite.

As someone who has been involved to make a decision in the third trimester, please don't put restrictions on abortion at all. No doctor in their right mind will terminate a pregnancy in the third trimester without cause...

But the added loopholes are excruciating when your baby is dead.
True. I remember bleeding out in the fifth month, knowing my baby was dead, imploring whoever would listen to save me. I wanted to live, although I was in so much pain I could barely talk. It would have been really nice if the docs could have told me what to expect after they gave me Heparin. I passed humongous clots, fist-sized, and it freaked me out.
True. I remember bleeding out in the fifth month, knowing my baby was dead, imploring whoever would listen to save me. I wanted to live, although I was in so much pain I could barely talk. It would have been really nice if the docs could have told me what to expect after they gave me Heparin. I passed humongous clots, fist-sized, and it freaked me out.

I see you 🫂
I'm so sorry for your loss
Women in red states WILL most assuredly die from this. And I’m sad my daughter has to grow up in a country that forces women to continue to feel unsafe and unheard.

My thoughts: The LBGTQIA community is next. We are moving so far backwards it’s not even funny.
Women in red states WILL most assuredly die from this. And I’m sad my daughter has to grow up in a country that forces women to continue to feel unsafe and unheard.

My thoughts: The LBGTQIA community is next. We are moving so far backwards it’s not even funny.
Correction - poor women will die. Rich women have always been able to get the care they need. And the women who get pregnant by rich men.
I’m a bit stunned as Roe vs. Wade has been the way it is, now was, for so long. I may personally find the thought of non-medical emergency abortions troubling or it's being promoted as healthcare distasteful. But I also believe it’s a decision I have no right in interfering with a woman’s choice. To my mind it is and always has been a woman’s rights issue and the less government, Federal, State, or Local had to do with it mattered. Just let the parties involved decide. Now it's back to the tired, states rights line of reasoning. I really hadn’t considered how this ruling would leave me feeling so uncomfortable.
I’m a bit stunned as Roe vs. Wade has been the way it is, now was, for so long. I may personally find the thought of non-medical emergency abortions troubling or it's being promoted as healthcare distasteful. But I also believe it’s a decision I have no right in interfering with a woman’s choice. To my mind it is and always has been a woman’s rights issue and the less government, Federal, State, or Local had to do with it mattered. Just let the parties involved decide. Now it's back to the tired, states rights line of reasoning. I really hadn’t considered how this ruling would leave me feeling so uncomfortable.
Only people without eyes can be stunned at this.
Everyone who has voted for republicans at any level is responsible for today. Whether that includes you or not, they need to be excluded from polite society.

Also, "states rights" isn't even an argument. Know how I know? Yesterday's ruling on state made gun laws. Conservatives can't even be consistent.
Only people without eyes can be stunned at this.
Everyone who has voted for republicans at any level is responsible for today. Whether that includes you or not, they need to be excluded from polite society.

Also, "states rights" isn't even an argument. Know how I know? Yesterday's ruling on state made gun laws. Conservatives can't even be consistent.

They are consistent....consistently loud, engaged, and get shit done. Pretty amazing for some 30% of the electorate.

I do not support their agenda. I just am stunned how the liberal smart progressives are being outdone at every turn here lately.

The majority is going to have to do better. This can't stand. Waiting on the sidelines is not an option anymore.

The very least any of us can do is write to your congressmen, your president, governor, state legislators, and the courts.

It costs nothing and your voice is added in.

Talk to like minded people daily that are on the fence. Getting one person to engage per day is something.

Any more than that, you are a rockstar.
Ope, logs into Twitter just now and sees this gem:

View attachment 2157649
And, again, nobody should be the least bit surprised. Now that conservatives have forged the massive social crowbar that is the current built of SCOTUS, they are going to annihilate anything that doesn't fit their increasingly theocratic worldview.

Rights for me, but not for thee is only the beginning.
They are consistent....consistently loud, engaged, and get shit done. Pretty amazing for some 30% of the electorate.

I do not support their agenda. I just am stunned how the liberal smart progressives are being outdone at every turn here lately.

The majority is going to have to do better. This can't stand. Waiting on the sidelines is not an option anymore.

The very least any of us can do is write to your congressmen, your president, governor, state legislators, and the courts.

It costs nothing and your voice is added in.

Talk to like minded people daily that are on the fence. Getting one person to engage per day is something.

Any more than that, you are a rockstar.
Former congressional staffer here. Don't write them, they aren't swayed. They don't even see your letters. Don't call - it's a 23 year old answering the phone who doesn't care.
SHOW UP. Seriously. Mobilize beyond writing and calling. Like I said, sign up to be an election official. Run for local office. Volunteer for local abortion funds if you don't have the money, you can at least help with admin support. There are a lot of senate elections that REALLY matter this year. Georgia. North Carolina. PA. Show up - make calls for those campaigns. Get these pieces of shit out of there.