Sex Sells

I never understood that either. 🤷‍♂️
The roundness is what makes them great!

Right? These make even the roundest of tits look like a hazard for my eyeballs. How am I supposed to navigate that shit? The bra is already difficult enough with that contraption on the back that could make Harry Houdini drown. I don’t need to worry about slicing up my hands while trying to cop a feel.
Right? These make even the roundest of tits look like a hazard for my eyeballs. How am I supposed to navigate that shit? The bra is already difficult enough with that contraption on the back that could make Harry Houdini drown. I don’t need to worry about slicing up my hands while trying to cop a feel.
Maybe that was the idea. Trying to keep our hands to themselves.
Thank God our fathers had courage and fought through the horror of the pointy boob bra leading to all of us being born.

Way to go Dads! 👍 old ARE you guys anyway?

Haha. I am a very old 41. I have been shaking my cane at hipsters since the iPhone emerged.

I’ve never experienced pointy bras for myself. But I minored in the evolution of boobs and bras and uni.
Torpedo bras were like pre-1960s, and y'all seem to have tremendous expertise on the matter so...
I did say “our fathers” had to deal with them, so . . . 😁

I also grew up watching a lot of old movies wondering why women had triangle boobs, so there is that as well.

An ad from 1927. Was this just an innocent advertisement or did they know what they were implying?