Sex & Shenanigans

No. I suppose if I were into denial and edging it would be great. The initial side effects should hopefully wear off in a week or two and I'll just have to wait and see if they subside. For some they stay, which would be awful.
Dude, that sucks, hopefully it all balances out soon, thiugh
I’m so sorry … here’s hoping your dick is up and running again soon!
Dude, that sucks, hopefully it all balances out soon, thiugh

It's a minor irritation at the moment, I've felt a little more focused and 'adult' like so I think it's helping. I will accept all positive thots for getting my dick working again.
Random question for all you shenanigang …

how long is your longest standing PM thread that is still active… one year? 2? 10?

How many pages is your longest PM thread?