Sex & Shenanigans

oh, i in the "bill cosby" sense know exactly what is going on...its late, its cold, drink this, you dont want to go, itll be nice if you stay...stranger danger!
When I said people don’t understand what’s she’s singing 👆

When that song was written, single women weren’t supposed to want to stay the night with a man, so she’s fake protesting, again, for decorum.
Like so many things, it comes down to tone and context 🤷‍♀️
I agree with this. I think being uncomfortable with it and not liking it is a perfectly reasonable reaction and I won’t argue with you. Especially if you have had drugged drinks in your past.

But I’ll also love Zooey Deschenel singing it on my own time.
I love that song. I know that younger generations think that it's kind of rapey, but I just think it's flirty and cute.
He actually wrote it to sing with his wife for a party they held as a cute way to lets their guests know it was time to head home.

So I don’t get how it can be “rapey” if people take the time to research 🙄