Sex & Shenanigans

Oh... really? You're going to pull Annie Murphy on me? You must know I adore her and think her mannerisms remind me of mine... I didn't realize you were such a poo poo head!
Angry? No, pretty sure I’ve never made her angry.

I’m watching Shrek Ever After and drinking bourbon and apple juice like a grown ass adult.
My kids used to drink apple juice. They are over 20 now.

I need to know what bourbon you polluted with apple juice. The answer to this question might be the most vital question you have ever answered.
I don’t know what this means. Is poop involved. Sorta sounds like poop is involved. And I don’t wanna know now,
You do want to know. And no. No poop. Ew. Yucky. Tell 'em @MandaPandaa
It's a deep cut call back to the 2010s. No I feel old. And not in my 20s like I'm supposed to be
It’s like bourbon and cider
Again. Is that a thing? I'm only in my 20s and just getting into this drinking thing. Sounds like it might be good
I have ginger beer too.
Again, I'm in my mid-late 20s wtf is a ginger beer?
But I was too lazy
Now you're speaking my language
I mean. Fine, it’s okay. Just stab me in my childlike heart.
Psssst, say that you're in your 20s. Everyone loves that
I did! And yeah he’s good. I feel like his some disruption decks will counter him easily if he gets too prevalent though, I’ve already seen a lot more Super Skrull and Cosmo than I saw last week.
I haven't seen an enchantress yet. BUT I have been digging back into my Symbiote/Black Panther/Wong/Zola deck. And it's been wrecking shit
You're missing out on those sweet, sweet infinite card backs! Just kidding, they've been god awful lately. Someday I hope to sell my account for hundreds or maybe tens of dollars
I’ve never switched in my life. Well I’m Hearthstone you could set it to do it automatically but I never made a point of it. Cosmetics are how they get you!