Sex & Shenanigans

I’m back (I know, no one cares, but let me have my moment)

Getting Hugh and playing video games

Love Actually or Bridget Jones Diary?

Bridget jo es 1 & 2 have the best, most realistic fight scenes in all of cinema. This is a hill I will die on!


Honestly glad Hugh has aged out of the “dreamy Englishman” romcom typecasting. He seems to be taking much more interesting roles in recent years and I could not take another decade of his flustered sputtering and choking noises!

I prefer my older Englishmen hot and dirty, thankyouverymuch 🔥🥵🔥
Honestly glad Hugh has aged out of the “dreamy Englishman” romcom typecasting. He seems to be taking much more interesting roles in recent years and I could not take another decade of his flustered sputtering and choking noises!

I prefer my older Englishmen hot and dirty, thankyouverymuch 🔥🥵🔥
Wash your dirty mouth out!