Sex & Shenanigans

Catching up.

I lived in the city of DC for awhile and we all walked to the grocery store in my neighborhood. There would still be runs on milk, eggs and toilet paper whenever an inch of snow was forecast.

Bread is a hint that the divine is real, and that Aphrodite wants us happy. That and boobs.
Ben Franklin said that it Beer that was proof that God loved us and wanted us to be happy, but I'm with you. It's boobs. Definitely boobs.
History tells us Ben would have agreed with you there.
He was such a hoe! Our choir had to si g a song, commissioned for our school, all about Ben Franklin's great accomplishments. They tactfully left out his abandoning his wife and his absolutely cringe worthy love letters "My poor little Boy, whom you ought methinks to have cherish’d, instead of being fat and Jolly like those in your elegant Drawings, is meagre and starv’d almost to death for want of the Substantial Nourishment which you his Mother inhumanly deny him, and yet would now clip his little Wings to prevent his seeking it elsewhere!"

He should add "inventor of pic begging" to his list