Sexy Art

What's her story? Anyone feel like venturing a guess?
She looks like a kept woman or naughty cousin to me :giggle:


Portrait Of Madame Recamier by Astoria Grand
One of my own.
Not as "slick" as most of these, so may not be for this audience.

View attachment 2307096

Don't be silly! Thank you for sharing one of your own paintings. This isn't a competition.

Different strokes for different folks applies to Lit AND to art!

I personally love it - especially the expression you captured on her face

Feel free to post more if you like 😘
Don't be silly! Thank you for sharing one of your own paintings. This isn't a competition.

Different strokes for different folks applies to Lit AND to art!

I personally love it - especially the expression you captured on her face

Feel free to post more if you like 😘
Thank you. I know it is not a competition. I also know there are different tastes.

Kinda funny, I don't even like wine, but I love the concept.
Don't be silly! Thank you for sharing one of your own paintings. This isn't a competition.

Different strokes for different folks applies to Lit AND to art!

I personally love it - especially the expression you captured on her face

Feel free to post more if you like 😘
I always have an expression like that on my face when there's a bottle of wine nearby. :D
I love how they pushed the envelope of what was and wasn't acceptable back in the 1930's and 1940's and 1950's by using illustrations instead of pictures.

I've always wondered where these kinds of illustrations got published though. Was it the Saturday Evening Post? Does anyone know?



I remember in one of my classes in college talking about how many of the sexy illustrations of women back then actually pre-dated the broader women's movement of the 1960's, but, by depicting strong, capable women doing what was then thought of as primarily male jobs it is possible that, over time, it actually made the idea more widely acceptable.

Plus, I don't know whether it's actually true or not, but I remember one of my female professors say that many of the artists were actually women who used male pseudonyms to get their work published.

