Someone To Watch Over Me

Love can be like a bond... and sometimes that bond is a visible connection
Let me be connected to you in every way
In the pre-dawn hours of November 12, 1833, the sky over North America seemed to explode with falling stars. Unlike anything anyone had ever seen before, and visible over the entire continent, an Illinois newspaper reported “the very heavens seemed ablaze.” were over 72,000 “falling stars” visible per hour during the remarkable celestial storm.

The Leonid meteor showers are ongoing now and are expected to peak on November 18. But don’t expect a show like the one in 1833. This year at its peak the Leonids are expected to generate 15 “shooting stars” per hour.

November 12, 1833, one hundred eighty-nine years ago today, was “The Night the Stars Fell.”

The image is a depiction of the event.

Hold my hand my darling... let's watch the stars fall all night long.
This feeling of protection given is so empowering. But there is the fact that even the dominant is looking for something from the little. Something that only they can give back. That even the little can provide and shelter the dominant from all of life's storms.
It's a relationship, where both have needs that can be met in each other. It would be a poor shadow of itself if only the little felt cared for.
I love when you braid my hair.
I love when you unbraid my hair.
I love when you tangle your fingers in my hair as I feel your possessiveness.
I love when your grab fistfuls of my hair to control our kiss.
I love when you want to brush my hair, long strokes from scalp to ends making me purr in contentment.
Play with my hair, my love.
He collected up all my fractured broken pieces, the collected hurts and disappointments of a lifetime, the ugly self hate in my head, and fears of being not good enough....
He turned over each one in his hands, and smoothed the pain away, absorbing the stories that make a life unique. Lovingly he reassured that every bit is beautiful and worthwhile.
Little by little he will put me back together. But for now, this jar of pieces is guarded and beloved. I trust him to heal my hurts as he exposes them, reducing the power old pain has over me.
Watching Over Me.
Thank you daddy ❤️