Someone To Watch Over Me

This is a lovely quote and I have a sense of what you mean by it.
There has been a rather long discussion in other places about the phrase "gift of submission"
I think it's a really interesting idea to think about and dissect. It might be interesting to take up that topic here, but for the moment, I will provide a link to the applicable thread.

I would be interested in others thoughts and reactions to how the concept of "gift" of submission resonates or does not resonate for them, either abstractly or within their relationship dynamic.

This is a very special thread and I'm glad it feels like a possible home. ❤️

is submission a gift?

And an older thread on the same topic:

submission is a gift
I believe in the beginning of vetting, the sub has equal say in the dynamic. I mean, throughout the dynamic, yes, they still have a say, don't get me wrong.. it should be a give and take, on both ends..
I think some (not all) Dom's think talking dirty, calling someone names makes them Dominant, and maybe some submissive women like that. That's cool, no kink shaming from me, trust me.
Other Dom's aren't weak because they're more emotional pleasure contributors.. it's just different styles.
I think a Dom and sub, if they're a match in their dynamic, are a gift to each other.
I've had only a couple dynamics of D/s so I'm no expert.
I love being my Dom's submissive... I'm lifted up daily, and though it's new, it feels right 🤩

So this happened to me yesterday...
I was making a video for my LDR Dom.. and the way he makes me feel about myself is like magic.. so while playing, (and yes, a little help from THC).. I went into a euphoric climax while saying his name repetitively...
Afterwards, I was shaky, so I did breathing exercises to relax from the "High"..

Anyways, your thoughts on subspace??

So this happened to me yesterday...
I was making a video for my LDR Dom.. and the way he makes me feel about myself is like magic.. so while playing, (and yes, a little help from THC).. I went into a euphoric climax while saying his name repetitively...
Afterwards, I was shaky, so I did breathing exercises to relax from the "High"..

Anyways, your thoughts on subspace??
Thoughts on subspace... there are whole threads on this topic.

1) it's a real thing
2) it is extremely powerful and when you are in it you are very vulnerable
3) it is critically important to create enough space/time to come out of subspace, self care, long distance care so that you are safe and emotionally intact afterwards
4) between sub frenzy and sub space and LDR it can be very complicated to manage
5) new Doms or new to LDR complications often underestimate the power of subspace and the amount of care their /s requires.

Having water and warm blanket and quick calories at hand have been very useful to me. Also making sure I can nap or not have to make any decisions, drive somewhere etc for several hours afterwards provides sufficient recovery time.
Thank you

Letting go of the heartache
Releasing all this pain
Decreasing the bad energy
To finally feel myself sane..

I'm working on my self
To be better every day
I am beautiful; I am cherished
Appreciated in every way..

I come to you as I am
You've freed me from some pain
Your energy is like magic dust
That sprinkles in the rain..

So thank you for this peace
And thank you for these days
Thank you for my pleasure
In every single, pleasant way..

I wrote this for my Dom the other day.
It's quite different from my last poem I wrote, it's a different dynamic. All dynamics are unique✨
Thoughts on subspace... there are whole threads on this topic.

1) it's a real thing
2) it is extremely powerful and when you are in it you are very vulnerable
3) it is critically important to create enough space/time to come out of subspace, self care, long distance care so that you are safe and emotionally intact afterwards
4) between sub frenzy and sub space and LDR it can be very complicated to manage
5) new Doms or new to LDR complications often underestimate the power of subspace and the amount of care their /s requires.

Having water and warm blanket and quick calories at hand have been very useful to me. Also making sure I can nap or not have to make any decisions, drive somewhere etc for several hours afterwards provides sufficient recovery time.
I was having a discussion about this with a friend recently... Especially how the aftercare of a sub who's been in subspace is essential regardless of the relationship is in person or long distance and online. There still needs to be care and consideration. You cannot (should not) leave a submissive to manage their care alone... Because I believe subdrop is real and can have lasting consequences, especially long the lines of trust in both themselves and in the dominant or in another dominant in future play.
So, I'm older now, almost 49... And I'm finally appreciating an older man as the perfect Dom for me..
I didn't want to write this in the other "younger/older" thread, because I'm not trying to make this too sexual..
But when a man is older, they possess the ability to have more patience, understanding, desires (imo) : Qualities I look for in a Dom.
When I was 20, I wasn't into any kind of D/s dynamic.. but I was drawn to older men.
Jump ahead almost 30 years later...
And being a submissive and having a dynamic is my comfort zone.
So, I'm older now, almost 49... And I'm finally appreciating an older man as the perfect Dom for me..
I didn't want to write this in the other "younger/older" thread, because I'm not trying to make this too sexual..
But when a man is older, they possess the ability to have more patience, understanding, desires (imo) : Qualities I look for in a Dom.
When I was 20, I wasn't into any kind of D/s dynamic.. but I was drawn to older men.
Jump ahead almost 30 years later...
And being a submissive and having a dynamic is my comfort zone.
Age does not equal maturity imo.
When I was first interested in men I dated a number of men 3, 5 even 8 years older than me (significant differences when young, no difference at all once you reach a certain age).
I think I have always been submissive sexually, tho I didn't know it and didn't understand why I felt... incomplete or unsatisfied at times in spite of being the person actively seeking/making myself available.
Older men may have maturity simply because they have lived longer... I'd probably tend to take an older person more seriously simply because of this.
I have long had a rule for myself that I don't interact privately with men a certain number of years younger than me... partly to not get entangled with someone who has not had sufficient life experience, able to meet me and my complexities.
However... age is also just a number and having a soul connection is in the end what matters.
What I need (and thankfully have) is someone who loves me, makes me feel safe and is willing to do what it takes to watch over me.
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