Song I Hate

As much as I enjoyed Alice In Chains (when Staley was around), I could never remotely enjoy Rooster. Not even a little.

They canā€™t all be gems.
OMG! Yes!!! That song makes my ears bleed. Almost as much as Johnny Cash singing hurt by NIN. Love JC and love NIN, but FFS I would rather hear nails on a chalkboard instead of that rendition.
Almost anything by Radiohead. Whiny, artsy-fartsy stuff, the most overrated band ever. Sorry, children!
Agree. I never understood their superstardom status. Nirvana is another totally overrated band that I never cared for. But I'm grateful for them for giving us Dave Grohl. :)
Agree. I never understood their superstardom status. Nirvana is another totally overrated band that I never cared for. But I'm grateful for them for giving us Dave Grohl. :)
Nirvana are OK. Not the legend they were made into, but pretty decent. And yeah, the Foos totally rock.
Agree. I never understood their superstardom status. Nirvana is another totally overrated band that I never cared for. But I'm grateful for them for giving us Dave Grohl.
While I don't disagree about putting Nirvana on a pedestal, I feel like the Foo Fighters are on the same level. Had Dave not been in Nirvana, I'm not sure they would have taken off like they did.
While I don't disagree about putting Nirvana on a pedestal, I feel like the Foo Fighters are on the same level. Had Dave not been in Nirvana, I'm not sure they would have taken off like they did.
Probably not, but I'm glad they have, for their sakes. They seem like good people. For the sake of ticket prices, I wish they were underrated.
I did not see the prompt on the monthly song challenge prior to posting this. I had this started for hours and was working on presentation.

There are some good choices there.

Hotel California can fuck all the way off.

But I hate country music and The Eagles were a country band.
I hate that song. Iā€™ll change the channel to NPR if I have to so I donā€™t have to listen to it.
I like old school country, but heard Lucille by Kenny Rogers yesterday.

Fuckin song worm from hell! šŸ˜‚

I cannot unhear it.
Doja Cat ...Paint the Town awful I use it as an alarm to annoy me awake.
I just feel bad for any cellist who has to play it.
I can appreciate that as a guy who has to play piano at too many weddings...for the record we hate anything by the piano guys and fricken Twilight I've been playing this song for a thousand years
Some of you will most likely hate me but I hate anything the Beatles sung because they destroyed R&R!! I mean "Yellow Submarine" Come on man!!!
I once referred to Paul McCartney as ā€œJohn Lennonā€™s bass playerā€, and I thought this guy at the bar was actually going to throw a punch because it pissed him off so badly. I was just joking, but that guy went off.
They destroyed R&R! IMO
Just because I hear it within 15 min of entering ANY bar. Brown. Eyed. Girl.
Pile on me here, but Blackhole Sun by Soundgarden. I canā€™t. I really never liked it, even though Iā€™m of the ā€˜90s. Anyone agree?
Itā€™s good for nodding my head slowly. Donā€™t hate it, donā€™t love it.