Star Trek: Frontiers.

Ready Room

Savok entered the Ready Room, and he nodded to those who had already assembled. He had taken the ancilliary turbolift to the Ready Room, bypassing the bridge. He had not seen, and he was not aware of the entity that had presented itself to the bridge crew via the view screen.

Savok sat down, and placed his PADD on the table. Looking up, he noted that Septana nor the guests had arrived as of yet.

"I have preliminary data available on the M class planet that we are orbiting," Savok told the others. "It is most intriguing."
Captain Emerson

He looked at himself in the mirror. "age comes for us all". He hadnt slept in a few days and it was starting to show. They had been lucky...VERY lucky. He was getting preliminary reports and it seemed casualties were a minimum...He sighed as he thought of his officers, they had all performed examplory..he noted it for the records for starfleet. He washed up and once again looked 'good as new'.Anguish was for private was the time to be captain. He made his way to the ready room and prepared for the work ahead.

"I would like to talk longer, but I have other duties to attend to. Your quarters adjoin those of K'Tur. Shall I take you there?"

"Yes, I must go to him." She stopped speaking for a moment and glanced at the door a frown crossed her face." We go now."

Standing up she looked over at the woman, "One day you shall tell me of your race." Nodding she waited for Septana to lead her out of the room, the frown crossing her face again. "K'Tur." she breathed silently.
Counselor Gor

Septana guided Tra'Lamira through the ship to the guest quarters. The door slid open and she led the alien inside.

"You should have everything you need her, Tra'Lamira. K'Tur's quarters lie through that door. Over here we have a replicator."

Septana gave a brief description of its use.

"You and K'Tur are our guests aboard the Hera. Should you require anything, please do not hesitate to ask for assistance. At this time, I must beg my leave of you as I am needed elsewhere."

The counselor nodded curtly to Tra'Lamira and left the guest quarters, heading for the Captain's ready room. She immediately started her breathing exercises in an attempt to calm herself. Such meetings were always trying, being so close to him in a professional setting. Her only consolation was that he was he didn't possess a shred of empathetic or telepathic ability. She couldn't imagine how she would function if he knew her true feelings.

Septana noted that she looked like she was nearly the last to arrive as she took a seat in the ready room.
Astre at The Haven...

Silently a single tear runs down my cheek... We should have been friends. His death had saved many lives. He had died with honor. Denoitnem, a Ferengi in Star Fleet, that in and of it's self spoke of his character. His family would have to be notified. His assets liquified, the traditions observed.

Suddenly I feel it's presence.

"Damn....Q "

Our races had been at odds since the beginning of time and now he was here....

"Hmm. None of you are the captain of this ship." I silently extend one arm toward an ensign on the bridge. As my finger points at him, he stops moving, though not frozen.

"You! Call your captain to the bridge.... On second thought..."

The lights around the bridge dim to red and start flashing. My voice resounds through the vessel, "Intruder alert... Captain to the bridge."

I smile as I release the ensign from his paralysis and await the captain's response.
Ooc: Can you at least wait until the meeting is over Bobo, people have things they need to talk about.
Captain Emerson

OOC Shhhhh , maybe if were quiet he'll go away ;)
all jokes aside Bobo, give a second for the storyline to catch up before we make contact w a Q
Or perhaps you could be a disempowered q , or one under observation like the squire of gothos, If Ravenloft wants a Q its his thread , but give a second for the RP to play through.

Captain Emerson walked through the doors to the ready room and tried to conceal his fatigue, he sat down and readied himself for the presentations, he had every confidence the crew already had working theories on how to repair the ship, get us home and about our new guests.
OOC: Hold off Bobo, let the others catch up to you, diferent time schedules and work kinda make it hard for some to keep up after all... Even me...
Savok noted that his captain looked tired. It was logical, after all, the entire crew had been through a fatiguing ordeal in the last fifteen point four hours.

Savok wondered, as he always did at these breifings, who would go first.
Gotcha... I'll have Q back in a little while... for now... imagine a big poof!


"Well, this ship cannot survive too long out here. I suppose that even if the Captain cannot find time for me, I will leave his puny ship alone.... But, perhaps, one more Borg is what you need."

A flash of light on the bridge blinds everyone momentarily.
Mackenzie Calhoun

Mac looked at Shelby As she staired at him. Mac Walked on to the Delta Omaga Flyer "So Emmy How....." He was sudanly Blinded by A Bright light WHen he could see again He was on the Brige of Caption emersons Ship. "where Am I?"
"Ok, perhaps I shall start. There doesn't seem to be much on anyone's mind beside the ship's status right now."
He began handing PADD's around to the different officers showing them exactly what he was going to cover.
"I've got basically four categories here, bad news, good news, worse news, and indifferent news."
He walked around the room, glancing from the PADD before him.
"Bad news, the starboard nacell is completely destroyed. There's absolutely nothing left, it was a clean explosion. There is no system problems because of it, so if there is a chance to replicate some crucial parts we can repair it. From what is already in the cargo bays, it should only take a month or so to rebuild."
He smiled, "Onto the good news. Besides a few converters, some manifold repairs, emittor replacements, we will have a fully functioning ship. I'd say in two days she'll be up to 80 percent effeciency. We can't go faster than warp six because of the blown nacell, but the rest of the ship will be just fine."
He shook his head back and forth, sighing slightly, "That leads us to the worse news. We've got a major problem, the dilythium crystals are nearly expired. Except for two, they are all cracked, and those two have shown present signs of advanced decay. I'd say we have about a month worth of power in them before the entire ship begins to lose power."
He stopped for a moment, "So far, I have had an ensign in astrometrics, looking for dilythium of any kind on the planets surrounding us. There isn't a speck of it in the entire quadrant, or at least as far as we have looked, and that is well past how much power Hera has to go there."
He scanned down on the PADD.
"So, that leaves us with little options. We can either make the repairs, put the ship on minimal power and hope someone from Starfleet will find us or we can hitch a ride on another ship... from the calculations I have made if we did that the ship will be habitable for a year and four months.
"... Or there's something I've been working on, which brings us to the indifferent news. It's just a theory, but so far tests have been supportive. I am thinking of changing the energy that powers the warp core. We discard the dilythium and work on building a tetrion power cell.
"Tetrion energy, as you all know from back in the academy days, is a highly dense and unstable power supply. Star Fleet has been trying to use it as a power source, but it was too unstable to work with. Preliminary reports however, have said that somehow tetrion cells have become stable in this quadrant. It wouldn't be that much of a problem to change the entire energy apparatus for the ship, since we are going to be in there for the intake manifolds anyway."
He stopped, sitting back down, "That's... that's about it from my department. I'm sorry it isn't happier news."

/OOC Bump ;)


As she glances around the room she tries to see if she can sense her mate. He was close, but she did not fully know her way around this ship...this life style. A whine comes from a door and she instantly heads over to it, as she examined the door she pressed a button, it slid open. She stepped into K'Tur's room and went to his side, bending to lick his cheek.

"K'Tur." she breathes and crawls onto the bed by him holding him close as he dreamed. Closing her eyes she lets sleep take her over, hopfully bringing her to him....
Savok regarded the briefing from the engineer with interest. They appeared to be in a dire situation. Savok wasn't sure if there was a difference between happy news and sad news. He assumed that it depended upon positive and negative impacts. He remembered an old saying he had once heard "No news is good news".

"The planet," the Vulcan began, "is a Class M world, composed complex carbon-based life. It appears to be the homeworld of our guests aboard the vessel now. There is the distinct signature of Borg assimilation, wherein footprints of entire cities are left behind. Most of the four continents are covered with these ruins. There are other, smaller locations, that appear to have been struck with heavy weapons fire, as if they were systematically destroyed. Note that these locations," Savok said pointing to an image of burned-out structures on the view screen, "do not bear the characteristics of assimilation. It appears that were systematically destroyed, which is unlike the Borg order of battle, if you will.

"As for our present location, we are beyond the Delta Quadrant, well out of uncharted space. We are seventeen Astronomical Units from the nearest starbase, if we were to travel through a quantuum singularity. Otherwise, we are some seventy-seven years from the closet Federation outpost. I have charted the locations of the quantuum singularities that brought us here, and will be able to provide those coordinates to the engineer and flight officer at their discretion."

Savok raised his eyebrows. "The wormholes, however, will have to be artificially re-opened."

The Vulcan returned to his seat. He steepled his fingers in front of him, awaiting questions, or the next reportee.
Telnak sat forward and put the PADD she had been handed on the table. She looked at everyone that was seated there and said, "Okay. I have some good news and some bad news for you all. The good news is that there are no threats in this part of space, well none that our sensors can pick up. The bad news is that our sensors are only running at about fifty percent of what they should be so I wouldn't know what is out there at the moment and our tactical array is shot. We will have to fix it before we can fire any of the weapons and that will take time so basically we are a sitting duck, as you humans say. I'm sorry that I didn't have more good news but that is the only news I have at the moment."

"I have found some fascinating news with this new species," he began looking at everyone in a comforting fashion.
"It seems as if they have the ability to transport themselves from one place in a dimension to the next."
He drew up a chart showing the anatomy of the organism.
"In their heart is an extra chamber, which I have, as of yet been unable to name. It sends out a unique metobolical enzyme that reacts with the brain as well as the body to transport the entire organism. This enzyme is a complex polyhedronal RNA strand that as of yet I only know copper and balso extrite (yeah, made up, I know).
"This compound is toxic if too much is stored in the alien's body, which is why this," he moved the picture to show the extra liver, "Is inside the body as well. It helps to flush out the toxic waste once he's done."
The doctor began to demonstrate the liver in action, "It doesn't work very well though. Which means that there can't be too much of this compound in his system at once, otherwise he could slip into a coma and die. I haven't sketched out how far certain amounts of compounds will take the species, but tests are running slow since the massive power failure. I have nothing further to report at this time."
Mackenzie Calhoun

He looks around the brige " A Star fleet ship . Whos the captian of this ship ANd where may I find him ."
Captain Emerson

The Captain grimaced as he felt the exhaustion off his crew, they were doing there best...but he could only demand miracles for so long. He decided that the crew needed to recooperate if they were to make it out of this yet. "So be it...begin implamenting a rationing of our reserve power..also begin steps to take us to a secondary form of power, Dr continue your work with our guests your results will be invaluable. But foremost I want you to delegate...I dont want any of you working for the next 12 hours...I want your top crew members on it but I need this shift healed and ready for the next encounter..and there WILL be a next all need down time, start your programs and check on them in 12 hours then meet with me 2 hours afterwards...make no doubt..I amasking you for a miracle...take the time it needs to ensure it."
Astra at the Haven

Power was at a minimum. Only one out of every four lights were working at all and those were using only one-eighth their normal power. The Haven had become a quiet place of deep shadows...Tired people seeking solace had begun coming in one by one. The normal laughter was missing tonight. The crew knew the danger was still very real; this knowledge was subduing the normal exuberance of the great victory thus far.

Weaving my way between tables, I greet the crewmembers: a friendly “hello” here, a pat on the back there, sharing a smile or a handshake. My staff is more than able to care for the crowd but I feel compelled to be here. The crew needs this place now more than ever.
Savok, hearing the dismissal, took his leave from the others in the Ready Room. He made his way through the bridge, where he stopped long enough to ensure that his ensign was performing satisfactorily in his place. Savok spoke a few orders to the ensign, calling for re-routing of available power to the engineering section.

Savok left the bridge in order. The lift took him to the Haven, where he entered. He saw Astra making her way through the many who had already gathered in this place.

Savok stepped up to her, nodding his head in greeting.

"I will sit quietly for a time," he told her. "Perhaps you will join me later for conversation?"

She was his friend. And, he found, a very logical being. Although she was a great deal older than he, Savok found her unique experiences in her travels to be fascinating. He enjoyed hearing her tell stories, when she chose to. Of course, he would never tell anyone that. Vulcans were not supposed to enjoy anything.

Savok suddenly had a thought. Perhaps Telnak, the young tactical officer, should also come and sit for a while. The company of others would do both Vulcans good after the long work day.

"Savok to Telnak," the science officer said, touching his comm badge.
Telnak was walking through the corridors, heading towards the sick bay when he coom badge made a noise. She tapped it lightly and said, "Telnak here...."

She then heard Savok's voice and let out a sigh. She really wanted to be alone and Savok was the last person that she wanted to talk to at the moment.

"Yes Savok.... is there anything that you want of me?"

She knew instantly that she said something that was something a Vulcan wouldn't say. She was a little annoyed at everything that had happened so far today and this had sent her to the edge and she had let her emotions show. Now what am I going to do?!

"Sorry Savok... I didn't mean to be abrupt. I am just in a hurry, sorry to talk to you like that."

She then heard him ask her if she would like to join him in The Haven. Talnek stood there for a second and wondered if she should then smiled and said that she would be there shortly.
Savok greeted Telnak with raised eyebrows. He motioned for her to sit with him at a table. He poured her a cup of tea.

"I asked you to join me" Savok said, "so that we may speak of things other than Starfleet for a moment." He steepled his hands in front of him, that gesture which is entirely Vulcan. "I had wanted to inquire as to the status of your family on Vulcan."

Savok's gaze narrowed somewhat at her.

"However," he said, "I now wish to inquire about your emotional outburst during our communicator conversation." Savok again raised an eyebrow. "You 'snapped' at me, then you apologized for it. That was not logical."

They were in a darkened corner of the lounge. There was a partition between them and the others. It was a place of quiet and tranquility for the Vulcan. Astra had been kind enough to even place a small attunement flame in the center of the table. Savok reached his hands across the table, his fingers coming towards Telnak, their intent to make contact with her katra centers on her face evident. "I must have your thoughts," he told her.
Telnak looked at Savok and then at his hands and said, "I don't think that it's best for me to do that. I can't explain why but there are things about me that I wish to keep to myself. There are things in my head that I don't want anyone knowing."

That caused Savok to raise his eyebrows again and without warning he grabbed Telnak's hands and closed his eyes. Telnak let out a silent scream as there was an onrush of emotions and thoughts. They seemed to run straight through her and then out of her and she knew where they were going; to Savok. The one person she didn't want knowing who she really was.

She tried to move her hands away but found that she couldn't and knew that Savok would find out about her very soon.
Savok's eyes widened in.....rage? No, it was astonishment. As an onswept of emotion washed over him, he shook his head, then regained his almost arrogant Vulcan composure. He looked at Telnak without expression.

"You are Romulan," he simpy said.

He said nothing more. He only gazed at her impassively. A spy? Sent to infiltrate the United Federation of Planets?

Yet their was resentment in her thoughts. Savok found truth and honor there. And a mind tormented by who she was, and who she was trying to be.

Savok nodded his head. "Have trust, Telnak. You are safe among friends."