Star Trek: The New Adventures

I like that they covered a Niven Short story in it:). It was what brought the Kzinti into Star Trek canon:).

Yeah until Gene kept changing his mind on what was cannon and wasn't. Then he declared it non-cannon as well as the novels.

Good thing was that they sort of brought the Kzinti back in DS9, slightly changed the name to Tzenkethi, when Sisko mentioned fighting in the war against the Tzenkethi Coalition. Would have been even better if we had gotten a chance to see them as well.
For Wolfsister...

M'Chel Raica S'Tarr - Marine MSgt

Position Demolition/Heavy Weapons Expert
Gender Female
Species Human (Hispanic) /Vulcan
Age 33

Physical Appearance
Height 5' 4"
Weight 100 lbs.
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Black
Thank you!

Vulcan? Wow... you must really have a far out human side. Your charry is completely kick ass!

Actually she's still kinda non-emo about the whole thing. Kill and blow it up. she doesn't hate the peolple she's forced to do things to to. There isn't any malice. She's just very good at it.
Actually she's still kinda non-emo about the whole thing. Kill and blow it up. she doesn't hate the peolple she's forced to do things to to. There isn't any malice. She's just very good at it.

Still not someone you'd want to cross.
Actually she's still kinda non-emo about the whole thing. Kill and blow it up. she doesn't hate the peolple she's forced to do things to to. There isn't any malice. She's just very good at it.

That just makes her all the more scary!

Lt. Cmdr. Marjia Orsoth
Cheif Engineer... maybe more, maybe not

Lt. Commander Emma Watkins, Chief Medical Officer
Human Female.
Age: 28
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 130lbs
Green Eyes, Red Hair


Lt. Commander Nine of Nineteen, Tactical Officer and Head of Ship Security
Human Borg Male
Age: Unknown
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 170lbs
Brown Hair, Green Eyes
(I was right, you know. Total pwnage.)

Good work, Wolfsister. Very good work.

As heartbreaking as it was to see beautiful beautiful Spock unable to love beautiful beautiful Lavinda, it was the wiser choice. A lesser writer would have given into the opportunity to crack Spock's elegant ice, but you held off. Tragic and fantastic.

Poor Lavinda. Poor poor beautiful beautiful Spock.

This is going to be fantastic.

In other news, this song has been stuck in my head for the last week or so, and every time I hear it it makes me think of Kahlest:

Fireflight - "Unbreakable"

Where are the people that accused me?
The ones who beat me down and bruised me
They hide just out of sight
Can't face me in the light
They'll return but I'll be stronger

God, I want to dream again
Take me where I've never been
I want to go there
This time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable
No one can touch me
Nothing can stop me

Sometimes it's hard to just keep going
But faith is moving without knowing
Can I trust what I can't see
To reach my destiny
I want to take control but I know better

God, I want to dream again
Take me where I've never been
I want to go there
This time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable
No one can touch me
Nothing can stop me

Forget the fear it's just a crutch
That tries to hold you back
And turn your dreams to dust
All you need to do is just trust

God, I want to dream again
Take me where I've never been
I want to go there
This time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable
No one can touch me
Nothing can stop me

God, I want to dream again
Take me where I've never been
I want to go there
This time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable
No one can touch me
Nothing can stop me
Awww, thank you so much Chasni. (I wrote it with you in mind) I'm glad that I managed to impress.

*gives entire cookie jar*

That's a beautiful song, wish I could hear it *sighs for having Dial up*

And it now looks like Kahlest and Lavinda are going to work together a little more closely from now on. Fun!

Thanks once again guys for the Roll Call - now I pretty much have everybody's species and ranks and names all in one jumble. I should act appropriately, but if Lavinda slips up, please let me know.
Sorry, I've been a little busy for the past couple of days, Wolf! n_n;;

Roll is:

Lieutenant Isaac Emerson, Asst. Chief Engineer to Lt. Commander Orsoth
"Meanwhile, in this week's installment of Chastity Nicollette Repertory Theatre..."


Present-day post coming up in a few, gotta take a break.
Aaaand there we go.

(Sorry, bah, not as good as our lovely lupine sibling's post brilliantly deserved, not hardly. But still, I hope it's not "unworkable." Heh.)

:: devours cookie jar partway, then distributes the remainder to the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, 'cause karma ::
Heh he he. I'd make a post but it would just be preening Mental masturbation for my Modified Orion. It'd feel too much like the "Superior Intellect" comments made by Khan.

I might just have to create a "DeSalle" type character as a sideline for comedic relief in the dire times.
LOL, its now official Chasnicollette -

I now love you too.


*gets busy on a reply*
Heh, sorry guys for the multiposts. I'm all over tonight and keep forgetting to just add things onto the end of a post I already did. Anyway... hopefully this is the last one.

Anyway, I did this the other night - its a small sketch of what Lavinda looks like. Sorry but I'm not an artist and its just a sketch. No shading or nothing, but I'm still proud of myself so I'm gonna put it up :D

It was originally on A3 sized paper, but I've only got an A4 scanner so most of her hair is cut off.

*begs for a cookie*

Heh, sorry guys for the multiposts. I'm all over tonight and keep forgetting to just add things onto the end of a post I already did. Anyway... hopefully this is the last one.

Anyway, I did this the other night - its a small sketch of what Lavinda looks like. Sorry but I'm not an artist and its just a sketch. No shading or nothing, but I'm still proud of myself so I'm gonna put it up :D

It was originally on A3 sized paper, but I've only got an A4 scanner so most of her hair is cut off.

*begs for a cookie*


Impressive...most impressive.

(Somebody give her a cookie. She's all cute and all when she begs, but she's got teeth, too).
I am gonna edit the Hell outta my last post when I get home.
also, I didn't forget about you Wolfie (grins), just need to be on my computer when Jace gives you the once-over, not my silly phone.