Star Trek: The New Adventures

I gotta say that I've always been impressed with MMD's writing, but he's just blown me out of the water now...

Also, just a plot point to consider - is anybody actually trying to figure out how to contain 8472? I mean, didn't the captain say that capturing one for, erm, research, could be possible.

Ooooh, and I'm liking where my idea is going, btw. Thanks MMD :D
I gotta say that I've always been impressed with MMD's writing, but he's just blown me out of the water now...

Also, just a plot point to consider - is anybody actually trying to figure out how to contain 8472? I mean, didn't the captain say that capturing one for, erm, research, could be possible.

Ooooh, and I'm liking where my idea is going, btw. Thanks MMD :D


I appreciate the comment! I just try to have fun when I'm writing. I've got a dull job and the freedom of writing lets me unlock some of the fun ideas that just seem to be bottled up.
It would be good to have civilians... you know like biologists, scientists, perhaps families, botanists... etc. After all, weren't we supposed to be a research vessel with the added extra of cool weapons?

I might be getting mixed up with the Chimera though, sorrys.
Erm... aren't I already in sickbay?

EDIT: Actually Amen, don't edit! I got the perfect response to that little slip up :D
And it gives me a chance to bring in a certain someone else as well;).
Why yes I am:). And if the councillor is being called over the ship's comm, then her assistant might just have to go stick her nose into things as well.

Watch out boys, she's roaming the decks:p.

There are a few civilians aboard, but not on the scale of Enterprise during "The Next Generation". Our ship is designed for combat and Marine insertions, covert ops, that kind of thing. Any civilians aboard would be purely supplemental in their roles, with the exception of characters like Wyld's Orion.


Nice improvisation with the location thing, there. Cool.


Awesome storyline developing. You guys rock!
An idea for consideration:

Some situations will call for interactive dialogue between characters of a "non-controlling" type. In these situations, you may want to write the dialogue or simple actions of someone else's character because it just fits in with what's going on.

Say for instance, if my character, Capt. Harper, hands Lt. Torres a PADD. It would be logical to assume Lt. Torres would take the PADD. If Capt. Harper gestures for Comm. Raan to sit down, it makes sense she would do so, unless there are other influences present in the situation or dialogue.

Another example would be if Capt. Harper orders "Hailing frequencies open". It would make sense that Lt. Torres would "open hailing frequencies". This saves time and makes the story line flow smoothly.

We just have to remember to limit this type of character control to singular events of a simple nature. Complex dialogue, actions, or emotional responses should only be written by the character's player.

Thoughts on this?
Bad thoughts on this.

Granted adults should be able to understand when this should and shouldn't be used. But..

and there is always a but...

i was in a simm/Online RPG where my Marine Colonel was suddenly being used as a lackey to physically run messages between an Admiral and a Starship Captain. Granted if i had been asked i might not have minded.

But control was taken from me and i was used as a message boy.
Bad thoughts on this.

Granted adults should be able to understand when this should and shouldn't be used. But..

and there is always a but...

i was in a simm/Online RPG where my Marine Colonel was suddenly being used as a lackey to physically run messages between an Admiral and a Starship Captain. Granted if i had been asked i might not have minded.

But control was taken from me and i was used as a message boy.

I have the same fears. Only because I've had similar experiences where all of a sudden others were having my character doing all the little things. It became quite old very quickly. Generally I don't mind having those little things like that done, but it can be abused rather easily.
But, (yes another butt because mine is so big)

As long as nobody starts abusing minor posting. i'm cool.. with the understanding i WILL notify you if you start going overboard..
I have done this, but I PM the post to the person I will be controlling (for lack of a better word) first to get an ok from them, & sometimes a edit. this is useful if you are doing a long post with much short answer interaction


"Lt. Jace to Captaon Harper"

"Harper here, go ahead Lt."

"I have been running some computer simulations on some containment scinerioes and I need to run my data by you, do you have time to go over this?"

"I do Lt. Meet me in my ready room in ten minutes."

"Aye Sir."

see, I have done some minor controlling of Amen's character, so I would PM this post for permission to post it to the IC thread.
I'm cool with people having a degree of control over Lt Cmdr Orsoth, but I agree. Anything beyond a simple verbal acknowledgement, or ordered action should be consulted apon

So I had to either eat for a couple of weeks, or have the internet.

I chose food. S-Sorry I didn't get to mention it or anything...>.>

Life. It happened. xD
Then let me be the first to say, Welcome back Sub!! We missed you! :D

(I'm glad you chose to eat)

As for Amen's suggestion. I don't have a problem with what he outlined, but I agree with what Abraxas said, anything less simple than that would be too much control. I'm all for the thread moving swiftly - btw its going great guys! - but we all have be quite adult. I think we should reserve the right to demand a re-write should we deem something not done rightly by our character.

Of course that could only slow down the process even more....
Ok, so let me set a rule for this, and you guys tell me what you think:

We can only control limited, response dialogue for another character that directly involves ship functions.


Captain Harper knew the first step was to initiate contact with the alien vessel.

"Open hailing frequencies," he ordered.

"Hailing freqencies open," Mr. Torres replied.

"Commander alien vessel, this is Federation Starship USS Arizona."

In this instance, control of another character is limited to the specific function of opening a hailing channel. It's a logical response to the dialogue and story-flow.

In Abraxas' example, where the Captain responded to "meet me in my Ready Room" would require a PM, because Captain Harper may not want to meet in the Ready Room but perhaps in 10 Forward.

We will not allow direct manipulation of character actions, only limited dialogue dealing with ship functions.

And by all means, if you don't like something, then YOU have total, authoritative creative control over YOUR character. Like my sister the Wolf said, demand an edit of the dialogue to something that you want. If anyone has any doubts about something they write for dialogue, then clear it first with a PM. Abraxas and I have done this several times in other threads, and it's worked out well.

How's that sound?
Last edited:
Ok, so let me set a rule for this, and you guys tell me what you think:

We can only control limited, response dialogue for another character that directly involves ship functions.


Captain Harper knew the first step was to initiate contact with the alien vessel.

"Open hailing frequencies," he ordered.

"Hailing freqencies open," Mr. Torres replied.

"Commander alien vessel, this is Federation Starship USS Arizona."

In this instance, control of another character is limited to the specific function of opening a hailing channel. It's a logical response to the dialogue and story-flow.

In Abraxas' example, where the Captain responded to "meet me in my Ready Room" would require a PM, because Captain Harper may not want to meet in the Ready Room but perhaps in 10 Forward.

We will not allow direct manipulation of character actions, only limited dialogue dealing with ship functions.

And by all means, if you don't like something, then YOU have total, authoritative creative control over YOUR character. Like my sister the Wolf said, demand an edit of the dialogue to something that you want. If anyone has any doubts about something they write for dialogue, then clear it first with a PM. Abraxas and I have done this several times in other threads, and it's worked out well.

How's that sound?

Sounds ok to me.

Only question i have is who do you want opening communications frequencies. On TNG it was usually Worf as Security/Tactical. Voyager had a tendancy of splitting the responsibility up between Security/Tactical and Operations. So which do you want to handle that?
Sounds ok to me.

Only question i have is who do you want opening communications frequencies. On TNG it was usually Worf as Security/Tactical. Voyager had a tendancy of splitting the responsibility up between Security/Tactical and Operations. So which do you want to handle that?

I think Ops will handle it, unless he is not on the Bridge.

Then, of course, whomever is filling in at the Ops station will get it.