Star Trek: The New Adventures

The good news is that since it's a big ship, it has more then one turbolift. So it cab be explained as in they were in one of the other tubes at another part of engineering. Imagine if it was a Defiant Class ship and we had missed that. No way to fix that.
Plot Loopholes Closed

I'm not whinging... but... why are people tramping in and out of Engineering when apparently something's blown up; someone's severely hurt and your ships counselor is passed out in a turbolift?

I know that MMD hasn't posted yet and he'll take care of all the medical stuff - but shouldn't there be some sort of recognition with the event with those in engineering?

If it was too stupid a plot to add then I'm sorry. And you can continue to keep ignoring it. I'll just wait for MMD and see what he does.

There you go Wolfy, plot holes closed. The fire wasn't in engineering, but buried in the bowels of the ship.

Sorry I've been away and caused a delay, but real life has been kicking me square in the shins this week.
Nice posts everyone.

Okay, so the emergency transport probably caused a warning light to flash on someone's console on the Bridge.....
Oh god, you're all sooooo sweet! LOL.

Thanks guys, really. I'll post something up once i get my dial up kicked in the ass. For now though I have to get caught up on reading.
probably gonna edit (actually, I am gonna edit) my post to chang me going to Security instead of the Battle Bridge. write any replies with me in mind accordingly please.
ok, done fiddling with that post. everyone remember there are about 3X as many armed security running around right now than there usually are.
probably gonna edit (actually, I am gonna edit) my post to chang me going to Security instead of the Battle Bridge. write any replies with me in mind accordingly please.

Probably a good idea, seeing as how the Soveriegn class starships don't seperate their saucer/primary sections, therefore there is no Battle Bridge.
It's on the console, next to the one marked "Ludicrous Speed".

Just be careful you don't go plaid!

Is that by the button that activates the new seat belts they put on the Captain's chair?





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No Problem.

I was cruising around looking for something so I could stop making stuff up and just stumbled across it.