As I said elsewhere, it's not the relationship that is theatrics -and maybe that word is in and off itself a stumbling block to my point, but I truly can't think of another- but elements of play, sexual or otherwise, need to be presented in a way that "sells" a reality that isn't true, but which is appealing. Maybe it would be better to call it role playing rather than theater? While in other aspects, following rules or wearing a day collar or any number of others, no role playing is needed.
Also, as I said elsewhere, I'm not claiming that this or any other way is the "right", just my experience and understanding of it. And since, I believe, few people on the board believe in a right way, all that matters is that the experience work for the parties in question. That it be the right way for them.
What I do reject is the notion that anyone's "domliness" is all powerful. Every aspect of any relationship is consensual. No matter how cool a Dom/me thinks they are,you they can't compelling consent. And I do find those who haven't figured that out yet, amusing.
I think it's amusing that consent is an issue you keep bringing up. Without consent it is rape. However, many couples, BDSM or otherwise have somethings that are agreed upon, that they won't go there, or will, or certain things are taboo, or off limits. Then, within the realm of the relationship, one person more likely takes control, because it feels right.
That's a relationship, and it requires communication. And flexibility. On both sides.
As far as selling a reality, or an untrue relationship, my condolences to you. Don't project your experiences on to others.