I notice Jean holding me tightly as I tell the others what to do "Ok guys, let me go up first. He'll expect that, then I don't want you three..." I stop as Ratmans sidekick arrives on the scene.
I correct "I don't want you four to do anything till he trys anything with me ok? Maybe we could talk this out, just the two of us. Let's go."
With that I teleport to the top of the building as the others begin to take their positions.
Once I meet Kronos one on one, I tell him "Look, I know why you're here. But I will not join you no matter what so you're waisting your time." This was what it had always been about in the past when we met each other. But what I did not know, was that it was not this time.
A deep, low chuckle escapes Kronos's mouth as he corrects "I'm not here to try to get you to join me. I know you wont so I'm here to kill you." He said that last part so casualy that the words didn't hit me till a blast from him did.
"AH!" I yell out in pain as I fly across the roof top to the other side. I was blasted to the floor as Kronos continued to fire on me as I felt myself getting weaker.
The shadow spy I sent screamed in my head as Kronos calmly told Renegade he was going to kill him, not waiting for anyone else, I feel the shadows lift me, I land behind Kronos and slam a large shadow fist into his back.
"Nice...Now let's see if can do that to me..." I snarl, the shadow I'd sent with Renegade curls around him, helping him sit and checking his injuries.
A large claw forms beside me a let it slice towards Kronos.
The giant shadow claw scratches across Kronos's chest leaving lines and drawing a slight amount of blood from his body. Getting up, I try to move but am still to dizzy from hitting my head when I fell.
I see Kronos prepare to attack Jean when "How about we even up the odds here?" Ratman and his sidekick leap onto the scene and run to Jeans aid in the battle.
Suddenly a pair of hands that I can't see pull me up "Come on lad, this battle has just started."
After Invisible man helped me up, we make our way over to help the others fight Kronos.
IC: Kronos grins at jeans last comments, "Out numbered but not outpowered my dear." A wall of black energy forms from his body and swips at us, knocking each of us down easily as we struggle to get back up to our feet.
Charging forword, I unleash an onslaught of power at him as we begin to battle it out for a moment. He knocks me to the side as Jean and the others charge for the next assault.
I feel the shadows anger. Being beat up by this weirdo was a bad thing in their book. Mine too. They moved and shifted around me. I let them move forward, fists hit him and then began to tie him, curling around his wrists and feet.
Jeans shadows moved around Kronos at an incredible speed as they tried to contain the massive man while continuing their assault. Ratman began to attack with his rat blaster that emitted a beam of energy at him. The beam hurt Kronos but it was no good for any serious effects.
Kronos broke through the shadows as threw a small rock at Ratman that knocked the blaster from his hands. Kronos then fired at him, sending Ratman to the ground.
"No!" yelled Jean as we all made our way to him in concern. Just then we all saw something heading towards us like a speeding bullet. Was it a bird? Was it a plain? Ah crap... it was Wiz-Blade.
I ignored Whiz-Blade, hoping he'd come to help. I started another shadow assalt on him, feeling tired. I hoped it would distract him from Ratman, come think of it...the middle of the city wasn't the best place for this.
I started avoiding Kronos blasts, trying to lead him to me.
Whiz-Blade landed between us and Kronos as he told us "Let a REAL hero handle this you traitors."
We all exchanged glances as Whiz-Blade flew forword and began firing his blades at Kronos. Kronos blew most of them away but a few got by and hit his chest.
When Whiz-Blade was close enough, Kronos reached out and grabed hold of his neck. Whiz gave out a short gag as he was lifted in the air and slamed down to the floor by Kronos.
Whiz-Blade laid there, barely able to move, when Kronos told us "Let's continue this at another location."
A huge black smoke covered us all as we then dissapeared from the streets outside the bar. When we reapeared, I noticed that we were inside of Jeans Castle!
After Jean fixed the computer so that it would not do anything to our friends, I tackled Kronos to the ground as Invisible Man came to my aid. Ratman was still out for now and his partner(what was his name?)was tending to his needs. Invisible man went for a nerve jab but Kronos was to strong to be taken out by it. Kronos flung him away then grabed my throat and proceded to strangle me with his grip.
I tried, but could not get free as Kronos said "Do you know the truth about what happened to your father Shadowes?"
Jean turned to him in surprise as explained "I set it up for that machine to explode at the right time. I needed to get him out of the way so I could gain access to those collars to use on Renegade here. I payed off to since the kid cant fight back much."
I turn, feeling my insides turn into the ice that made me a good villian.
"You, fucking bastard," I muttered the shadows yank Renegade away and began to pummel him, I move closer, wanting to rip his throat out with my bear hands.
OOC: That's what I thought but for some reason I kept thinking Squarrel. Weird. lol
IC: My eyes widen as Jean moves in on Kronos like a rabid animal. Ratman began to slowly get back up as he and Sparrow made their way to us. Invisible man had dissapeared from the scene since he was thrown off Kronos.
"Jean, wait!" I yelled out as I tried to get back to my feet. The creatures that were coming out when she wanted to kill Whiz-Blade, who was still knocked out, returned and attacked.
OOC: Not sure what those creatures do so letting you write that part.
Everyone has a fear, a monster deep inside themselves. The shadows were all of the fears rolled into a tight ball. Not evil in themselves. Just scary. I had felt them with me as long as I could rember Always holding them back when my anger was at it's highest. But not now.
They chaneled through me, nightmares of all sorts became shadowy flesh and snarled at Kronos.
OOC: Hey what happened to that Elven Fantasy thread you were in? Did it die out? Haven't seen much posting going on.
IC: The shadow creatures charged out at Kronos with their claws tearing at his body. "What the hell are these things!?" yelled Kronos as the shadow creatures tackled him to the floor and began to savagly attack him.
Ratman began to try to talk with her as she looked on with anger and pain obvious in her eyes. Kronos fought through the shadows with his blood staining his body as he attempted to grab Jean.
"Oh no you don't!" I yell as I charged forword and begin to battle Kronos with all I had left.
OOC: One of the posters is having a bit of writer's block.... We should get it restarted soon though.
"Jean..." Ratman called. It broke through to me finally.
"Do you really want him dead?"
"Is that a trick question?" I hissed, tasting the chill in my voice.
"You always hated blood shed Jean...I know you're angry, understandably, but can you live with yourself after this...?"
"I..." The shadows curl around me as I draw them back. I feel so...tired. Too much power usage, still I straighten and look back to the fight. I have to help Renegade....
OOC: Yeah that threads realy long already. Wonder how much longer it will last.
IC: My fists plung into Kronos's body as I charge up my fists so that each one hurts more then the last. "You're not going to get away from this one old man" I tell him between punches as I continue my assault.
Kronos moves his head quickly which causes a horn to slash across my chest. I fall back with my hands over my chest as Kronos makes his way towards me.
"Oh no you don't you creature" says a voice out of nowhere as the invisible man leaps onto Kronos's back and returns to trying to nerve jab him.
The jabs have a better effect but still aren't as effective as they would be on a human. Kronos reaches back and grabs Invisible man and tosses him forword. He crashes into Sparrow, knocking them both out of the fight.
Kronos glares at me as Ratman and Jean made their way towards us.
IC: Kronos laughed then fired another large blast at Jean. She ducks but the blast hits Ratman dead on which knocks the caped crusader out of the battle with his buddys.
"Shit" I mutter as I get back to my feet. Been getting knocked down alot lately.
Before we knew what was happening, Whiz-Blade pops out and yells "C'mon! I'll take all of you on at once!" Kronos, Jean and I exchanged glances, then we all delivered a quick punch to Whiz-Blades jaw. Whiz flew backwards and landed on his ass.
So much for his help. Looked like it was now just me and Jean against Kronos. Oh goody...
OOC: *yawns* Love to...but I need sleep Last post for the night...
I stand beside Renegade feeling the shadows move again. I let them slip out, allowing the to become monsters again as I face Kronos. They lunge forward eagerly....
OOC: Night. Maybe we can finish Kronos off tomorrow then work on the 'celebration'.
IC: The creatures attach themselfs to Kronos and begin to strike at him and fall back with a great speed to avoid his blasts. I put my fists together and fire at Kronos with a long beam that knocks him to the wall.
As I continue this, I tell him "Today it will end Kronos. One way or another." I truly meant that with a passion...