The Adventures of Renegade and Shadowess


Putting my hand on Jeans shoulder, I tell her "C'mon Jean, we don't want to bother with this guy. He doesn't know what he's saying." Jean was still upset and those creatures in her shadows were realy starting to freak me out.

I just knew I had to get her out of there or else she would do something she'd regret for the rest of her life. How the hell did Wiz-blade know where we were anyways? I tried to get her to go "Let's get going, Jean."

I slowly nodded and the shadows moved back as Ratman and Renegade got me on Nightmare. Ratman got on his Rat cycle and we sped away from a pissed SuperZero.

We take off on our cycles to the bar for a get some drinks and work off some stress. Once we arrive, I help Jean off as we go into the place.

When we go inside, I 'see' the invisible man walking towards us "Hello my old friend, what brings you back here so soon?" He joins us as I explain our situation.


A dark figure looms in the shadows watching on as he awaits his chance to meet up with his 'son'.

I sighed as we walked into the bar. It was one of the few places that neither villian nor hero caused trouble. Mostly cause you got booted if you did and everyone needed a place to unwind and talk about the depressing parts of their profession.

I smiled at the murmurs of sympathy and was reminded of a few standing invites if it was needed during our conversation with Invisable Guy. Most were relieved that Renegade was staying with me. A lot of them had become my surrogent family. When your dad was a psycho (howeverable lovable) and your mother barely spoke to you, you took what you could.

After getting four drinks for myself, Jean, Invisible Man, and Ratman, I asked "Hey Invisible Man, have you ever heard of some guy named Kronos?"

He turned to me(from what I could tell with his hat)and said "Sounds like I would know it but can't put my finger on it. Why do you ask?"

Taking a drink, I tell him "Because I think he's found me and he wants to kill me." Everyone turns around and looks in surpris as I tell them "He's my step father..."


The dark figure picks up the trail of an older woman walking past the streets a few blocks down. Moving towards her, he sends a message into her head "I belive you're looking for your child? I know where she is..."

I raise an eyebrow and everyone else takes it almost as calmly after the initial surprise. Super-type thing.

"And you're just sharing now because...?" I prod.

I answer her question "I think he was at your place last night, inside the castle. He was able to get past the security and he was in my room." They all turn to me with surprise at this revelation.


Kronos continued to talk "I think I can help you get back the powers you lost to your kid, if you help me. You're husband created those collars that can turn off other powers right? You get me those, and I'll give you back your shadows."
Shadowess/ Mrs. Green

I look back at him, quite disturbed.

"Even Invis couldn't pull that off..."


"If you could do that...WHy not? I'll help you." Mrs. Green smirks.

[Edited by RoseThorn on 10-25-2000 at 12:25 AM]

Taking another drink from the glass, I tell them "Kronos is not like other villians. He can change shape. He adopted me when he realised the powers I had and tried to turn me for his needs. I finaly ran away a few years ago and have been in hiding here ever since. But now it looks like he's found me and... I dont think it would be safe if I stay with you anymore Jean." This brought a short silence to our table...


Kronos nodded "I can get you through your kids security and you lead me to those collars and I'll get you the shadows back."

"I'm not giving you a choice," I smirk, sipping my drink.

"At least my place has a security systtem..."

Shadow Mistress:

"I can do that, if you're sure you can get my shadows back."

Smiling at Jean, I tell her "I guess I'll have to stay with you then." Everyone at the bar was very relaxed and for the first time in awhile I think me and Jean felt like we were wanted.

"Oh I can, but first you get those collars for me. Let's go!" with that Kronos caused a black smoke to cover them both as he teleported to Jeans castle.

I sighed feel comfortable. This, and home, were the only two places I really felt this ok at. I groan softly when the door burst open and Whiz-Blade walks in.

Shadow Mistress:
Jean's mother grinned as they appeared inside her former husband'a lab.

Walking imedialtly over to a small cabinet she typed in an access code.

"Access denied. Please leave." The computers voice echoed in the large room.

IC: Oh great. What did this guy want? He never came to this place because he hated to 'talk with the enemy' as he always put it.

Staying in my seat, I ask with some anger in my voice "What do you want, Whiz-Blade?" He walks up to our table and looks us all over before he begins to talk.

A look of hate appeared over his face at the computers voice telling them that. Kronos put his hand to the access pad as some of his black smoke entered the key board.

"Do it again" he tells her with his voice still very low.

Mrs. Green typed in the same password but this time the computers voice echoed "Access granted." A grin appears over his face...

OOC: Not sure if you Whiz-Blade to be nice or mean to everyone so leaving it up to you.:)

"Give me Shadowess and I'll leave you alone. It's obvious she's done something to you all..." Whiz started.

Shadow Mistress pulled out a stack of collars.

"Here they are..."

Ratman and I were about to get up from our seats when Whiz-Blade pulled out two shards. "Don't try anything or else I'll start carving up everyone here" he warns us as he begins to approach us.

"What the hell is wrong with you lately, Whiz?" yelled Ratman from his seat as Whiz-Blade stood right next to use.

Whiz-Blade began to higher his voice "I'm just tired of this younger generation thinking they can change all that we've fought for! You can't tell the good guys from the bad guys anymore and I'm sick of it!"

Before he could do anything, he suddenly began to look dizzy as he fell to the floor. We all watched in confusion as he fell onto the floor with his blades still in his hands.

"One nerve pinch and he goes down for the count" said the Invisible man as whe put his clothes back on so we could see where he was.

He then apologised "Sorry for walking around naked like that, but I think it payed off."

We all laugh as two of the others tie up Whiz-Blade to keep him from doing anything else when we wakes up.


Taking all of them in his huge hands, he tells her "Let's get back to the bar and have some fun."

Shadow Mistress tells him "And then you'll get me my shadows back right?"

Kronos grins "Yes, you'll get back your shadows. Don't worry about that now let's go." The black smoke covered them both as they made their way back to the outside of the bar.

"I think..." I began softly.

"That Wiz may need a shrink...."

OOC: I'll let you do the next step w/ our two villians...:)

OOC: Well now they going to meet up and it aint going to be pretty. I'll try to post Kronos's profile if I can find it in the original Superhero League thread. I'll have to alter it to match this continuity first.

IC: Finishing my drink, I tell her "I think he needs more then a shrink. I think he needs an ego transplant. This guy has some serious problems to work through." Everyone begins to laugh when suddenly the doors to the bar are blown down by a huge blast of dark energy.

My eyes widen as I see who it is "You!" Kronos walks into the room and quickly takes down two superpowers that try to stop him.

His dark lips curl up into a grin as he tells me "It's time to go home boy."

Suddenly a collar flys forword and straps around my neck. "Got him!" yelled some older looking lady as she grined at being able to hit her target with the first throw.

Kronos fires a ball of energy at me that knocks me through into Whiz-Blade as we both go flying out the wall and into an alley. Invisible man runs to my aide as Kronos makes his way to the others.

I call on my earlier anger, snapping my mother hard into a wall using the shadows. I feel the monsters reforming in the shadows as I turn to face Kronos.

"That's really not polite...." I growl.

I slowly stand up after being fired threw the wall like that and look around. That jerk had knocked me into the back alley of the bar.

"You ok?" asked the invisible man as he helped me to my feet.

Nodding, I tell him "Yeah I'm ok, but what about Whiz-Blade?"

We see that the chair we tied him to is now broken to pieces and he's free but he's still knocked out.

Shruging, I tell Invisible man "Leave him there for now. In the meantime, we need to worry about Kronos."

Invisible man and I run back into the bar to see Jean about to take him on by herself. My fist curl up as I prepare to fire when I notice that no energy is coming out.

"What the hell is wrong with my powers?" I say outloud as I try again to turn them on but no luck yet.

Kronos laughs "That collar on your neck keeps you from using your powers boy. Which means I wont have to worry about you doing anything as I take care of your friends."

He was right, I was powerless to do anything right now because of this damn thing.

Kronos charged forword...

OOC: Kronos powers are teleportation, super strength and speed, fires black beams like Renegade but they're stronger. Has horns on his head and has black sking. Resembles a half man half bull hybrid without the extra hair and with red eyes.

The shadows moved as many creatures, drawing support from Jean. A giant menatar (half-bull) formed in front of her to meet the charge.

Can I have the shadows take off the collar? Mrs. Green's got a concussion I think, btw...

OOC: Sure.:)

IC: We watched as Jean began to move in on Kronos with Ratman and a couple of the other assorted heros and villians coming to her aid.

Invisible man told me "I'm afraid I am unable to remove this thing from you, Renegade. It must have some sort of trick to it that we are not aware of."

Crap! Where did this collar come from anyway? That girl that threw it at me, she was Jeans mom Shadow Mistress.

I tell Invisible man "See if Jean knows how to get this off, and hurry!" I watch as he makes his way to the battle scene.

"Sec..." I murmured as IM questions me. A giant claw rescues a hero just in time. I motion with a hand and a shadow moves to Renegades side. I reconized Dad's invention the moment mom used it.

Dad had locked them away for fear they would somehow hurt me. He'd even taught me the most insinificant details, just in case. No one ever said dad was normal. The shadows moved along the collar, finding a small series of buttons. A combanation later the collar fell off and was quickly absorbed by the shadows.

I turned back to the fight in time to be hit and slamned into a wall, the shadows caught me, but I was preaty sure my bruised ribs were now broken. I spun back to face Kronos and had the shadows punch him.

The collar was off and Jean was hurt. My powers slowly returned to me but the collar still had somewhat of an effect so I couldn't use them fully. The shadows swung at Kronos in a storm of fists that all hit him straight on. Kronos was flung back by this but landed on his feet and charged back at her.

I jumped in the way and began to fire my blasts at him in full force but they were still to weak to have much effect on him. I push jean out of the way as Kronos and I roll to the floor in a sea of punches from us both.

I let myself be moved, but only long enough to talk to the shadows.

*The collar, use it on Kronos...*

The shadows move quickly and wrap the collar around Kronos's neck with one move. I sigh, as I tell Jean "That won't work. Kronos isnt like us. He's not human at all. His powers are what he is."

Kronos smiles as he pulls off the collar "You know me all to well boy. Now let's take this outside." He levitates in the air and backs away from the bar and lands on a nearby building.

I had to stop running and end this now. I tell them "I'm going to meet him in a final battle. The rest of you should stay out of it."

I feel a hand on my arm "We're taking care of him Renegade. I have my own score to settle."

Before I can say anything, Ratman and Invisible Man join us "We're behind you on this kid. Kronos is going to have to deal with the four of us. I'll call up my ward and he'll meet us right away. The five of us will defeat this menace."

Smiling I nod and lead the way "Let's go."