The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

My favorite are wild strawberries. Just a delicious super concentrated strawberry flavor which more than makes up for their lack of size. I've never had a domestic strawberry that came close.
My favorite are wild strawberries. Just a delicious super concentrated strawberry flavor which more than makes up for their lack of size. I've never had a domestic strawberry that came close.
I think the thing with domestic strawberries is that they have all the flavor of wild stawberries spread out in a great, big berry. They managed to breed them bigger without making them better.
I think the thing with domestic strawberries is that they have all the flavor of wild stawberries spread out in a great, big berry. They managed to breed them bigger without making them better.
Wild strawberries taste very different to me - more like bubblegum. Some tame strawbs have plenty of flavour, but it's different.
That was the plan. I just kept thinking, it's sure nice looking out the window at her in the nice air conditioned house. And Jo is a sexy bitch when she working too.
Nope. Keeping your dad company to stop him from getting involved is a good daughter tactic. 😎
Yes, we had fun late night after the folks were in bed, Donnie was in bed, and we were in bed!
Coffee's on! You're on your own for additives.
Make mine black, strong, with no sugar or cream to fuck it please.
Coffee's on! You're on your own for additives.
Lawn's irrigated, melons, jalapenos and green chile is picked and chile is roasted, four pints of sliced cucumber pickles are cooling on the counter, along with six pints of fermented cucumber spears. Need to peel, clean, chop and freeze the chiles, then start another batch of cucumber spears fermenting.

Bronco's lasts preseason game starts in a couple hours. I should have the chile done by then. The rest of it, later. There are some things on the list that may not get done. Hell, it's past noon and I'm still in the shirt I slept in.
Good Morning! Coffee's on, birds are singing, and kids are going off to school. Don't let the day slip by.
Oops. Sorry, NW. It appears my wife ("C") made the coffee this morning after dumping what she thought was yesterday's dregs. She is exerting pressure for "a coffee kiss", a ritual we observe occasionally - she likes the taste and aroma of coffee, but doesn't like to drink it, preferring it "secondhand".

So, please, help yourself, but y'all have been warned.
High, y'all, it feels like it might be a shade cooler today around here. Jo and I are trying to make up our minds about what we are doing this weekend. Send with the parents, or take them up on their offer to take Donnie off our hands for the weekend so we can do something special. Of course, I don't like dumping my kid on them. Geeze, I've become Mum in some ways. Her idea of a holiday was for us all to be together.

Irish coffee, anyone?
High, y'all, it feels like it might be a shade cooler today around here. Jo and I are trying to make up our minds about what we are doing this weekend. Send with the parents, or take them up on their offer to take Donnie off our hands for the weekend so we can do something special. Of course, I don't like dumping my kid on them. Geeze, I've become Mum in some ways. Her idea of a holiday was for us all to be together.

Irish coffee, anyone?
Your Mum isn't the only one who thinks of it that way. When I was growing up, free time was always spent with family. Now that's how my wife treats our holidays. It's when we see our "kids." (Youngest turns 35 next month, hence the quotations marks).
Your Mum isn't the only one who thinks of it that way. When I was growing up, free time was always spent with family. Now that's how my wife treats our holidays. It's when we see our "kids." (Youngest turns 35 next month, hence the quotations marks).
This is the first time in 4 years that I'm going to take a vacation - I'm going to go to go spend it with the kids. (We're all going to catch the news from Lake Woebegone)
Me Too!
Your Mum isn't the only one who thinks of it that way. When I was growing up, free time was always spent with family. Now that's how my wife treats our holidays. It's when we see our "kids." (Youngest turns 35 next month, hence the quotations marks).
I have been inundated with articles and emails explaining Canadian slang - I think it's a warning from on high, "Look out it's August, winter starts in Canada in 3 weeks! Beware the Snowbirds!"
Here's the slang (most of which I grew up with)

Canuck - A Canadian, everyone uses it unless your hockey team is winning then suddenly to the losers it's an insult.

Keener - an enthusiastic person (I always thought it was the noise they made)

Parkade - Parking Garage (a new one on me)

Eavestrough - rain gutter. I didn't know this was Canadian in origin. I always thought it was part of "old people talk"

Stagette - Bachelorette Party. (Sounds like it's more fun than a british "Hen Party)

bachelor apartment - Studio apartment

Two-four - supposedly this means a case of beer that shockingly has 24 bottles of beer! (What else would a case contain?)

Mickey - a 375ml bottle of beer (12.7 oz) Different from an American "Little Mickey" which is a 12oz bottle. of Malt Liquor

Fire Hall - a fire station. People don't call their fire stations fire halls?

tuque - a knit hat not worn in Florida

Newfie - Somebody from Newfoundland. The article says that some Newfoundlanders see the word as an offensive slur. I've found that Torontoites do too.

The Rock - Either Newfoundland or Vancouver Island. (They should both have their hockey teams sort it out)

Cowtown - Calgary Alberta - party city of the prairie provinces!

Hoser - it's the word "dude" in Canadian. The article says it means idiot or loser, but I hear the rinkrats call each other that all the time