The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

I need coffee. I'm running my fingers through my hair in frustration. Got my 935 words done today and wondering whether its worth continuing. It's tough when you start doing actual work to avoid working on your fiction. So yes, coffee sounds lovely.

I hope everyone is having a chill day. Half way through the week tomorrow.
I need coffee. I'm running my fingers through my hair in frustration. Got my 935 words done today and wondering whether its worth continuing. It's tough when you start doing actual work to avoid working on your fiction. So yes, coffee sounds lovely.

I hope everyone is having a chill day. Half way through the week tomorrow.
935 words is pretty good, but real work does take a bite, doesn't it?

Welcome to the coffee shop. Have one on me while we all look forward to hump day.
Had a Doctor's appointment up in Georgia this morning. It's still weird to think that Georgia is "way up north." To me "way up north" was always Ontario or Saskatchewan (and sometimes Wyoming) (Rusty - that's Canada, except Wyoming, it's an unsettled territory) Then getting home from journey to the great green north (Their gas is cheap there!) I sat down and got to work. I got some writing to do!!!

Current projects open and in progress:
  • All Aboard Andi's Dream Ch 15 40% complete
  • Ensign Scarlett - The Attack - 5% complete
  • Stormwatch (Edit and novelize the series) - 10% complete
  • Enchantress (Re-edit the entire series and port over to WRIST) - 25% complete
  • Halloween Contest story - 0% complete
  • Winter Holiday Contest story - 0% complete.
I got some work to do if I want to go on vacation in 3 weeks...
935 words is pretty good, but real work does take a bite, doesn't it?

Welcome to the coffee shop. Have one on me while we all look forward to hump day.

Thanks. I do enjoy my coffee. And an occasional sweet treat to go with it. Looking forward to Friday.
I've been having melon with my morning coffee.

Power's out. Internet's down. I'm on my phone on the patio watching the night, Odd thing is that I was writing a story where the power was out when the power went out.
Our power down here on the Okefenokee is a sometimes thing. I should KNOW that whenever there's a cloud in the sky to break out the laptop and start charging the cell phone so I can use it as a Wi-Fi hotspot... learning has yet to occur.
Not sure why Xfinity is down. Power company tuned the power off to repair the line down the block.
We've had gale force winds here for the last two days, with gusts over 100km/h (60mph). I'm surprised the power hasn't gone out at some point.
Not sure why Xfinity is down. Power company tuned the power off to repair the line down the block.
The name says it all. I've been there when Xfinity went down for the stupidest reasons. Anytime you have a maintenance nightmare and somebody whose name ends with the letters VP gets involved, your service is going to stay down. Xfinity's two major products are people whose name ends with the letters VP, and severance packages for people whose name does not end with the letters VP. And if your service gets in the way of their political pandering, you may need to call Elon for a Starlink receiver if you want connectivity for the next month or so.

Bitter? NO! Not in the coffee shop - it's

Thanks. Just over the hump and on the slide to a four day anniversary weekend.

Wine and cheese will be consumed. Probably some gin by Bec. 😬
XFinity sez that service was restored a little before 2AM. Power was still out, so it made no difference.

Now we have a nice new power line in place, and the tree butchers are at work on the next street over, cleaning up whatever the power crew left. Don't know what to think about it, but the damaged old power line is still hanging from the poles.

I have the house mostly back to normal, and LibreOffice did a flawless job of recovering the story I was writing.
So, perhaps, @NotWise, 'twasn't wise to write about a power outage—a self-fulfilling prophecy thing and all.

Yeah. Spooky, isn't it? Like that time a few weeks back I was writing a mental image of a new character, and damned if I didn't meet a lovely lady fitting that very image the next day. I nearly blurted the character's name when addressing her in our brief chat.
How embarrassing would that be?

"Oh, So and So, how are you?" you ask.

"I'm not So and So, I'm Such and Such," she says.

"Terrible, sorry I got you mixed up with a woman. I have fucking twenty men in a story I'm writing."

"Oh, that doesn't creep me out at all."

Then her husband says, "Well, it angers me!" And he has you by twenty pounds and is several decades younger.
Yeah. Spooky, isn't it? Like that time a few weeks back I was writing a mental image of a new character, and damned if I didn't meet a lovely lady fitting that very image the next day. I nearly blurted the character's name when addressing her in our brief chat.
You always this dark? She and I had a very pleasant conversation for having not met before. I was in a locally-owned big hardware store, and I think she's the business owner's daughter - 40-ish or so. She was delightful.

Besides, I have a cover story in the (unlikely) instance I call a living person by a character's name, "Oh, I'm sorry. You look an awful lot like a friend from many years ago." You don't have the pleasure (????) of being old. It can be a cover for many sins.
More visits from the power company. Power was down and up several times. I asked about the hanging wire before they got away, and they said it isn't theirs; it's Comcast/XFinity or Qwest (the landline phone company).

I haven't had a relationhip with QWest (except that their lines are still connected to my house) for about twenty years, so I started with Comcast and got their AI assistant. What a pain in the ass.
More visits from the power company. Power was down and up several times. I asked about the hanging wire before they got away, and they said it isn't theirs; it's Comcast/XFinity or Qwest (the landline phone company).

I haven't had a relationhip with QWest (except that their lines are still connected to my house) for about twenty years, so I started with Comcast and got their AI assistant. What a pain in the ass.

Oh, utility companies are absolutely awful about cleaning-up abandoned lines and access boxes. Behind our studio there are phone lines drooping over the street that went to an apartment building we bought and tore down six or seven years ago. I'm waiting for the day a too-tall truck snags them and brings our power pole down with 'em. In fact there hasn't been landline service on the entire block since we razed the tenements - but the wires and junction box are still there. Annoying.
Oh, utility companies are absolutely awful about cleaning-up abandoned lines and access boxes. Behind our studio there are phone lines drooping over the street that went to an apartment building we bought and tore down six or seven years ago. I'm waiting for the day a too-tall truck snags them and brings our power pole down with 'em. In fact there hasn't been landline service on the entire block since we razed the tenements - but the wires and junction box are still there. Annoying.
Even worse - The water utility/company I worked for was replacing watermains in a town. We got the telco out to identify their live cable, as we knew they had replaced it relatively recently. Happy we'd done our due diligence, we merrily dug through everything, then a property owner came out and said he was cut off in the middle of a phone call.

The telco had forgotten to transfer ONE(!!!) line out of a 50 pair to the new cable.
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G'morning, Millie.

Project here is to work on the tags for a 12-chapter installment of a series finished a year ago but I was afraid to upload for a couple of excuses reasons. Current progress is slow since I get all involved in the re-read as my mind wants to live in the world I created. I'm falling in love with my characters all over again.
Because TxRad intended this also as a reading room, today I'll be reading. My current work in progress is in pretty good shape, and today I'm letting it lie so I can look at it more critically tomorrow. This gives me the opportunity to leave the card table by the far wall, and stretch out on the recliner. Maybe what I read will be something by one of you.