The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

Happy Reading and tagging.
G'morning, Millie.

Project here is to work on the tags for a 12-chapter installment of a series finished a year ago but I was afraid to upload for a couple of excuses reasons. Current progress is slow since I get all involved in the re-read as my mind wants to live in the world I created. I'm falling in love with my characters all over again.
Sure, I'll even soak them in some Jameson!
Because TxRad intended this also as a reading room, today I'll be reading. My current work in progress is in pretty good shape, and today I'm letting it lie so I can look at it more critically tomorrow. This gives me the opportunity to leave the card table by the far wall, and stretch out on the recliner. Maybe what I read will be something by one of you.
Today is the first day of the rest of...I don't know. Hopefully, the I don't know shrinks a little every day. Long weekend is coming up, and I'm looking forward to spending time with family this weekend. I'll see dear ole bro, always young Pops, the beautiful and vivacious Mum... Who could ask for more? Some would say, Sis and her family, I say saw her this year already twice which plenty of her never-ending disapproval. Now, if Bor-in-Law and nephews wanna show, that'd be fine.

Crème Brûlée is in the French Press if anyone wants a cup!
Hey there, here’s a story I wrote that’s performing like garbage, so maybe it is haha. Pathokinetic.

Can I get a black coffee and a biscotti to soothe my hurt ego?
I'm sitting over in the corner sipping my Earl Grey and reading "The Honor of the Queen" by David Weber.
Love the HH series. On Basilisk Station was one of the first dozen Sci-Fi novels I bought and I worked my way thru the entire series. Just reread Honor Among Enemies last weekend.
Greetings from the secret location of the Fortress of Familytude, where all is right with the world. Grilling lunch right now; well, Dad and Broinstine are. Burgers this go-round. Just checking in with all of you. I have my coffee in hand, and looking around the net for information.
Greetings from the secret location of the Fortress of Familytude, where all is right with the world. Grilling lunch right now; well, Dad and Broinstine are. Burgers this go-round. Just checking in with all of you. I have my coffee in hand, and looking around the net for information.
Ok, the answers to your questions are this:

Hypersonic, Frodo, and Canada.

Still trying to complete 2 books before I go on vacation in a couple of weeks, not sure if I can make it so I'm pouring all my time into one and I'll have to pick up #2 when I get home. Then I can start on Ensign Scarlett and the Attack on Mars.
Idea list for future projects:
Ensign Scarlett and the Attack on Mars
Lieutenant Scarlett and the Berserkers
Commander Scarlett and the Moon Maiden
Drank the coffee, ate the breakfast, and updated the desktop computer to the latest and greatest Ubuntu LTS release. Then I picked too many green chiles. Today's harvest was supposed to be very light, but I was very wrong. I think I'll edit that batch before I throw it on the grill.

Next step in the utility line saga: cable company says it ain't theirs and the phone company is sending someone to look at it tomorrow. I suspect it's an abandoned phone line--one they replaced with something newer and better then left hanging there.
Its a lazy Sunday here. I think, if Mum, Bro, Jo, and Pops keep Donnie occupied, me and the two cats (theirs and mine) will just drink coffee, check in here, and write today.
Good morning to most everyone. Coffee's on, teapot is rinsed and on the drain board.

Now, onto a couple of questions for a Halloween story.

What month does high school normally end?
Do some students take a gap year before going to college? I.e. Do something else before going.
When does college start?

Good morning to most everyone. Coffee's on, teapot is rinsed and on the drain board.

Now, onto a couple of questions for a Halloween story.

What month does high school normally end?
Do some students take a gap year before going to college? I.e. Do something else before going.
When does college start?

The answer to all three is "Depends"

The states are all different and so are the school systems. The final month of school in North Dakota is May, in many other states its June. either or works

Do some students take a gap year? Sure. I don't think it's hugely popular unless you're living on mommy & daddy's paycheck (I took two gap decades before getting my degree.)

For college classes start tomorrow.