The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

I'm just a mug employee, so we have to either use an agent, or the online tax office system. At each step, it monitors your input and goes "Are you sure you should be claiming that much? It's seems a bit high for an engineer..."
IRS was more helpful than that. There was a change in a deduction for dependent children that I didn't use. Some combination of details triggered them to review my returns, and they rewrote (I think it was) two years of returns to use the deduction. It was worth a couple grand.

It all happened before e-filing, so when my wife started doing the taxes she went to H&R Block. That lasted a few years, before conditions changed and she started paying for H&R Block's app and e-filed it herself. More recent changes in our finances and increases in individual deductions made it pointless to itemize deductions. Since then, the process has been easy.
That reminds me. I got an email from the Australian Tax Office yesterday. They say I have some cash waiting for me. You want to pick it up? I'll split it with you.
It's next Monday, and I'll be there.

Re: the ATO. If you can help with the FBI issue I seem to have, you've got a deal. 😂
I was making my tea and noticed the coffee pot was empty so I started a new pot. Enjoy!

Thank you. Up until 0300 working on a story. Too groggy here to make coffee. Likely to start the pot without grounds in the basket... not that I haven't done that before. 😞
Doin' good here, Millie, thank goodness.

Had a bit of a scare here yesterday, having to rush C to the ER for gut pain. We were afraid of appendicitis or any number of really serious problems. They determined she was okay, just a little bit of intestinal inflammation on top of a mild UTI. Trip to the pharmacy for antibiotics and she's already feeling better.
Some drama for me today.

My next-door neighbors' apartment caught fire inside an exterior wall; the assumption is it was electrical in origin. Fortunately there's a fire department only a half-mile away, so they managed to get here quickly, and just before it reached the second-floor roof. We were trying to slow it down with fire extinguishers but since it was inside the wall it didn't help much, but it might have bought our unit a minute or two of delay.

Thankfully, no one was hurt (nor any pets), and the damage to their apartment and the one above isn't catastrophic. A close call, a sigh of relief, and now maybe something to calm the nerves.
Some drama for me today.

My next-door neighbors' apartment caught fire inside an exterior wall; the assumption is it was electrical in origin. Fortunately there's a fire department only a half-mile away, so they managed to get here quickly, and just before it reached the second-floor roof. We were trying to slow it down with fire extinguishers but since it was inside the wall it didn't help much, but it might have bought our unit a minute or two of delay.

Thankfully, no one was hurt (nor any pets), and the damage to their apartment and the one above isn't catastrophic. A close call, a sigh of relief, and now maybe something to calm the nerves.

Glad that got resolved without more damage!
Coming out of lurking to say Hello to my fellow authors...

I've been writing here about a year and just posted my 11th story. Most of what I write is Romance - well, all of it is, really, except that the first series I wrote - "Love Among the Stacks" - started as First Time and moved to Romance as the story evolved. My second, "Violet" (currently in progress), is Romance all the way. I lean toward longer, slow-burn stories, trying for a feeling of real people dealing with real life in them. And most of the people I write are broken in some way, because that's what I feel when I write.

Anyway, saying hi. I'm going to try to come here more than I have. :)
Coming out of lurking to say Hello to my fellow authors...

I've been writing here about a year and just posted my 11th story. Most of what I write is Romance - well, all of it is, really, except that the first series I wrote - "Love Among the Stacks" - started as First Time and moved to Romance as the story evolved. My second, "Violet" (currently in progress), is Romance all the way. I lean toward longer, slow-burn stories, trying for a feeling of real people dealing with real life in them. And most of the people I write are broken in some way, because that's what I feel when I write.

Anyway, saying hi. I'm going to try to come here more than I have. :)
It sounds like Romance is probably the right place for you.
I've enjoyed three of my outings to Romance. The other one was a mistake, and the reaction from the Romance readers was stern. Romance has an active group of category police, and statistically they may be the most punitive 1*-voters on Lit. As a result, I'm cautious about what goes there.
I've enjoyed three of my outings to Romance. The other one was a mistake, and the reaction from the Romance readers was stern. Romance has an active group of category police, and statistically they may be the most punitive 1*-voters on Lit. As a result, I'm cautious about what goes there.
I'm not a huge fan of story police. If a story is in the wrong spot, I'll stop reading it. It's not my place to run the world, even the Lit world. The world's a shitty enough place without all of us enforcing rules that don't really hurt us most of the time.
I'm not a huge fan of story police. If a story is in the wrong spot, I'll stop reading it. It's not my place to run the world, even the Lit world. The world's a shitty enough place without all of us enforcing rules that don't really hurt us most of the time.
Some of the category police seem a little unbalanced, but for the most part I see the reasons. Romance is an enclave with a small readership, and they don't want to be overrun by generic couples erotica. On the other hand, if you give them what they're looking for, then the Romance readers' approval can propel your story to the top of a contest.
Some of the category police seem a little unbalanced, but for the most part I see the reasons. Romance is an enclave with a small readership, and they don't want to be overrun by generic couples erotica. On the other hand, if you give them what they're looking for, then the Romance readers' approval can propel your story to the top of a contest.
That makes sense. I just entered my first contest, and my story's doing okay. It's not quite as good as I pictured it being in my head. But it is a romance. :)
Coming out of lurking to say Hello to my fellow authors...

I've been writing here about a year and just posted my 11th story. Most of what I write is Romance - well, all of it is, really, except that the first series I wrote - "Love Among the Stacks" - started as First Time and moved to Romance as the story evolved. My second, "Violet" (currently in progress), is Romance all the way. I lean toward longer, slow-burn stories, trying for a feeling of real people dealing with real life in them. And most of the people I write are broken in some way, because that's what I feel when I write.

Anyway, saying hi. I'm going to try to come here more than I have. :)

I encourage you to stay involved here. It's a good way to learn about how your fellow authors do their thing, and you can get some helpful additional publicity for your stories as well. Good luck.
Spotted eggnog flavoured coffee creamer at the grocery store today. Too soon Walen, too soon.
*pours last drops of pumpkin spice creamer into coffee*