The High Tech Playground

Take alot more geekiness on your part to cancel out your estrogen, besides......geeky women can be really sexy.

Game Geek, Comic Geek, CG Geek here..oh and Apple Geek In Training.

GTA3 combines driving with having to complete tasks. It really is addicting. Between being able to killl everything and having to deal with weather conditions....add to that that you get to have sex and can choose from different radio stations when driving. Supposedly Vice City is going to be great. It has gotten good reviews at E3....

I don't think too many people associate sexiness with geekiness. I think I know ummm two!
Nicodemus said:
Take alot more geekiness on your part to cancel out your estrogen, besides......geeky women can be really sexy.

Game Geek, Comic Geek, CG Geek here..oh and Apple Geek In Training.

GTA3 combines driving with having to complete tasks. It really is addicting. Between being able to killl everything and having to deal with weather conditions....add to that that you get to have sex and can choose from different radio stations when driving. Supposedly Vice City is going to be great. It has gotten good reviews at E3....


geeky or not ....if your sexy your sexy...:p
one mans geek is anothers aphrodite. sexiness is in the eye of the beholder. some used to think that big ugly hunks of metal where sexy. whoops some still do. besides who better to have around when the vibrator breaks than a geek?
Re: Re: Re: Re: MMMMMM walking in and looking

oogieboogie said:

Hey, get that Sexy ass back here !!!:D
We need to have some estrogen in this thread.;)

Damn Brat.:devil:

Well if I run into a problem I certainly know where to go...huh..:D

Better find that horny thread....:eek:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: MMMMMM walking in and looking

1sexylady said:

Well if I run into a problem I certainly know where to go...huh..:D

Better find that horny thread....:eek:
Welcome back sexy geek. :kiss:

This is the place for questions. ;)

Isn't every thread a horny thread here in Lit. :confused:
Looking at a geek weekend!!!

Got rained out, and don't go back to work until Monday, and my mind is turning to geekdom....
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: MMMMMM walking in and looking

oogieboogie said:

Welcome back sexy geek. :kiss:

This is the place for questions. ;)

Isn't every thread a horny thread here in Lit. :confused:

I reek like gun oil!!!

I have spent the last little while stripping and detail cleaning a Russian Mosin-Nagant model 1891 bolt rifle, made in 1916. It had been packed away many years ago in cosmoline, which is great at protecting steel from moisture, but is a bitch to get off metal parts.

This is one of those toys with history, and I wish it could talk. This is a Czarist weapon, of military origin, in original military condition, and could very well have been present for the Russian Revolution.

For any task of this nature, unless you were trained by the military to disassemble and reassemble your rifle blindfolded, a good manual with pictures is very helpful. Few tools are needed, but you do need whichever ones are required. This one only required a 3/16" straight screwdriver.

Once I have finished cleaning the rest of the steel, I will strip and re-oil the stock, and reassemble the rifle. This one will not be a museum piece - it will be a shooter. It most likely will not need to be broken down this far for many years.

Projects like these are great for cloudy afternoons....
Re: I reek like gun oil!!!

mbb308 said:
I have spent the last little while stripping and detail cleaning a Russian Mosin-Nagant model 1891 bolt rifle, made in 1916. It had been packed away many years ago in cosmoline, which is great at protecting steel from moisture, but is a bitch to get off metal parts.

This is one of those toys with history, and I wish it could talk. This is a Czarist weapon, of military origin, in original military condition, and could very well have been present for the Russian Revolution.

For any task of this nature, unless you were trained by the military to disassemble and reassemble your rifle blindfolded, a good manual with pictures is very helpful. Few tools are needed, but you do need whichever ones are required. This one only required a 3/16" straight screwdriver.

Once I have finished cleaning the rest of the steel, I will strip and re-oil the stock, and reassemble the rifle. This one will not be a museum piece - it will be a shooter. It most likely will not need to be broken down this far for many years.

Projects like these are great for cloudy afternoons....

Wow that sounds interesting...I love old things....I go out driving and stop in old churches just to look at the wood or other furnishings....:)
*grins* i have rifle 004 off of the smith&wessen line of squirrel guns (22) at least i think it's SW....

someone tried to convince me that by sawing off the barrel of a rifle, you make it more powerful, what kind of moron would do that? it does nothign for the power! only makes it short and inaccurate! and he said he could do this for a 30/30. *shakes his head*
Re: Re: I reek like gun oil!!!

1sexylady said:

Wow that sounds interesting...I love old things....I go out driving and stop in old churches just to look at the wood or other furnishings....:)

I make money to buy old guns by renovating old houses....
Khadgar said:
*grins* i have rifle 004 off of the smith&wessen line of squirrel guns (22) at least i think it's SW....

someone tried to convince me that by sawing off the barrel of a rifle, you make it more powerful, what kind of moron would do that? it does nothign for the power! only makes it short and inaccurate! and he said he could do this for a 30/30. *shakes his head*

You are right, and your friend is mistaken. It's a simple matter of physics...
lol another part of my brains here, physics. i'm a big physics buff. hey, got to know how the world works right? yeah, so i was laughing at him as soon as he said it. theres no change! to become more powerful, either bigger shell, more propellant, or higher velocity.

can't have a bigger shell, only 30/30 rounds, can't change the bullet.... well you can.... but no, no one does that.


VIFDAT (initial velocity, final velocity, distance, acelleration, time)
the vifdat laws do nothign for sawing off the barrel!

and it's not a wave thing, and refraction or diffraction have nothign to do with it! i was laughing at him so hard....

of course *sighs* since he said "i'm a guns expert, i own a shop" everyone took his word and called me an ass. oh well. let them try it.
Re: Looking at a geek weekend!!!

mbb308 said:
Got rained out, and don't go back to work until Monday, and my mind is turning to geekdom....
Same here, usually spend it in front of the computer, playing video games, and hanging w/ our friends and gettin' ~high~

Re: Re: I reek like gun oil!!!

1sexylady said:

Wow that sounds interesting...I love old things....I go out driving and stop in old churches just to look at the wood or other furnishings....:)
Very cool, you can find some pretty cool stuff in old churches. :D
Khadgar said:
lol another part of my brains here, physics. i'm a big physics buff. hey, got to know how the world works right? yeah, so i was laughing at him as soon as he said it. theres no change! to become more powerful, either bigger shell, more propellant, or higher velocity.

can't have a bigger shell, only 30/30 rounds, can't change the bullet.... well you can.... but no, no one does that.


VIFDAT (initial velocity, final velocity, distance, acelleration, time)
the vifdat laws do nothign for sawing off the barrel!

and it's not a wave thing, and refraction or diffraction have nothign to do with it! i was laughing at him so hard....

of course *sighs* since he said "i'm a guns expert, i own a shop" everyone took his word and called me an ass. oh well. let them try it.

Well now, I think this thread is going to be very interesting. :D
COOL :catroar: :catroar:

Hey on Comedy Central has Battle Bots on now. :)
hmm just thought about it, you may think that sawing off the barrel would bring down the distance, and therefore shortening the impulse. (the shorter the impulse, the more powerful) but the barrel has nothing to do with the impulse of the bullet, the hammer does.

does anyone follow me on this at all? or should i stop now? *grins at oggie* oh yeah, battle bots is good stuff.... they should bring back "Blendo!"
Shortening a barrel reduces bullet energy!!!

Khadgar said:
lol another part of my brains here, physics. i'm a big physics buff. hey, got to know how the world works right? yeah, so i was laughing at him as soon as he said it. theres no change! to become more powerful, either bigger shell, more propellant, or higher velocity.

can't have a bigger shell, only 30/30 rounds, can't change the bullet.... well you can.... but no, no one does that.


VIFDAT (initial velocity, final velocity, distance, acelleration, time)
the vifdat laws do nothign for sawing off the barrel!

and it's not a wave thing, and refraction or diffraction have nothign to do with it! i was laughing at him so hard....

of course *sighs* since he said "i'm a guns expert, i own a shop" everyone took his word and called me an ass. oh well. let them try it.

Okay, force=mass x acceleration. The bullet final velocity is dependent on how much accelaration you can impart to it. This is done by the burning powder inside the cartridge, and this acts on the bullet as long as it is still in the barrel.

Reducing barrel length reduces the cylinder inside which the burning powder's expanding gasses can continue to affect the bullet. For a given rifle with a 24" barrel and bullet exit velocity of, say 2800 feet per second, reducing the rifle barrel length to 18" reduces the bullet exit velocity to somewhere between 2200-2400 FPS, all other factors remaining equal. Reducing velocity reduces bullet energy, as noted above. The reduction on final velocity in shortening barrels is dependent on bullet mass and atmospheric conditions, and the initial and final lengths of the barrels tested.

I have never tested this myself, but only read about it....
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Old Russian Rifle

Anti-fouling cleaner is in the bore, and stripper is on the wood .... waiting for the chemicals to work ....
More Old Russian Rifle

The stock and handguard cleaned up fairly well - they are regularly dented, and the dents are almost impossible to clean, so I did the best I could....I stripped the stock three times, and washed it off with paint thinner and a Scotchbrite pad each time, then rinsed the whole thing with thinner and a rag. I then sanded with 240 grit paper, which gummed up quickly. I rinsed and wiped a couple times in between and sanded again, getting the surface as uniform as possible. Then I oiled the stock with Olympic furniture oil, matte finish. The first coat is drying, and it will take two more, with rubbing in between....

The barrel bore is being a bastard to is heavily fouled and greased - it probably hasn't been cleaned using modern chemicals ever, and it shows. This is simply a matter of perseverence - I will defeat the grime!!!!
Just wondering thru....trying to act intelligent...and it does reek of gun oil in here...but at least I know where my *houseboy* is spending his time..

And darned if I didn't see my *gal* sexylady strolling thru...

I don't claim to have any *geekiness*...The only time I tried video games or games of any kind...I got laughed off the couch by the grandkids!!!

But it is an interesting thread you have going and I enjoyed reading it ..maybe by brain may pick up something..
Actually my love is for old houses, antiques..and even old cemetaries....collecting old bottles...

*slipping out the door now* back where I belong in the *kitchen*