The Search For Mecca OOC

My PC as faulty comm link, people. You picture him half buried under a pile of leaves, trying to get unnoticed by the Dendrens. He is just whispering to the thing and crossing his fingers someone friendly picks the call on the other side...
Anxious to have the group stumble upon you, eh Qyron? Well, where would you imagine your character to be in relation to the group?
What did you wanted me to cry out, Jedi? Blood? Nah! Too much of a cliche for me.
The "Ketchup! Where´s the ketchup?!" scene is a snippet from a Bugs Bunny cartoon, where the tale of Goldy Locks is parodied.
I was thinking about that and it would probably make sense considering everyone else has camouflage. I'm going to slightly alter my last post to make some things clear, thanks to Jedi for pointing it out :).
Well, the next question would be what type of camouflage? Jack has the type that allows him to blend in with his surrounds by changing colors and breaking up his outline while Zoe has one that simply makes her invisible. There are other types as well, but those two are perhaps the most common.
If you're doing a Google search for camo, you're most likely to find the present day forms of camouflage, which is what Jack's adaptive camo suit is based off of. Zoe's stealth suit is what you're most likely to find in sci-fi.
Yeah I went to wiki and looked at all the real life stuff and have checked out some external links for more sci-fi stuff. For her purpose I don't think Clara would have anything more than the most basic. Which leans me towards Jedi's since it's more feasible as a standard issue camo. So unless I find something effective and simple otherwise I think I'm going with that camo. The invisibility I think wouldn't be something cost-effective for every soldier to have and only people like Zoe would be given them since they are getting closer to the enemy than others. :S
An adaptive camo suit for Clara? Or is it the standard Battle Dress Uniform?
Mmmm after reading some more wiki I think I'm just going to go with a regular army combat uniform, so it doesn't adapt or anything but naturally blends well with the setting.
Classic style BDU or digi-camo? Digi-camo is much more effective than the classic style, so I would recommend that.
I'm looking at the new stuff that's replacing the old BDU's the digi-camo seems to be common place now or soon will be so i'm going on the assumption that it is the standard in the future.
Mary, you can have the honor of tying Qyron's little gunfight into our little group. I'm gonna disappear for a little while, but I'll be back.