The Xavier Institute For Higher Learning

Outside the Danger Room

“What has happened mageling? Why does the professor call to us?”

The booming voice came from behind him. He’d almost gotten used to Skoll, but something about the feral student that still gave Feron the willies.

“Seriously, I know you’re seven feet tall and weight about the same as Logan’s motorcycle, but you can’t keep sneaking up on me like that,” Feron said to Skoll as he hovered slightly away from the hulking beast. “And I’m not entirely sure why the Professor called us here. It’s probably to watch Wolverine and Cyclops rip off another Danger Room session, but who knows. Maybe one of these days we’ll get a chance to show off our stuff in there.”
Skoll smiled in a way that only he could, his lips curling back and his fangs projecting, he laughed a deep booming laugh. "You should be able to sense me coming Feron," he continued laughing heartily, "If I am so large." he said as his laughter subsided. "I too hope we can enter the Danger room soon, I shall prove my mettle in glorious battle!" he said thrusting his arm into the air and deploying his armblade with a mighty howl.
skoll certainly could be imtiminating. it was enough to tick him off a little. "skoll, please dont be so loud. it harms the ears, which as you might have noticed, are preety usefull". "as to cyclops and wolverine taking over the danger room, i think it would bore them, unless the action was way cool or they were demonstrating to us". (under his breath) "and demonstration is not needed!"

"feron, would you mind not levitating so much? i get nervous when people float around me. i might bump into them".

skoll was annoying, but at the same time, he had a right to be the way he was. he had a natruly load voice, and a wolf like body. he was like that because he was. maybe he would have been a very ugly normal human. it might be some form of mercy from fate. that could be true of most mutants... whatever it was, jake didnt mind skoll.
after that little annocement, jake had to remind himself that skoll had a big ego. he was more and more like wolverine everyday. and that was not good.

"skoll, you can prove youself by not being trouble, and doing your best. and that might mean ripping the danger room apart".

then he grimmised, and also added, "it also might mean watching combat training and behaving and listining."
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Outside the Danger Room

“Sorry Jake, levitation is what I do. It’s just a natural thing to me, almost like being ugly is to Skoll. It just happens.” Feron shot Skoll a grin and a slight chuckle. “Just kidding, tiny. Wouldn’t want you to try and break me in half now.”
"i dont mind that much feron, just try not to get to close. that shouldnt be hard, if levitation is natural to you."

"and skoll is not ugly. he is man and wolf together. that might be ugly to you, but to me its nature. but if he were all human (with mutant ability) maybe he would be ugly. chances are we wont find out".

althou, he thought, anything seems to go at anytime when your a mutant. dont you agree profesor? (thought directed toword xavier)
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Magik at the Danger Room door

"Are you boys quite finished yet?" She asked teasingly. "We're supposed to be gathering here not having a what is it the American's call it? 'Having a pissing contest?' I think it is..." She chuckled at the looks on their faces and smirked. "What? You think I don't know these things?" She looked Skoll over and smiled sweetly at him. "There's nothing wrong with Skoll. He reminds me of Beast....but with Wolverine's personality."
"i agree he has wolverines personality, but he dosnt resemble beast". *looks closly at skoll*. "at all, me thinks".

jake is slightly shooked at the language, but it help him lose some stress.
Professor Xavier

Listening silently the Professor heard his students quabble but did not reply. It was not because his mind was on other matters but because their rivalry, how they interacted was something he was intently focused on. He heard a thought from Jake and admired the young man. For someone with such a scarred childhood the fact that Jake still believed in Xavier's dream renewed his resolve and gave him hope.

As they entered the Danger Room the Professor finally spoke.

"A disease in Pakistan that accelerates aging? That is troubling. It reminds me of rumors I've heard recently regarding certain government organizations running simulations in which they distort and manipulate time. I will research the issue and I want you to show me what you've found. If there is a scientific basis then Beast....." the Professor's voice trailed off.

Pausing for a moment he looked at Warfly.

"Matthew, your father was injured in a Danger Room simulation today. He is fine. You will be able to see him now but it is imperative you not panic. Elixir and I will care for him but having you there will help." Xavier said.

He played close attention to Warfly's reaction. He had not gathered these particular students haphazardly. He had chosen them for a purpose. To give them a test they would not get at other schools, but to also give them an opportunity they would receive no where else.

Cyclops watched as Elixir and Forge rushed into the Danger Room. Helping Scott lift Beast on a stretcher Elixir looked sternly.

"Beast has taught me so much about healing and medicine. I may need the help of Forge to create some instruments and the Professor may need to extract medical information from Beast's mind telepathically but I will save him. But it may take time." He says as he begins to wheel Beast away.

"We'll be in the infirmary." he says as Forge and Elixir begin to ascend one floor to infirmary above the Danger Room.

As they leave Cyclops watches another group enter. Led by the Professor he sees a group of some of the Institute's top students and some of their most promising.

"Hello Sir." Cyclops says as he stands up and looks at the Professor.

"Hello Cyclops." The Professor says with a strange smile. He looks at his first student, the embodiment of his dream. He has led by action and example. Today, the Professor wants to gauge just how much his students current and former have learned.

"Ladies and Gentleman, prepare yourselves. We're going to have a pop quiz."
Magik straightened up immediately as she saw Cyclops. This was no nonsense time now. She tightened up a few loose ends on her outfit and did some stretches to ready herself. She wasn't going to let the Professor down!
when jake heard the words "pop quiz", he got exited. he loved to test his knowledge. but after calming down, he thought that it was probably not an ordinary pop quiz. knowing the profesor, it was something unexpected, unusual, and very fun/frustrating. he hoped it wasnt too hard. then again, if skoll was here, he could probably manage. but something was telling him it might involve some fighting. he hoped he was telling him that. whatever, he was ready

he did some quick mental exersizes, saw magik streaching, said "good idea" and did some streching himself, and was ready.

ooc: shag i couldnt pm you so ill tell u now that i made the last edit (i think) i my bio and labled it. its underlined.(not the edit itself). ok.
Professor Xavier

"Thank you for joining us Mr. Gibson." the Professor says.

Moments later the mutant called Specter materializes his cheeks reddened from obvious embarrassment.

Without turning to face Specter Xavier stands facing his X-Men holding a sheet of papers. An electronic surge flashes in front of him and Danger stands with the X-Men.

"Hellion...Cyclops...Wolverine...Noctorne...Beast....and Danger. I am holding the results to your Danger Room Simulation session. Unlike most exams the results will be made public. Your triumphs and your mistakes. Why? Because your lives are public. This is a learning Institute like no other. Your mistakes will not be private outside of it, nor will they be inside. " Xavier says as he lifts the paper.

"Noctorne. You were named Team Lead of X-Calibre. As Hellion correctly stated when Beast, Cyclops and Wolverine were unavailable you were the senior X-Men. You were wise to protect the students, their safety is our chief responsibility. But against a villain like Vulcan, they would never see the completion of their study if he were to attack the institute. You should have used your positions as Team Leaders to teach them as quickly as possible and prepare them to fight. Vulcan was once an X-Man. His arrival here did not happen but should have been prepared for. Overall your grade is: Incomplete"

Turning toward Wolverine the Professor said "Logan. Despite what others may think I know that beyond the fury and rage that is so evident. Behind that is a calculating, highly strategic mind. Which is why I was so disappointed that you did not exercise the same restraint as your teammates. Vulcan can control magnetism Wolverine. He is as powerful as the man who came the closest to killing you. The only reason you were able to even approach him is that you caught him by surprise. Danger's simulation of Vulcan showed him shocked and surprised. Did you not think to talk to him and investigate why? He could have incinerated you at any moment. Fighting him would be futile. Your grade is: D"

"Scott, you and Beast did too little. Not using your powers against him is wise but Logan had the correct idea. Just standing around doing nothing accomplished exactly that. Why did one of you not at least attempt to talk to him further while the other look for any visual clues that may have helped us understand what happened and why the House of M may have been there?

"Hellion. Of all the X-Men today, you were the most impressive. It was wise not to try to engage Vulcan. Despite his threat you realized you had neither the forces nor the ability to fight Vulcan. Your research, finding information on our foe was also impressive. Today Hellion, you were the strongest among us." The Professor says.

"Except for this."

A holographic simulation of Hellion's exact behavior on the computer surfaces.

"Did you really not know the Danger Room records every session!? Your behavior jeopardized lives! Is this how you reward our faith in you Julian? Yours was by far the most disappointing performance today."

"And yours" Xavier says as he turns to Danger.

"Was the most pleasing. Thank you for proving my trust was not misplaced. You see, today my X-Men every protocol I ever programmed telepathically and electronically within Danger was removed. I felt it my responsibility, that just as I trust each and every one of you not to hurt your fellow X-Men that I should also trust her. Danger could have killed every last one of you today. And she didn't. By doing so she has proven my trust. A+. Well done."

[/I]"Today, X-Men you will get a chance to redeem your mistakes. Hellion, Noctorne and Wolverine. You will resume your role as Team Leads and amend your errors. Wolverine you will replace Beast. Each of you may choose one student to take with you on today's simulation. Your mission will be a simple but important one. Once you have made your selections, it will begin."[/I]
to say jake was in shock was an understatement. for 3 seconds his mind was utterly still. unfrotunatly, whenever he was in shock, menory pored in. if the profesor could have read his mind then, it would have been in utter agony and despair. hence why he was only in shock for 3 seconds. he had gotten used to getting rid of it over the years. still, the grading was a bit to take in.

the x men must be in rough shape. and now they were given a second chance. jake thought that the criteria for students would probably be higher, so he stood still, awaiting being picked or not. if he wasnt, he would talk to the proffesor and watch the sesson. or maybe just watch. he trusted danger, so if he was chosen, he would trust her.

his eyes shone with determination, as did the rest of his body. but beneith the surface, caution showed. after all, if the prime x men got low grades, he would have to be very carefull indeed.

ooc: me glad we are on a role now haha.
p.s. shag, start italics like this
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ooc: its 12:00am! yaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
time to go sleep. bye! waves. hhehe

Skoll did not appreciate Jake's words. "I follow my orders to the letter little one, I have put not a claw out of line. You would do well to appreciate the honour and glory to be achieved in battle." Skoll then smiled his wolvish smile at Magik. "Thank you Ilyana, You honour me with your words." he said, bowing his head.

Upon hearing the professor's words, he felt dishonoured on his father's behalf, but the professor was in charge, and Skoll knew that Xavier was well worthy of honour. So he stood still awaiting further words from his superiors.

Wolverine was in disbelief at his grade but accepted the Professor's judgement. He had done what he thought best, even if Xavier didnt approve. Once he heard the orders for the next simulation he smiled. "Eirik, your with me." he said turning to his adopted "son". Logan didnt quite know what it was but something about the beast others called Skoll made his paternal instincts come to the fore.
rengadeirishman said:
Skoll did not appreciate Jake's words. "I follow my orders to the letter little one, I have put not a claw out of line. You would do well to appreciate the honour and glory to be achieved in battle." Skoll then smiled his wolvish smile at Magik. "Thank you Ilyana, You honour me with your words." he said, bowing his head.

Upon hearing the professor's words, he felt dishonoured on his father's behalf, but the professor was in charge, and Skoll knew that Xavier was well worthy of honour. So he stood still awaiting further words from his superiors.

"i meant no offense, wolfish one. i do not watch you at evey moment, i am in no place to judge your combat. or your honor. however, after this training, perhaps i shall".
wolverine obiously chose his son. but who would hellion and nocturne choose? spector could manipulate shadows, and feron could levitate etc. noctuurene was likly to cose from them. so nocturne would possibly
choose feron. he was probably more usefull to ehr then specter. and heelion would most likly choose warfly or him. 50% chance. so he tutrned his attention to hellion (giving nocturne only slightly less) and tried to look ready for the test to come.

this was slightly edited
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Into the Danger Room

The results were going to be public? Crap. The Professor was going to see that Julian didn’t take a direct command lead and still relied on Cyclops for direction. Damn. Well, there goes the chance for another team lead position.

Nocturne gets an incomplete, ouch. Julian thought she had done a pretty decent job locking down the Institute. Most of the students wouldn’t have stood a chance against Vulcan anyways, he thought. And Logan, getting a D, that was harsh. He was the one to take action against Vulcan, to try and disable the threat. True, he was overmatched, but he knew he had backup. Even if his backup didn’t really do much in the way of action against Vulcan.

"Hellion. Of all the X-Men today, you were the most impressive.”

That was a bomb that Julian was not expecting. The Professor continued to praise, and Julian’s pride began to swell, thinking he had outperformed some of the top X-Men at the Institute.

Then came the bombshell.

"Except for this." The lack of concentration on the mission, the boredom, the goofing off. Crap. He was going to be hearing about this for some time. “Yours was by far the most disappointing performance today."

Well, that was the end of that. Back to being second banana to someone else. Julian figured that maybe, in a few weeks, he could ask the Professor to give him another chance at a Team Lead. Hopefully he could redeem himself.

"Today, X-Men you will get a chance to redeem your mistakes. Hellion, Noctorne and Wolverine. You will resume your role as Team Leads and amend your errors. Wolverine you will replace Beast. Each of you may choose one student to take with you on today's simulation. Your mission will be a simple but important one. Once you have made your selections, it will begin."

Oh hell yes, Julian thought. Now it’s time to turn it up and really show off what he could do. Julian grinned widely. If he was going to redeem himself, it would have to be in a truly spectacular way. Plus, he’d be able to show the Professor that he had been listening to Cyclops, and understood that diversification of power was a key to success.

“C’mon flyboy,” Julian said to Warfly, “Let’s get this show on the road.”

Feron had been itching to get in on a Danger Room scenario after he had first observed the X-Men in action during training. He wanted in, and he wanted in badly. He swung himself over towards Nocturne, hovering just to her right and slightly behind her.

“Hey TJ, what do you say? Want to at least give me a shot at one of these training sessions?”

He was more nervous than he had ever been. While he was thrilled at the chance to get into the Danger Room and let his powers get a real workout, he didn’t want to screw things up like Hellion had. He held his head up, squared his shoulders, and crossed his arms.

“I won’t let you down.”
Magik stood still, watching silently as Wolverine chose his son Skoll and Hellion chose Warfly. She and Specter were the only two left it seemed. She wondered who would choose next and also who she would be teamed up with. She tried hard to reign in the need to fidget, but a few nervous movements escaped her control. This was huge, to be tested then graded in front of the whole school! She was nervous now as she went over possible scenarios in her head. She hoped she would do well. Until then she would continue to wait.

Warfly stood and took in the news about his father. Sure he was hurt, but at the moment there were more important things to be done.

though when he heard TJ's Grade he almost went nuts.

Helion chose him, and he nodded.

'Ok, i'm ready.'

TJ felt stunned by Xaviers comments, but also better for her. she understood how critism could make her better than she was, and she new what it ha dbeen like for her father.

She looked at the students deciding which to choose. She immeadiatly decided to not choose Warfly as they were in a relationship, and any simulation or work done could be jeapodised by that.

Skoll was out, leaving Magik, Feron, Specter and Psycho.

Magik... The weilder of the soulsword
Feron... The levitating Shapeshifter
Specter... The Shadow Blender
Jake // Psycho... to describe him

Jake was perhaps too much of a loose cannon, and Tj had never really liked Magik that much, having preffered her brother Peter. She couldn't have her becuase she wouldn't be able to stop her feelings, plus there magic capabilities would clash.

That left Specter and Feron...

Feron also had magical potential, and Specter didn't, but Feron did have shapeshiting going for him.

TJ ran a hand through her hair.

'Ok...Feron, I choose you.'