Three Things You’d Rather Be Doing

Talking to my Scandie Girl
Listening to my SG
Just being silent with my SG
Having a coffee with a close friend.

Chatting about getting down and dirty with said friend.

Getting down and dirty with said friend.
1. Going for a drive to the coast for the weekend in a Jaguar sports car.......2.with a beautiful woman who digs me.......... and 3...finding the meaning of true love. it old in here or is it just me?
Taking a shower
Going for a nice long walk
Enjoying breakfast

Changing the last one to spending time being kind.
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Already been on one walk this morning (started to rain)

1-Do some mall walking
2-Call my Sister
3-Paint my toes
1:Walking somewhere without looking over my shoulder.
2: Talking to someone not about work and whom seems interested about me.
C: Turning off my phone and just f****ng ignoring all the requests for updates.
D: eating something nice.
Apologies I added one.
1. Soaking in my hot tub/swim spa
2. Getting out of the house and going somewhere to eat breakfast
3. Getting hard
1. Going for a walk around DC.
2. Meeting a Litster for a platonic lunch.
3. Getting a pedicure. Yes those hooves are a little rough.
Doing anything with my SG
Exploring the history section of a really good library
Catching some extra sleep
Writing an SRP.
Taking a long bike ride.
Curling up with a good book.