Tunnels & Trolls The campaign begins...

Shan'do grumbled to himself. Yet more dwarves to share the company of the fire. Ye gods! It's like they were just spinging out of the ground! Taking up a torch, he lit it in the ifre. "I'm gonna go and find some supplies for arrows. Shouldn't be long" Making sure he had all his gear, Shan'do walked off into the forrest, looking for suitable branches

Detton picked up his pitchfork, and clutched it to himself. He got up, and started moving slowly towards where the sound of scurrying was coming from. He glanced over at the townfolk saved from the Trolls, and motioned them to move from the area as he went forward to investigate.
Aralia was smiling at the woman accepting her thanks "It really was no problem.." her words trailed off as her eyes caught something shiny. Her eyes narrowed, spider webs? Those were rather large. She knew of spiders that built webs that large and they weren't cuddly creatures and far from harmless. She stood adjusting her hood securely and called to her companions. "Be on gaurd." she said her eyes never leaving the webs. Spiders never strayed far from their webs.
Tho still cautious of the merchent, Alonria Trusted in Tol'Chuk's Jugment when it came to others of his kind, and agreed to let the merchent, and his companions pass the night with them. Smiling her thanks to one of the women who handed her some of the food she gathered her bow and went to stand watch.
Shan'do wandered deeper into the woods, torch in one hand, sword in the other, pushing aside branches and webs. "Ye gods! How did spiders spin such big webs out here...?"

Stopping in a dense area of forrest, he used the torch to take in his surroundings, taking not of the several sets of red eyes watching him. "With luck, the fire will keep whatever is out there at bay..."
Rowena thanks the young boy for the meal by nodding. The dwarf decided that it was alright for the merchant to stay.. so she decided not to get involved her cause was jsut to make suer that everyone would live through the night .. better she took watch first so that she coudl be up for devotion in the dawn.. for now she would keep her eyes open incase anything should bother thier camp...

Upon hearing the Dwarfs talk about the spiderwebs Rowena decides to watch and be alert. She watches as the others head towards the spider web knowing that this would not be good if everyone left to investigate the spiderwebs.. she leaned under a tree and kept her quaterstaff at the ready in case the others would need her help should anything go wrong she would be ready ...
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The adventure continues


With your word it seems agreed that the merchant and is escorts can stay. The dwarfs grunt and after tending to the animals they come over and sit down buy you...Braut carries a medium size barrel and Dek bring three beer steins and passes them out. The ale is of a special dwarven brew known as Yale. It is very smooth but very strong with a delay on the ususual feelings one gets when you escape soberity.

The merchant also is willing to share as he hands out sugar cookies to all of the children and produces a jug of cider.


As the food is pasted out and conversation go on around the bonfire you venture out into the night in the direction of the the web. Your sure your torch scares the less fierce wildlife away as you see a few raccoons run off into the night. Your not sure if it was the fire though....

A large web shoots out of the night and knocks you against a tree. A sticking web is arouns your upper body your sword arm against your side though the torch is still free. Another blast of web hits you catching the leg on your sword side to the tree. You hear rustling in the the tree above you.......in the moon light you cath an shadow of a large eight legged monster.......this won't be easy.


You see your friend warped in a web as you walk into the woods after you usher the towns folk to the other side of the bonfire. A spider with large fangs drops down on Shan'do flank hanging on a long drag line from a tree.


You are right that these creature don't stray far from the web and now you realize that it is not one large spider but many small ones. A dog size spider swings threw camp and lands on your chest knocking you on the ground. Large spider fangs are soon just inches from your neck as you a pinned under the nasty hair eight legged creature.

One of the dwarves stands up and pulls from his belt a pair of heavy pistols and unloads both into the spider in the back. You feel it squirm but it still holds on to you with a sticky grip.

Pasha comes running to you now armed with a pair of the knives carried by the now dead trolls. The glow with a reddish color. She though is hit with a flurry of webs which bond her legs causing her to fall. As she tries to push up with her free hands and roll on her side to cut herself free she is hit with another large web covering her shoulders and arms making impossible to move about.


Since you ready for watch you do notice two spiders in a tree with webs strung out over the camp to swing over like the attacker who is struggling with Aralia. You have time to ready your bow though. You do notice many small man size webs in the trees. Perhaps for collecting and storage of food? Guess what the food is???


Your able to grab your staff as you see the attack. You see the dwarf with the eyepatch dropping his pistols and going for his ax while the other one shoots into the trees above him with is blunderbust only to be dragged up by two webs that shoot out from the darkness. Your also hit by a goey ball of spiderweb sticking your forearm to your staff and tree. You tug but it is very tight.

Detton dodged quickly behind a tree, and glanced out at where Shan'do was being attacked. He gritted his teeth, and rushed forward, the pitchfork held before him, trying to lodge it in the underside of the head, behind the jaws.

He mouthed a few silent prayers to random Gods, hoping he wouldn't die by the giant creature and saddened for the need to kill creatures whose smaller cousins were left to keep homes free of pests.
Tol'Chuk just shook his head, "Yeah, then what does he do? Fucking just jumps out like he's cock of the walk, and thumps one of the trolls with an arrow... an arrow? Can you believe it? Fucker! Then, he just expects me to go in there and kill them all, like I'm his father or something. He gets into shit he can't handle, and then he asks for help."

Tol'Chuk looked around the fire, and saw the elf struggling against a web while a massive spider came down.

"See," He sighed, taking the last of his drink, "Stupid elf'll probably want me to save his raw ass again. Not this time. See if he likes taking care of his own shit."

He made a farewell toast, good riddance to the blumbering elf, when a piece of webbing came down and knocked his drink all over him.

"Son of a bitch spiders... gonna pay for that."

He grabbed his huge hammer, looking for one he could get his hands on. They seemed to be mostly in the trees still, some of them coming down, dealing with one or two in turn. Wincing, Tol'Chuk walked over to the nearest tree, one where he could see a bunch of little beaty eyes ready and waiting.

"Let's see if you little fuckers can fly," He held out his hammer against the tree, aiming it, readying it. If it were an axe, one might look at what he was doing as trying to chop it down. But, his hammer didn't have a blade, rather just a huge piece of blunt steel at the end.

No, he wasn't going to chop the tree, he was going to give it one hell of a thump.

With all his might, Tol'Chuk leaned back, and gave it his all. Pieces of wood splintered all around him, a huge shocking sound coming from the sickening blow he gave the tree.

"Spill my drink, willya!!!"
Shan'do was pinned to a tree, his sword useless. A giant spider had descended down after him and was threateneing to eat him alive. "Luckily, his other arm was free which he used to strike out at the spider with the blazing torch, thrusting it at the beast several times
Seeing one of the dwarve's helping Araila, Allonria steadied her bow, and begain fireing at the spider's over head. Hoping that Tol'Chuck and the other dwarf would be able to help get Araila and Pasha free of the webbing.
While fireing arrows she moved, and backed twards the fire so that she could see the area around her better, as she gave them some cover.
Aralia growled in frustration pulling against the webbing. She could try a spell but she was pretty worng out from earlier and if she did she would almost to weak to even defend herself. No there had to be a different way. She was elven royalty. NO damn spider is going to keep her down. Wiggling her hand she could feel the tip of the her elven dagger that would easily slice through the webs... now if only she could reach it....
Rowena tugged on the webbing and realized that she was good and caught, she quickly realized her position and understood that the webbing was just too strong for her to pul away , so she used her free arm and slipped her crobow and shot an arrow towards the spiders particularly the one which had shot at her... She briefly wondered if her burning hands would brun the webbing off her arm so that she could go in for the attack, those buggers had something comming to them..
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Occ: sorry if i went over board with it i am new at this

No one seemed to take notice of a half-elf male still in the Mountain Goat Inn. The man set in the very back corner of the deserted Inn in all black leather armor, which had an odd shimmer when the light hit it, with an old looking black robe with a lot of patch work done to it. The man was of about average height with a smaller normal build, but what little he had was muscle. He had a scar over the left side of his face which when through his eye and had a black hand tattoo on his right hand. The only things that he carried with himself were his bow, a shorter scimitar, a few small knifes and a bag tied to his back.

He had no intention of helping the owner of the screams out side unless he would see gold in his hand after it was over.
OOC: Interesting and how do you see yourself making it to current events?
OCC: maybe during the fighting he decides to help for the fun of it or maybe the fighting makes him spill his drink on himself

Unlike the smaller cousins these spiders have no redeeming qualities in that they prey on anything in the woods that pumps blood. Shan'do is bound tightly in the sticky spider web and can only flail about with one free arm.

The creature in the tree cannot react fast enough to your quick upward thrust of your razor sharp pitchfork. You grind into its tough flesh near the monster's head. Blood drips down and resistance to your thurst crumples as you feel the weight of the spider as it falls to the ground your pitchfork still in hand.


With your drink spilled (which for most dwarves is a reason to kill) you head out and assault a tree. Several yellow spider eyes could be seen in the darkness at the top of the tree you begin to wack at hard.

Your might blows damage and rock the tree to the point it sways back and forth. Though you do not down a spider it is clear that you drive two young ones away from the camp. You see them sping way from their nearly clear webs. Not more kills but improves your situation.


Not letting fear get the better of you you swing out with your torch keeping the spider at bay until Detton comes to your aid downing the spider with a firm thurst of his over sized garden tool. As it comes down from the tree your torch hits it and lights it up on the end of Detton's pitchfork.

You notice that the hairy spider goes up rather quickly. In fact it is a flaming like a marshmellow covered with pitch. You also notice with the close heat the webbing is slowly burning away. Closer the torch faster it burns.


Three fast shots from your strong bow brings down one hairy spider. You see two arrows in it as it hits the ground. One of the rescued boys comes foward and sticks it with a torch from the fire and it goes up quickly. The third shot wounds a spider in one its legs.


The dwarf's hot rounds explode in spider's back and gives you just enough time wrench free your dagger and drive it into the chest of the beast. Blood shoots all over you but soon the beast on top of you goes limp. It would seem for this night your royal line shall continue.


You fire your crossbow at the spider that hit you and you drive it off wounded. Your minor spell of burning hands does the trick of releasing you from the webbing.

The night continues.......but uneventful. Watches are taken without incident though more of you are bruised battered and in need of rest. Pasha seems to have improved and makes a tearful forwell with the women that raised her as their own. The merchant after providing you all with a breakfast of biscuits, apples, and stew announces he has decided to take the women to the location of their chapel.

He believes that he can do some trading there and has seemed to take a liking to one of the mature women in the party though he does not express these feelings.

The dogs he used to provide a watch right after the attack scared away many small creatures and insured that the hairy deadly spiders did not return. Examining the bodies of the spiders did not reveal much due to the fact that all the dead were badly burnt from torches which seemed to be the best in combating these night predators.

The merchant declares that your help and hospitality were both welcome and that if not for your added numbers his party could have been overwelmed. As well as the breakfast the merchant presents you with a gift of two of the tough guard dogs. A female and a male pair named GALIENE and BECKET. Both are very friendly but once on duty are very watchful. When they do sleep they seem to sleep together by the fire or next to a party member.

You watch the wagons go down the road and wave goodbye to those in the back. They were good people that did not deserve to be part of the madness. (OOC: anything you wanted from them or to ask them...by all means do we can go back long is it is nothing major.)

The old out post is only a short march away and you should be there by night fall. There often other parties pass through and there is a good water source and shelter. From what some of you have heard is that some parties even winter there once they move in supplies. Though it is fall some thought to this should be given. You are getting closer to your goal though.

It is a lovely day out as you make your way down the trail at a leasurely pace. The weather is good and the trail is out before you....

The map says.......(from earlier):

When or if you assemble outside the town near the trail to the mountians by the river. There is alarge flat rock there and and upon rolling out the map on the rock you notice several things marked on it as well as notes.

The first day's journey along the path marks at the end of a days journey (some 15 miles through the plains) ends on the first of the hill of the hill region. Along the path symbols for deer and fish at spots in the river are marked.

The hill itself has a mark of buildings and a note (Old pagan compound...three stone houses...temple and store house. Long Abandon by settlers many journeying into the mountains spend the night or even whole winters there...some adventurers have perished while others report nothing at all.)

As you come out of the wooded area you soon see the hils rising before you and the mountians in the distance. The clouds almost seem dark around some.

The the compound is blocked from view thanks to low clouds. The rains begin slowly, but soon are pounding you with the cold rain from the Storm God.

You do notice a herd of mountian goats budding heads on a nearby hill. The trail going up to the compound is will tracked by human and animal tracks. Alarmingly though is a number of troll ones.....and other ones you can't tell with casusal observation.

What happen and what is your next move people. Sorry to neglect the thread so long. I hope you are still having fun. My problem is to many ideas (some of them good) and not enough time.

God's Hand......you encounter the party before the hills. Write you entrance there is always plenty of adventure in the mountains it is not ususally something undertaken solo. So meet the party talk and interact.....have fun people.
Seeing the boy catch the spider on fire, Alonria quickly knotched another arrow, this time lighting it on fire, and shot it at the Spider she had wounded.

(back a bit)

You kill the spider or at least you think so considering it burts into flames as your arrow lands a near deadly blow and even more so the fire does its damage,

You have secured victory for tonight at least...
ooc : oops sorry about that. :)

After helping set up camp inside one of the building's, and changing into some dry clothing. Alonria sat with the others around the fire. I dont think there will be an attack in this foul weather, but i think we should set up watches all the same to be on the safe side. What do you all think? She asked.
OOC: LADY FAIRY please empty your mailbox... I have been trying to reach you...

Rowena grumbled her entire cloak was soaked and unfortunately .. she didnt even have another pair.. what was worse ..was the fact that her temples colors had to be mostly whie.. She shifted her cloak tighter around her..

She rested herself near the fire hoping it would dry her clothing out before they would set off again
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ooc: my mail box is empty i dont have any messages in it. i am not sure what is wrong with it, but for some reasion i am unable to recive messages that way. i will try clearing it again and see what happens. :)