Tunnels & Trolls The campaign begins...

OOC: congrats you now have a ward.


Pasha listen and nods to each request you make of her taking all you are saying with a smile.

"You are my guide in life and I listen and will learn from you Aralia, "she smiles and whispers the elven word for nanny.

"I know some magic but no defensive really. Let me show you what I can do..." She walks out and finds three long branches and places them around the area now becoming the camp site.

She utters a few words in elven and the three branches turn into straight tall poles with blue flames.

She smiles at you, "scares predators and let's nice animals know they can sleep by your fire."

Alonria and Shan'do

You both watch the road and the surroundings of the campsite as the day slips into night as the bards say. Soon though you hear the unmistakeable sounds of a wagon and horses. Looking down the trail two large brown and black work horses come into view pulling a wagon behind them.....
When they finally hadf a big enough pile, Tol'Chuk dropped a few larger trees, something to get them through the night, and make sure even the last stumps of the trolls could be charred and burned away.

It wasn't until he finished with it, content with the rest of the group able to take care of the fire.

Now, he thought some business should be taken care of. He came up to the elf, Shan'do. He stood next to the elf, his firm gnarled face passed by shadows of the late day and blood still clinging to him.

He punched the elf right in the face.

"You shoot one more arrow into a group of trolls before we look at the situation... before we sum up the enemies, before we come up with a plan that makes sure we don't get our fucking asses kicked, which almost happened today, and you'll be fighting them all by yourself, you hear me? I don't care if you're after gold or money, or fucking glory or anything else. This goes to everyone too!! No one starts a fight without a plan. No one!!! Not a single arrow, not even an unsheathed sword. I've been fighting all my life, and believe me, I want to die. I want to have a dozen trolls at my feet, another dozen ready to take my head off... and two bloody axes in my hands, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to die cause some fucked up punk who wants a few precious stones can't keep his arrow in his pants for five seconds while we devise some sort of fucking plan. You get me?!!"
"OW!" Shan'do sprawled back across the ground. That punch had taken him by surprise! Bloody dwarves! Alwasys sneaking up on people and sucker-punching them!

He was yelling something too, something about wanting to die. Sounded like a dwarvish thing to want. Stupid dwarves. That's one of the things he really hated about the short folk, that and their insistance on living in or close to mountains. Only goblins were supposed to do that! Maybe it's why they have such foul tempramnts...

Standing up, and letting the blood run freely from his nose, Shan'do nervously held the hilt of his sword. "Maybe next time I should put the arrow in you, huh? Then you'd get your wish"
Alonria stepped quickly between the two... ENOUGH both of you...... There is a wagon approching, and well get no where arguing amongst ourselves.. Tol'Chuk is right in what he says. Going into battle with out a plan is not wise. Taking a defensave stance is not wrong, but attacking blindly is. Come lett us see who this new commer on the road is Shall we.

Alonria stayed where she was until the Two of them moved, and had to smile, this trip defanatly wouldnt be boring.

Detton glanced over at the altercation between the dwarf and the elf. He shook his head. He made sure the fire was going strong and none of the Trolls were moving about before piling a little more firewood on it and walking away.

He took the books from the back pack, and went over to the group that had been saved from the Trolls. Holding the books almost reverently before him, he went amongst them, being pointed to the girl who seemed to be in control.

He offerred the books to her. "Are these yours?"
Tol'Chuk let his hands spread wide, his axe falling to the ground, but the chain still clinking. It was always attached to him, never that far away. Never more than a few feet.

"Do it, beard clipper. Please... I beg you. Fire the first arrow, I swear before Grugnoch inside the holy mountains it will be the last arrow you ever fire. Just give me one reason, give me half a fucking reason. Please.... please..."

He laughed, pointing at the elf, "I'm right here. You ever want to end your life, woodsman, please, come and see me. I'll give you a nice haircut... take it all off the top."

He walked back to one of the larger trees, sitting down, and staring at the fire far enough away. Finally wiping the blood and guts from his face. A bloody battle, yes, but no real fun. He could take a troll's head off with all too much ease. Where was the sport? Where was the fun? Where was the adventure?

The only challenge was left inside this mountain, where they were going. Hundreds of trolls. That would be good. If some fucking idiot didn't decide to kill them along the way, he could imagine a nice death within the mountains.

Tol'Chuk sighed, taking out a small dagger, and reopening old scars, letting them bleed out.
Rowena nodded and smiled .. she gathered the group of young women and children and cetered them in the area where it seemed our group might make camp, she then knealt down and started to pray , "Oh' blessed mother grant us with food and water to fill the bellies of our allies and those servants around you.. " She knew she would have to concentrate pretty hard to make sure that there was at least something to eat for everyone in the newly made group of people that were planning on camping wih them, she hoped her spell would grant her enough.
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Shan'do grumbled to himself as Tol'chuk wandered off. "Bloody death-wisher" He wiped the blood from his face and sat down. silently he wondered to himself 'With a stupid death-wisher in the party, I reckon none of us will get out of this one with any riches, or our lives'
Aralia smiled at the girls use of magick. So she wasn't completely untutored. Good, it would make it alot easier to teach her the neccessary defensive magic. "Pasha have you ever worked with Magick Sheilds? I know that you said you haven't worked with Defensive magick but not all sheilds are defensive. The reason I ask is because the simplest defensive spell is a Deflection Sheild spell. This spell is quick and easy to conjure and will protect you from projectile weopons such as arrows and most blunt weopons. They can still hurt you, knock the wind out of you and such but it will prevent them from peircing your skin. I just need ot know first wha tyou have done." She glanced up sensing the wagon approaching but sensed no immediate threat. Still she would keep on the defense just in case. She turned back to Pasha awaiting her answer.
Updates coming soon people.......good roleplaying between each other. You will see what is heading your way shortly.

You soon have enough trees down to have a large enough bondfire to deal with not only the trolls, but plenty more to keep the fire going through the night. Your way of giving a advice isn't taken well though and soon Alonria is breaking things up between you too....


You get inbetween the disputing adventurers and it seems things have died down for the time being at least. It seems a calmer discussion of tactics later on is in order to avoid such problems.


You calmly suggest to the dwarf to reajust his tact on advice and decide to wait on another opportunity to vent differences.


It is a good thing that you have watched over the trolls. From time to time a troll twitches but you quickly block its path that would return it to life with a switch thurst of your pitchfork.

Abelia gladly takes the books back and with a bow of the head, "thank you kind sir. These texted are hard to come by with all that is going on in our lands. Creatures who do not read so willingly destroy what they do not understand."

Another girl comes by and from a small patch takes out a small lenght of rope and warps it around the base of your pitch fork. She smiles, "it will always be sharp now. Hopely soon you will return to planting with it."


You pray and soon some other other women notice and chant to help support your pray and assist. Soon with a brief flash of light your pray is soon granted....two large baskets appear each containing two jugs of wine, two jugs of water, loaf of bread, a bowl of fruit, and large hams.

You collasp exhausted from the powerful spell but you were successful. The children run over eagerly and start eating the fresh fruit. One of the women comes over and starts to take control.

She smiles at you, "the little bellies have been empty for a few days. Thank you so much. In the morning I will do the same spell once I collect the elements I need. You rest now dear."


Pasha is eager to learn from you and nods as you try to probe her extent of knowledge.

"I can enhance things that is easy. Like make a blade glow if a troll is 50 yards away or a mug that holds three times as much for that night....but real magic is harder...mmm can do this.."

She recites a few elven words and a wall of light appears...her hands continue to manipulate it from behind. You reckonize the spell. It is like the sheild one only weaker but much larger.

Pasha stops after a few minutes and sighs. "I haven't learned much she smiles weakly, but I know alittle. Back at the chapel I could make the children's toys dance."

A little girl comes by and nods..."Yes she maid mr snuffles dance. Wish I still had him....sighs"

Alonria and Shan'do

Since you are the nearest to the road you soon see a nonthreating cart come up with an old gray haired human with a long white bear at the reigns. He wears the clothing of a well to do merchant rather then a frontiersmen and has a blade in a gold sheath at his side. The two horses pull it along swiftly. He stops and caughtiously puts his hand on his crossbow.

"Greetings travellars.....your not trolls so you must be good people," he says looking over seeing women and children."

"I have another cart just a half mile behind me I said I would go ahead and scout a camp site. Can I share your's with ya? We can trade I have food and other items.

He steps down and reaches his hand out to Shan'do and smiles Alonria. "I am Algernon of Chadwick and as you can see I am a merchant. I did much business with minors and adventurers alike."

Looking at the wagon it is half filled with strong boxes tied down with chains and partially covered by a tarp. The rest of the cart has all kinds of boxes and even a few barrels with farm tools and weapons periotically poking out of the pile. At the end of the cart are four cages. Inside them you see crapped two to a cage huge gray guard dogs (think mastiffs with black collars) except for one cage with has one mother dog handling several puppies.
"I can enhance things that is easy. Like make a blade glow if a troll is 50 yards away or a mug that holds three times as much for that night....but real magic is harder...mmm can do this.."

She recites a few elven words and a wall of light appears...her hands continue to manipulate it from behind. You reckonize the spell. It is like the sheild one only weaker but much larger.

Pasha stops after a few minutes and sighs. "I haven't learned much she smiles weakly, but I know alittle. Back at the chapel I could make the children's toys dance."

A little girl comes by and nods..."Yes she maid mr snuffles dance. Wish I still had him....sighs"
Aralia smiled at the little girl. " What did mr. Snuffles look like?" she asked softly. She glanced a Pasha with a look of respect for her kindness and her surprising skills despite her lack of training.

Detton looked at the girl, and shook his head. He looked at his own hands, rubbing at his palms. "Perhaps. But I think my hands have lost the gentle hope needed to coax fragile life into this harsh world. Maybe one day this tool will be able to look past the death to the new life beyond, but I do not think that is my life anymore."

He smiled. "But thank you, for the gift and the sentiment." He turned, and went back to check on the remains of the fire, and the Trolls.

Pasha nods and smiles and walks about gather what herbs she can find for soup and magical uses.

The little girl looks at you curiously wondering why but is happy to talk about her stuffed creature. "He is a fury mamoth with brown hair and a trunk and tusks...and he is very sweet..Pasha makes him walk and play.."giggles then sighs, "I lost him when the trolls attacked the chapel. I hope I can find him."


The woman takes your words in stride since many have been hardened by the war of gods your attitude is a common one. She walks away to tend to the children nodding back to you...

The fire is ready to go all that is needed is a torch the logs at much and all the wood is dry.
Alonria is cautious of this new commer, tho he says he is a merchent.. most merchents that she has come across dont carrie golden sheth's for there wepon's. Nor do they carrie strong boxes staped down in that manner, with the guard dog's.

If you would allow us to discuss the matter of your joining our camp sight with the rest of our group. It would be most appriative. She said to the merchent.
Algernon of Chadwick

He smiles and nods to you, "of coarse of coarse it is a group decision I have had partners on other ventures go right ahead. If it will help any let it be know I have another cart coming and I have both gold and items for trade...though I should not be so liberal with my information. Go on and speak with your cohorts lass."

He goes back to his wagon and pulls it off the main path and tends his horses caressing their mains. He is heavy set but looks like robust peasant stock. He is well armed though bosting at least in plain sight a dagger, the impressive sword you saw right off and a multi shot crossbow sitting on the bench of the wagon. On the frontier though it is not uncommon to see even the kindest and those with the best intentions to be armed. Soon though your fire and not the sun is the strongest light to be had and you hear the sounds of the second wagon approaching from down the road.
Pasha nods and smiles and walks about gather what herbs she can find for soup and magical uses.

The little girl looks at you curiously wondering why but is happy to talk about her stuffed creature. "He is a fury mamoth with brown hair and a trunk and tusks...and he is very sweet..Pasha makes him walk and play.."giggles then sighs, "I lost him when the trolls attacked the chapel. I hope I can find him."
Aralia turned the image over in her head trying to get a clear picture. She hadn't tried this spell in so long she wasn't sure is she could do it right. Finding lost objects was one of the first spells she learned. Before the war she lived with her parents in the royal elven city. She had been very forgetful, always losing important things. So she taught herself a spell to bring something to her by picturing that thing in her mind. Still she didn't know exactly what the animal looked like so... it couldn't hurt to try. Closing her eyes she pictured the animals chanting a few soft words and picturing the animal appearing in her hands...

OOC: I didn't want her to appear to powerful so I decided to let you Jagged decide if her spell worked.
Rowena nodded and then left the women to pass the food out. She stood up and left to see to the rest of the group.

As she walked towards them she noticed a newcommer talking to the girl that had come withthe dwarf what was her name she tried to recall... ah yes it was Alonria. She seemed to look for the others for input. So she headed there.

Not wanting to alarm her, she tapped her on the shoulder, "What seems to be the issue here?"
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Shan'do sat silently by the fire, having given up trying to converse with some of the people presant. That dwarf had been infuriating, and he was still working hard to get the stress out of his system.

When the newcommer had pulled up with his wagon, however, and claimed to have gold with him, Shan'do's interest had been piqued. So, silently, he sat, and listned to the man speak, and soon heard his supposed outer wagon off in the distance
Alonria quickly, and calmly explained all that the Merchent had said, and also explained her suspission's to the group... about the gold sheath and so forth..

You concentrate and focus your powerr reaching out into the mana in the sky and the magic that flows through your body. You sweat and a tear drips from your eye but when you open them you find a fury mamoth in your hand. It looks to you like a well loved fury friend that has protected a little girl through many a scary night only failing to do so in the face of trolls.

Your exhausted and every fiber of your being is telling you that your done with magic (anything serious for the rest of the night.) The reward is happy little girl who jumps and grabs the fury creature from your hands.

"Thank you thank you thank you," she says jumping up and grabbing him from your hands.

She is soon hugging you around the waste beaming ear too ear. "Thank you for bring back Mr. Snuggles."

Alonria, Roza, Shan'do

While you all discuss whether to allow the merchant to stay for the evening at your camp the trolls burn in the fire the women and children hand out the food among the party. The merchant seems content enough to let you debate and takes out a cigar and casusally walks to the fire smiles and lights it.

He reacts like the rest when another cart comes down the trail. You soon see it is a large two wheel design with two large work horses and a pair of dwarves at the reigns. You notice the wheel has recently been repaired. The park their cart next to the merchant's and dismount carrying blunder busts (typical dwarf weapon used at medium range pry to using axes) They have horned helmets and wear a mixture of mail and bronz plate armor (for those with knowledge of dwarves they are of bronz horn tribe merchants &mercanaries but still skilled craftsmen from the mountains) the move by the merchant in the light of the fire. One dwarf with an eyepatch spits tobacco into the fire and grins with dirty gold teeth.

The merchant smiles, "Ah this is Braut and Dek my partners and well the muscle of this operation. What have you seen my friends?"

Dek looks over at the merchant with his good eye and spits again. "Giant spider webs on trees around the road. You best keep this fire up. That is the only thing that breaks the webs of the spiders. Could be one huge mother or dozens or more of young adults. We didn't have time to look. We have weapons to clean. We going to camp here or not???"

"We will see says the merchant we will see."

The dwarves simply nod before going back to the cart muttering in dwarven.

Roza you do notice one of the teen boys has taken a liking to you and has even brought you food. He says thanks but blushes and moves away quickly before you say a word.

For all the seasoned adventurers you feel something in the air and by no means are the trolls your only problem. Long since the times of troubles the woods have been filled with many deadly creatures. Monsters have become a normal part of the wild life. So much so that a mother wolf with several puppies in tow thinks nothing of walking by your camp. She knows that you are must less likely to give her trouble.

OOC sorry for the delay people but back on track now. Those who haven't posted as of late I hope I have you back for what happen's later in the night. I am having fun with this....let me know if you are and give input about favorite adventure themes.
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Aralia hugged the girl back breathing deeply. The doll must have been far away for that to take so much energy. She smiled as the girl ran off holding her doll tightly. She stood up stretching glancing around her gaze taking in the merchant and all her companions. She felt drained magically but she felt happy to have helped a young girl in need. sighing softly she sat down on a large rock to await whatever cam next and she knew somehow that trolls wouldn't be their only problem this night.

Detton watched the fire, ignoring the merchant and the forest around them. If something attacked a group this large, chances were he'd hear it coming long before it reached him.

He accepted a little food, and ate slowly, savoring what little flavor there was. Then, he took hard, probing finger to his injured shoulder. He poked around the forming bruise of his shoulder, checking for any permanent damage. After satisfying himself it was nothing that would destroy his arm, he looked at the others.

He turned his attention back to the fire, pondering the events in his life that had led him here.

You see Pasha gathering herbs that came be used to add a healing factor to a stew or in a more potent pure form it can become a healing potion.

The littel girl now over joyed smiles as she eats the food given to her and often looks back over at your pointing and saying things like, 'the nice lady did magic for me' and "she found Mr. snuggles so fast.'

One of the women in the party does come over to you and brings you food. "That was very kind of you dear. I don't know that spell and without my wanda I knew I couldn't do a thing for her other then hope we would find it if we were able to return. You will all be welcome at our chapel with food and place to sleep whenever you wish. You are much better then those barbarians that kept watch."

A glance to the side out of the light of the fire reveals something. The out line of a web in the moon light stretched between two trees.


Like so many other nights you look into the fire getting lost in thought as the orange flames dance about. You soon hear though a scurrying sound. Like mice but different. You hear the wolf howl possibly the one that you saw earlier in the evening. It seems out of place though. Not typical. You would love to get lost in thought about but something tells you their is more about.

Your wound isn't bad but tender. Should be better in a few days but you can function perfectly but fore some soreness.
"The merchant can stay," The dwarf said, low and gruff, almost not to catch attention to himself. He didn't care before, was even willing to let them go for the night. While, there were safety in number, those only included number you could count on.

And, at this point, he didn't count on number in his own group, much less strangers. But, a dwarf can be trusted. Dwarves held honor among anything else, and this man had a few in his posession. That meant if anything happened in the night, they'd stand up, and he'd still have his head in the morning.

Which, is all he could hope for at this point.