Types of orgasms...

Foot orgasm!

I don’t know what else to call it. I fell asleep last night spooning against my wife. We had sex in the morning but not last nite.

I was pushing the tops of my feet against hers and feeling tjis nice pleasant feeling on the top of my foot. It was making me have quaking little prostate pleasure. It felt really good and was really pleasant.

Now that I’m awake, I just put pressure on the top part of my foot again (against my own foot this time) and the same thing happened. Feels really good.

It’s the spot on the top of my foot right where my toes are.

A post I made earlier today brought to mind something I had not thought about in a long time. One night in college, back when I rented a house with three other women, we all took a break from studying for finals, got a little buzzed, and started naming our types of orgasms (or near orgasms). For example, we had 'pregasm' and 'afrergasm' for before and after (and yeah, we probably should have used 'post' for after, but we were four drunk college girls... 🙄). Orgasm types we named included 'lowgasms' (low and slow), 'squeakgasms', shamegasms' (coming when not wanting to), 'minigasms', 'quakegasms', etc.

So... anyone else ever do this? If so, what are some names you gave to your types of orgasms?
I hate using it, I'm clean now. But my best orgasms were always after our doing booty bumps or ICE before starting ..
Real quickly, I had tried to OD a few years back.. 2 grams. It didn't kill me. But after realizing I was okay. I had to run a throw up. I the took a pp and had an orgasm on the middle of my peeing. . I'll say dumbasm love peace hugs
I've had that with 2nd wife. She also experienced it. We got totally nude and spent hours and hours not touching skin but right there buzzing. We could hear like crackling and buzzing. And there were no vibrators near by
A post I made earlier today brought to mind something I had not thought about in a long time. One night in college, back when I rented a house with three other women, we all took a break from studying for finals, got a little buzzed, and started naming our types of orgasms (or near orgasms). For example, we had 'pregasm' and 'afrergasm' for before and after (and yeah, we probably should have used 'post' for after, but we were four drunk college girls... 🙄). Orgasm types we named included 'lowgasms' (low and slow), 'squeakgasms', shamegasms' (coming when not wanting to), 'minigasms', 'quakegasms', etc.

So... anyone else ever do this? If so, what are some names you gave to your types of orgasms?
Squealgasm,, Walgasm, passiongasm, and of course the one of rumor classogasm!. I've never experienced the classy gasm probably because I've never had the opportunity to bumpasm anyone with class.
Y'all feel me?
Just scrolled this thread and saw a lot of names that friends over the years have come up with during GNO gatherings. But didn't see one my friend Lisa called the AWEGASM for when she comes close to passing out from it. 💦 💦