Update on oggbashan's health

I am supposed to have a reaction to the dye injected for the scan - upset stomach and diarrhea for an hour or so.

Nothing. I have eaten breakfast and lunch without a qualm.

Wonderful !
Where do they get all these snowflakes from ? :)
I am supposed to have a reaction to the dye injected for the scan - upset stomach and diarrhea for an hour or so.

Nothing. I have eaten breakfast and lunch without a qualm.

Doesn't surprise me, you're a tough old dude.
Good News!

Today I went to see the oncologist to find out the results of the scans taken two weeks ago.

No cancer - nothing at all!

There is evidence of a slight congestion in one lung, probably seasonal hay fever or remains of a cold - nothing to worry about.

I have no signs of cancer anywhere.

I will have another scan in the next three months, but even if the cancer returns, chemotherapy is likely to be effective again. I might see this Christmas after all, two years after the first symptoms.

Thanks for all the prayers and best wishes - they seem to be working.
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Today I went to see the oncologist to find out the results of the scans taken two weeks ago.

No cancer - nothing at all!

There is evidence of a slight congestion in one lung, probably seasonal hay fever or remains of a cold - nothing to worry about.

I have no signs of cancer anywhere.

I will have another scan in the next three months, but even if the cancer returns, chemotherapy is likely to be effective again. I might see this Christmas after all, two years after the first symptoms.

Thanks for all the prayers and best wishes - they seem to be working.

I am so very glad to read that Ogg. May you stay around to trouble us for a very long time yet! xx
Today I went to see the oncologist to find out the results of the scans taken two weeks ago.

No cancer - nothing at all!

There is evidence of a slight congestion in one lung, probably seasonal hay fever or remains of a cold - nothing to worry about.

I have no signs of cancer anywhere.

I will have another scan in the next three months, but even if the cancer returns, chemotherapy is likely to be effective again. I might see this Christmas after all, two years after the first symptoms.

Thanks for all the prayers and best wishes - they seem to be working.

I'm absolutely amazed and ecstatic. That's truly fantastic news, Ogg!

P.S. Just to be safe, though, the prayers and best wishes will continue.:)
I'm a newb. It's my first day reading the forums extensively. When I first stumbled onto this thread, I thought I was going to discover a tragic ending. Instead, awesome news!

I don't know you, Ogg, but I'm glad you're with us, and I wish you continued good health and success with your excellent writing.
My oncologist is very pleased. She insisted, despite the hospital's policy during Covid 19 that all consultations should be by telephone, on seeing me in person

She was very impressed with my bushy beard and the hair on top of my head. But she was more pleased with my general fitness and cheerfulness. Why shouldn't I be cheerful? No cancer is great news.

Although I still have some Lambert Eaton symptoms they are much less than they were. My double vision is the most annoying one because I am not safe to drive. I have an appointment with the neurology consultant in October. I was slightly worried that I might not be around for October, but he thinks, if the next scan is also clear that he might be able to suggest some medicine that might cure my double vision.

Technically, I meet the UK driving requirement in that I can read a number plate at twenty-five metres either with both eyes or one; with one eye at fifty metres; and with one eye and glasses at 100 metres. But if I see two cars when there is only one? That is unsafe.
Today I went to see the oncologist to find out the results of the scans taken two weeks ago.

No cancer - nothing at all!

There is evidence of a slight congestion in one lung, probably seasonal hay fever or remains of a cold - nothing to worry about.

I have no signs of cancer anywhere.

I will have another scan in the next three months, but even if the cancer returns, chemotherapy is likely to be effective again. I might see this Christmas after all, two years after the first symptoms.

Thanks for all the prayers and best wishes - they seem to be working.

Great news, Ogg!
Stay Safe.

I’m being selfish here. Keep going OGG, you’re a blessing to many and an example of miracles happening.

I keep popping by to read this link and see how you’re doing, and I’m filled with hope every time I read it.

Stay safe out there OGG.
Technically, I meet the UK driving requirement in that I can read a number plate at twenty-five metres either with both eyes or one; with one eye at fifty metres; and with one eye and glasses at 100 metres. But if I see two cars when there is only one? That is unsafe.
When you said you were unsafe to drive I thought, that's an unusual cancer treatment, fitting wheels. Then I read on a little further and realised what you were on about. Drive between them, is all I can suggest.

Also, I think you're a splendid example of the fine Brit tradition that Churchill summed up so well: you just keep buggering on. Well done ;).
Congratulations are definitely in order.

Based on your progress, I am wondering if the chemo helped your Lambert Eaton symptoms. It certainly doesn't seem to have had many serious side effects.

Whatever you are doing, keep up the good work.

You've proved something I've always suspected: writing porn is good for your health :heart:
Congratulations are definitely in order.

Based on your progress, I am wondering if the chemo helped your Lambert Eaton symptoms. It certainly doesn't seem to have had many serious side effects.

Whatever you are doing, keep up the good work.


It has reduced them.

1. I used to fall over without warning. Now I can be unstable but I usually know enough in advance to grab something or place my walking stick firmly, and sometimes I am stable enough that I can forget that need it.

2. I had loss of taste, long before Covid 19. That has gone completely.

3. My speech was badly affected so that even my wife couldn't understand me at any time of day. Now she sometimes has difficulty only when I'm very tired.

4. My double vision is not as bad as it was but is still a real problem. Sometimes, at dusk, I can see singly, but only for about ten minutes. That is the most persistent symptom.

Apart from the above I feel very well. I have never had any pain, and never any shortness of breath. My blood/oxygen levels have consistently measured 100% - ridiculous for someone with lung cancer.

I and the oncologist, advised by my medical daughter, decided against radiotherapy of my head. That could have caused a loss of cognition and early dementia. A recent study, not known at the time and published since we made that decision, is that radiotherapy of the head only produces reasonable results in those under sixty years of age, and even better if under fifty. Over sixty? 75% have no improvement and most have serious cognitive impacts. Over 70? No improvement at all and severe brain damage. Older than that? Disastrous. - and I am much older than seventy.
It has reduced them.

1. I used to fall over without warning. Now I can be unstable but I usually know enough in advance to grab something or place my walking stick firmly, and sometimes I am stable enough that I can forget that need it.

2. I had loss of taste, long before Covid 19. That has gone completely.

3. My speech was badly affected so that even my wife couldn't understand me at any time of day. Now she sometimes has difficulty only when I'm very tired.

4. My double vision is not as bad as it was but is still a real problem. Sometimes, at dusk, I can see singly, but only for about ten minutes. That is the most persistent symptom.

Apart from the above I feel very well. I have never had any pain, and never any shortness of breath. My blood/oxygen levels have consistently measured 100% - ridiculous for someone with lung cancer.

I and the oncologist, advised by my medical daughter, decided against radiotherapy of my head. That could have caused a loss of cognition and early dementia. A recent study, not known at the time and published since we made that decision, is that radiotherapy of the head only produces reasonable results in those under sixty years of age, and even better if under fifty. Over sixty? 75% have no improvement and most have serious cognitive impacts. Over 70? No improvement at all and severe brain damage. Older than that? Disastrous. - and I am much older than seventy.

Keep on improving, Ogg. They will have to write a new textbook to cover your progress!

All the best,
double vision is the most annoying one because I am not safe to drive. I have an appointment with the neurology consultant in October. I was slightly worried that I might not be around for October, but he thinks, if the next scan is also clear that he might be able to suggest some medicine that might cure my double vision.

Sounds promising and I hope you can get your eyesight back. Writing is more important than driving anyhow, and there are plenty of ways to continue writing even if you lose all your eyesight.