Update on oggbashan's health

You wife was there, wasn't she? Isn't that what wives are for--to hand over all of your stuff to with the assumption that it will all fit in her purse? Glad it was found.
Yes, she was there, driving.

But anything put into her handbag gets lost among the other junk. It would have taken a quarter of an hour to find it again.

Next time I will put it in the glove compartment...
Today was crunch day - the results of my latest CT scan. We expected bad news - we got it. I have two enlarged lymph nodes and a small cancer lesion. Back to chemotherapy, more scans and hair loss - again.

Although the news was bad, we expected it and it isn't as bad as I had thought it might be. Chemo fixed me twice before. I hope three times will work again for a while.
Today was crunch day - the results of my latest CT scan. We expected bad news - we got it. I have two enlarged lymph nodes and a small cancer lesion. Back to chemotherapy, more scans and hair loss - again.

Although the news was bad, we expected it and it isn't as bad as I had thought it might be. Chemo fixed me twice before. I hope three times will work again for a while.

Good luck with the next round of chemo. You have many supporters here and they're all pulling for you. Heck, you may outlive many of us!
Good luck with the next round of chemo. You have many supporters here and they're all pulling for you. Heck, you may outlive many of us!
Thanks. I am already three years past my sell-by date. My next target is my birthday at the end of April... I should make that easily, but next Christmas? I'm not so sure.
Good luck to you. I hope your road is smoother than expected.
Good luck to you. I hope your road is smoother than expected.
So far it has been. Apart from losing some (but not all) hair, I have had no side-effects whatever from Chemotherapy. It irritates the other chemo patients. I attend for my sixth (and last session) with a beard and some stubble still on my head while they are hairless.
Oh, Ogg! I am so very sorry. E-hugs and prayers coming your way.
No need to be sorry. I'm still here and I have no obvious symptoms. If it wasn't for the various scans (and some neurological signs now controlled) I wouldn't know I had cancer.

You are supposed to lose weight - No. I've put on weight.
You are supposed to lose appetite - No. I will, and do, eat anything.
You are supposed to be in pain - No.
You are supposed to look gaunt and thin - No. My oncologist says I look fitter than every other one of her patients. She didn't say fat and happy. She could have.
You should be depressed - No. I've had three years I didn't expect to have and at least several months more.
You are supposed to have side effects from Chemotherapy. - Nothing apart from hair loss. At my age who cares? I don't believe in side effects so I don't have any.
Last night I was filing my latest medical correspondence (now 4 x A4 files) and I noticed that I hadn't had an expected letter from the neurology consultant. He had a telephone consultation with me in October and the record of that discussion said that 'he expected to see me face to face within eight weeks'.

My first thought was that the appointment letter had gone astray. There might have been an appointment I had been unaware of. Our postal service has been very erratic for months as postpeople keep getting Covid and self-isolating.

So I rang the consultant's secretary, No. I hadn't missed an appointment. No, there wasn't one in his diary. She would find a suitable date/time and let me know - by post. But I am due to start Chemo again soon after my last visit to the Oncologist. That would take 12 separate appointments over a six-week period.

We'll see what happens.

I received a letter wanting me to have an annual diabetic review.

I have to:

1. Book a blood test three weeks beforehand. (there is usually a two week waiting time)

2. Go to the surgery, collect a urine sample bottle and provide a specimen which I have to take back to the surgery.

3. Telephone to book the review (3 weeks after blood test).

All this when I don't know when my Chemotherapy will start and while because of Steroids my blood sugars are all over the place. Last year all the review said was 'check again when you come off steroids' - unlikely soon.
Wishing you all the best. Hope everything goes as smoothly as it can. You keep on defying science Ogg, and we'll keep reading your stories.
Next three days?

Tuesday: Physiotherapist
Wednesday: Foot Clinic
Thursday: Eye test.
Had tests. Chemo starts Tuesday afternoon - 6 sessions at three-week intervals. Tomorrow we start making phone calls to rearrange appointments for the next few months. We're not sure about one Friday - oncologist 11 am, collect from school ten miles away 2 pm; back seven miles away to chemo 3.45 pm. We should make it - we think...
Had tests. Chemo starts Tuesday afternoon - 6 sessions at three-week intervals. Tomorrow we start making phone calls to rearrange appointments for the next few months. We're not sure about one Friday - oncologist 11 am, collect from school ten miles away 2 pm; back seven miles away to chemo 3.45 pm. We should make it - we think...

Fingers Crossed
Had tests. Chemo starts Tuesday afternoon - 6 sessions at three-week intervals. Tomorrow we start making phone calls to rearrange appointments for the next few months. We're not sure about one Friday - oncologist 11 am, collect from school ten miles away 2 pm; back seven miles away to chemo 3.45 pm. We should make it - we think...
best of luck.
Now have the neurologist's appointment - in September which should be after I've completed chemo.