Wat’s Carbon Water-N-Stuff Thread - Concepts In Iron And Wood!!!

Good, tell them all about you getting your feelings hurt on the internet like the tough guy terrorist you claim to be. I'm sure they'll get a big laugh about that just like we all do here, Alice.
Nobody likes you, we all laugh at you.
Poo Poo Pee Pee

There is no "we" behind your guff.

You, TrashPanda, and RoryBabytalk may be a family but you're not "we."

Here you are:

You will die alone without ever experiencing this:


You're very very very scared.

I am an entertainer. I live on laughter.

( O O )
Poo Poo Pee Pee

There is no "we" behind your guff.

You, TrashPanda, and RoryBabytalk may be a family but you're not "we."

Here you are:

You will die alone without ever experiencing this:


You're very very very scared.

I am an entertainer. I live on laughter.

( O O )

Nobody is scared of you or your threats, Alice. You're not the first or the last to be so butthurt that they make lame threats.

Everyone sees you as a joke so in a way you are a comedian.

SFPD think you're a crackhead and so do we.

You are very very very delusional.
Nobody is scared of you or your threats, Alice. You're not the first or the last to be so butthurt that they make lame threats.

Everyone sees you as a joke so in a way you are a comedian.

SFPD think you're a crackhead and so do we.

You are very very very delusional.
Poo Poo Pee Pee,

This is what you deserve:

There is no "we." Just you:

( O O )
It looks like a real tumour horse race to see which derangement sufferer is further along, closer to metastasis. Resentment causes tumors.
It looks like a real tumour horse race to see which derangement sufferer is further along, closer to metastasis. Resentment causes tumors.
TrashPanda wants to yap about the Islamic tradition of Sufism.

Knowing nothing whatever about it.

Here's the Sufi who guides me:


Note his sacred ritual object:


I'll take some time here to discuss.

About 25% of the officers in the Kosova Liberation Army were Bektashi Sufis.

Sufi jihadism is a Thing.

Alhamdulillah, my brother in Allah.

( O O )
Living in fear is terrible. Fortunately, I had an epiphany on the subject many years ago. It’s hard to be present and be afraid at the same time. And yet here we watch people hate because of yesterday and blather in fear because of tomorrow. Very few of us are right here right now. Frankly, I refused to go back. I keep my eyes open to see what is better.

This job I am working on today is run by a young woman. By Young, I mean 30 something. Short, moderately attractive, fairly well spoken, writes reasonably well, and knows this job backwards and forwards. She’s good. I hope they’re paying her like a white man. I think she deserves it.
I’m thinking the M16 A1 reproduction is a good choice for February‘s purchase.


We’ll see. . . . .
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More cancerous growths.

Still the most popular thread on the political board.

We guess that is the price they pay.

In the resentment tumor race, my money is on BTB. She's been ranting regularly.
Consider this a Phat Phatwa,

As the angel Jibril said to Rasulallah, you fucking gringo tourist infecting La Frontera with bullshit, Read!

You contemptible qafir,

I am outraged that you would even mention the topic of Sufism.

The idea of a gila monster turd parasite dead on the highway, which is how i see you, pretending to knowledge of Sufism, is infuriating.

Ranting, BTW, is an established literary form practiced by real authors you trolls claim falsely to read.


Thread 'Six Poems for R [1984]' https://forum.literotica.com/threads/six-poems-for-r-1984.1625709/

Poem II is recognized by Israeli scholars as a concise presentation of Lurianic and Zoharic kabbalah.

The day you understand that we can discuss Sufism.

WT is a lamedvovnik. You are nothing.

I stipulate to a transition in which, like Lia, i remain male in defending myself. I am indeed an extremely proud ammosexual.

I don't have sex with my fists or my feet in play. I was brought up in the sex industry. I keep myself and my partners clean. I don't do ATM or fisting.

I have better uses, even as a sex dancer and @ntifa with a walker, for both.

( 🏰 🏰 )
Consider this a Phat Phatwa,

As the angel Jibril said to Rasulallah, you fucking gringo tourist infecting La Frontera with bullshit, Read!

You contemptible qafir,

I am outraged that you would even mention the topic of Sufism.

The idea of a gila monster turd parasite dead on the highway, which is how i see you, pretending to knowledge of Sufism, is infuriating.

Ranting, BTW, is an established literary form practiced by real authors you trolls claim falsely to read.


Thread 'Six Poems for R [1984]' https://forum.literotica.com/threads/six-poems-for-r-1984.1625709/

Poem II is recognized by Israeli scholars as a concise presentation of Lurianic and Zoharic kabbalah.

The day you understand that we can discuss Sufism.

WT is a lamedvovnik. You are nothing.

I stipulate to a transition in which, like Lia, i remain male in defending myself. I am indeed an extremely proud ammosexual.

I don't have sex with my fists or my feet in play. I was brought up in the sex industry. I keep myself and my partners clean. I don't do ATM or fisting.

I have better uses, even as a sex dancer and @ntifa with a walker, for both.

( 🏰 🏰 )
Like I said, if you resent me referencing what you say and want me to shut up, simply put me on ignore.
WT is a lamedvovnik.

Why thank you!!! That may be the nicest thing that anyone has said to/about me.

It's always delightful when someone notices . . . .
From a post from 2015:

A guy I know is in business providing psychiatric care to inmates in Colorado. He's been doing it for years. He said that about 3 in 8 inmates are what he calls "seriously mentally ill" and need medication to control/manage it. The fun starts when these guys get let out.

Thanks to one of the tenets of Obamacare, shrinks cannot get paid what they were and have left treating the public sector to go into private practice. As a result, the parolees have trouble getting an appointment to see someone. They get cut loose from prison with a 30-day supply of whatever they're taking, and they're damned lucky if they can get in to see their outside doctor within three months - and it can take nine months to a year.

He says these are the kinds of guys who, once their meds run out, are the types who could wander into a grocery store with an AK47 - his image.

I know - it's the gun proliferation, right??!? :rolleyes:
Consider this a Phat Phatwa,

As the angel Jibril said to Rasulallah, you fucking gringo tourist infecting La Frontera with bullshit, Read!

You contemptible qafir,

I am outraged that you would even mention the topic of Sufism.

The idea of a gila monster turd parasite dead on the highway, which is how i see you, pretending to knowledge of Sufism, is infuriating.

Ranting, BTW, is an established literary form practiced by real authors you trolls claim falsely to read.


Thread 'Six Poems for R [1984]' https://forum.literotica.com/threads/six-poems-for-r-1984.1625709/

Poem II is recognized by Israeli scholars as a concise presentation of Lurianic and Zoharic kabbalah.

The day you understand that we can discuss Sufism.

WT is a lamedvovnik. You are nothing.

I stipulate to a transition in which, like Lia, i remain male in defending myself. I am indeed an extremely proud ammosexual.

I don't have sex with my fists or my feet in play. I was brought up in the sex industry. I keep myself and my partners clean. I don't do ATM or fisting.

I have better uses, even as a sex dancer and @ntifa with a walker, for both.

( 🏰 🏰 )
Sufism rejects yours and wat's homosexuality but embraces your pedophilia.

Go to Senegal and see how you're treated, alice.
“If it adapts itself to what the majority of our society wants, art will be a meaningless recreation.”

Albert Camus