What did you dream? The dream thread

OMG, I literally woke up in the middle of the night last night humping my mattress, with a very healthy case of nocturnal tumescence, dreaming I was fucking this young woman (exactly half my age) that I'm having an online romance/highly sexual affair with. We are getting ready to start a threesome fantasy chat, so he came into play as well. I can't remember the last time I woke up like that. I was keeping myself on edge the whole time. Fuck!
Last night I had a bizarre dream that starred Michael J. Fox and myself (but we were both younger, like high school age) and we were friends, and I had decided I needed to lose weight and build muscle (which is weird because I was skinny in high school), and there was a blonde girl I was really crazy for, but there was some asshole guy who kept telling the girl that she was so hot every time he saw her he would masturbate and tell her when he was done. Eventually I get tired of this guy harassing her and I get the drop on him and kick his ass good, but I get in trouble for it… and there’s no other resolution in the dream.
Two dreams on Wednesday.

1. I was at work and someone made a slight mathematical error on the numbers that make up our companies revenue. They had to tell everyone that there would be “no bonuses, we are sorry.”

2. I was with another person in someone’s bedroom who was asleep. I was aghast that he was a hit man and was going to shoot the person asleep in the bed. He was going to get underneath the bed and the mattress would be like a sickwncer.

He had a ridiculously old pistol, like the old Colt M1911 .45s we used to have in the army. You could literally shake them and hear the parts knocking around they were so old.

I remember the person on the bed had a bunch of lock blades out - I guess he was expecting trouble.

Weird dream.
Had a dream as I was falling asleep last night. I started a thread on the playground forum about what peoples first cars were.

I listed my first three, a 1972 Buick LeSabre, a 1976 Honda Civic and a 1979 Ford Fiesta. The thread blew up…
My last dream was a nightmare where this decrepit, fleshy creature was chasing me and other tenants in an apartment complex. We called it “The Krawler”
The other night I dreamt I was watching a tv show that never existed… it was a prime time comedy show of unrelated skits and videos (including very cut down episodes of Fat Albert)), which was hosted by Jonathan Winters in theory, except his only real appearance was at the beginning of the show, the rest of the time he was in animated form introducing segments (using the same design from The New Scooby Doo Movies). One of the bits in the dream was made by Filmation (best known for Saturday morning tv shows as well as Masters of the Universe) and didn’t feature actual actors, but company founder Lou Scheimer and his family (who I know from transcribing interviews for dvd releases). It was quite bizarre and I have no idea what prompted it!
The other night I dreamt I was watching a tv show that never existed… it was a prime time comedy show of unrelated skits and videos (including very cut down episodes of Fat Albert)), which was hosted by Jonathan Winters in theory, except his only real appearance was at the beginning of the show, the rest of the time he was in animated form introducing segments (using the same design from The New Scooby Doo Movies). One of the bits in the dream was made by Filmation (best known for Saturday morning tv shows as well as Masters of the Universe) and didn’t feature actual actors, but company founder Lou Scheimer and his family (who I know from transcribing interviews for dvd releases). It was quite bizarre and I have no idea what prompted it!
sounds like a great fantasy dream tho!!

Peoples dreams are pretty interesting to me… the levels of detail (or not), what emotions they may pull on and just the sheer craziness of some dreams.
sounds like a great fantasy dream tho!!

Peoples dreams are pretty interesting to me… the levels of detail (or not), what emotions they may pull on and just the sheer craziness of some dreams.
My dreams tend to be on the weird side, I don’t know why. Probably because of all the weird stuff in my head. Wish I could control the content, I’d plan a sex dream co-starring Anya Taylor-Joy! Lol
I dreamt our house had no walls and the wood floors were a beach with water … and there was a concrete bunker room
Well, if you gotta have. A house with no walls and a beach for a floor, you may as well have a concrete bunker. I mean, why not?
I like my dreams. They all usually star someone that I didn’t actually have sex with, but the dream plays out a scenario where it happens. But, just as I lick or insert, I wake up. So not even in my dreams can I complete the deal. However, the next night I often dream of another scenario with that person. Still don’t complete it. But this can go on for several nights of pleasant dreams.
I didn't recall my dreams, I think because my chats before going to bed were dreamy enough for many nights.
I dream almost nightly of her. Seeing little snippets of her doing things throughout her day. Little movements, little turns. How her smile her facial expressions change. When she catches me looking or glancing at her. How her smile slowly grows. Almost always asking the simple question. What? I ❤ U B. You're even in my dreams.
I dreamt that my wife and I were in north Jersey (like in Warren or Sussex county) in some little town. We pulled up to someone’s house which was right on the road, to ask for directions or turn around. We got out of my truck, and two men emerged from the house.

My wife was talking to one guy but the other guy immediately got between me and the guy talking to my wife. This was a very aggressive but defensive position, like “you aren’t getting to my friend.”

I didn’t fear for my wife or I, just wondering why someone would act so aggressively defensive for no good reason.
I dreamt that my wife and I were in north Jersey (like in Warren or Sussex county) in some little town. We pulled up to someone’s house which was right on the road, to ask for directions or turn around. We got out of my truck, and two men emerged from the house.

My wife was talking to one guy but the other guy immediately got between me and the guy talking to my wife. This was a very aggressive but defensive position, like “you aren’t getting to my friend.”

I didn’t fear for my wife or I, just wondering why someone would act so aggressively defensive for no good reason.
Separate and conquer...
OK so last night. I was one of 5 people in a military style barracks with 20-30 other dressed people. As the new 5 we were all stripped naked and had to just go about life in the barracks. 3 Women 2 men, I was hard as a rock seeing the other women naked as well.
The other guy was hard as well the women were all big breasted.
I had an absolutely filthy dream that involved a strip club, getting a private dance that just devolved into complete debauchery