What did you dream? The dream thread

Last night I had a dream that I was in a doctors office. The doctor had a weird last name, and I remember trying to pronounce it in the dream: Dr Bowcherry. (Bow like take a bow, and cherry)

When I was asked to hop up on the table, there is a large ash tree log on it. There’s an ash blight here in Jersey, so i thought that the wood would be shit.

But this ash was in really good shape and I wanted to cut it up for firewood…

IRL, we sell firewood, so I guess it was on my mind. 😂
So last nights dream was much less exciting.

I dreamt I was walking home and saw my dog stood on my roof telling me I was home late and they weren’t happy with me…
So last nights dream was much less exciting.

I dreamt I was walking home and saw my dog stood on my roof telling me I was home late and they weren’t happy with me…
Sounds kinda exciting to me.

If pets could speak… (reminds me of a far side cartoon)
Sounds kinda exciting to me.

If pets could speak… (reminds me of a far side cartoon)
I once hallucinated that my dog was speaking to me when I had a fever. Wasn’t until a few days later I was like “wait, that wasn’t real” 😂

I feel like my animals would all have too much to say if they could speak so maybe it’s a relief.
I once hallucinated that my dog was speaking to me when I had a fever. Wasn’t until a few days later I was like “wait, that wasn’t real” 😂

I feel like my animals would all have too much to say if they could speak so maybe it’s a relief.
I always wondered what our pets would be, and are thinking
In my dream I was boarding a really weird bus. It was designed like no other bus id event scene. Like Indian or Turkish or middle eastern architecture.

The bus was taking off and a few of us were on and a few hadn’t boarded.

A few of us got on, but a lady I work with (whose smoking hot btw… I’m at that office for work this week) hadn’t boarded and she slapped the bus door “wham” to get the drivers attention to stop. The driver did and then everyone else boarded.
I dreamed that a group of us, family and friends, were flying to the US for a wedding. But my husband had been in charge of booking and organising the whole thing. It was an utter shitshow and I woke extremely agitated by the entire experience.

(When I told him, he laughed and said he'd never accept such a responsibility in the first place.)
Man I had a bad dream. Talk about work anxiety!

The head of one of the departments at work calls me into his office. He is very quiet but forceful holding my arm.

I’m thinking what the fuck is this? “Is everything ok?” I ask.

Instead of taking me to his office, he takes me to a secluded part of office but where people can hear us. He’s whispering, so I am wondering why he doesn’t just take me to an office or conference room so we can talk freely.

Him: why don’t hate me so much?
Me: why do you hate ME so much?
Him: you don’t like me, do you?
Me: no. Not particularly. I do not like you at all.

It goes back and forth and I tell him exactly how I feel. He tries to goad me into hitting him. I do not give him the pleasure.

At the end I can read the tea leaves. He’s gonna try to get me fired.

IRL, this guys a million rungs above me in the hierarchy. Why he’d give a fuck about a side down the totem pole like me, is ridiculous.

Must be having some work anxiety!! 😀
My wife had this dream yesterday.

She had a dream that she had to call her mother . She said, I held my phone and saw her full name as I touched the numbers.

It was also her mother’s birthday yesterday. She’s been dead for about 15 years.
In my dream, I was in the downtown of a town, or maybe even a small city. I was behind these cement and brick buildings, dealing with water runoff and erosion.

I noted that the water started in one spot and would flow over to this area where there was a hole in a small bridge. The water would run through the hole and down into a creek below.

But the flow of water got really high. It would push rocks through the hole. The rocks weren’t landing quite into the creek but hitting a concrete sidewalk next to it, so I designed wooden 45° ramp. The rocks would hit the ramp and bounce into the creek. Problem solved.

But then the ramp, which I made out of wood, started, splintering and getting damaged. I designed, and made one out of metal, but it would get dinged up and severely dented.

I don’t know how I solved the issue, although I think I might have tried doing it with thicker gauge steel.

The I woke up.
I had a dream about my mum being in the hospital dead sick. Fucking HATE that kind of dreams!!

Wish I could dream something nice for a change, as my dreams usualy suck. Better when I don't remember them.
I had a dream a few notes ago, but I think it was based on real life.

IRL, my wife and I went to a nudist resort for a few days last week.

In my dream, my wife and I walked into a restaurant naked. It was ok, everyone was naked, but I had a raging hard on. Altho I was there w my wife, there was also a woman I was attracted to in the restaurant. I was embarrassed for her to see my like that - walking around w a giant hard on.

So I would turn so my back was facing her whenever I could.
The last dream that I remember having was a recurring dream that I've had since I was a teenager.

I end up drowning trying to save a woman in floodwaters.
Had two bad dreams. One a recurring one. Stuck in the turret of our tank and the smell of hydraulic fluid and smoke. Prob triggered by something that happened yesterday.

after being awake for an hour or so, I finally drifted back to sleep.

Then had a dream that I was in Connecticut. Had to get from one side of the state to the other for work or something. But in my way of getting there was a huge hairy Sasquatch creature.

As I walked across Ct I could not go directly across its path.

At some point in my dream I was going down a ladder but the Sasquatch was much faster than I was and overtaking me.