What was the last thing you watched on Netflix?

I watched the first episode a few weeks back and wasn't in the mood to watch subtitles so I know that affected my initial take... it's good though. I'd give it another go if you're into a Running Man-esque viewing experience. It's crazy!

Nice - will do. Thanks x

Not Netflix, but Amazon Prime:


2002 film from a play about the mysterious visit of Werner Heisenberg to Niels Bohr in Copenhagen, September 1941. Interesting that Heisenberg was played by Daniel Craig in his pre-Bond days. Quite an intriguing film for those who have an interest in nuclear physics, the WWII German A-bomb program, or just the dynamic between these two former Nobel Prize winning colleagues who found themselves on opposite sides of the war.

(not the 2014 coming-of-age film with the same title)
We're about halfway through Midnight Mass.
I was told it was a nice show about a church...
Hot girls wanted. An interesting documentary about porn.

It was a while ago, the previous tenants at the apt I rented had left their account logged in. I suspect when that showed up on their watched list they realized it. A couple days later it was logged off.
I ran into The Freak at a market near work. Literally walked head first into her. I was so fan girly I couldn’t do anything except apologise and tell her she scared the crap out of me. 😂. She smelled so good. I still feel creepy remembering how good that smell was and wishing I knew her perfume so I could go buy it. 😂🙄

One of the greatest villains of all time, and I have a weird attraction to her at times. Maybe the sub in me... I would've gushed meeting her as well 😂.