When was the last time you…? (Vol. 2)

Fairly recently. Definitely in the last 3 months. I make a lot of pickles lol.

WWTLTY Did something you shouldn‘t have while drinking?
That would be 47 years ago. The last time I was drinking.

WWTLTY were pulled over by the cops while driving?
Last year.

WTTLTY wanted a face to face conversation, but nobody was around.
It's been a long while, but damn that kiss was the best kiss I've ever had. Thanks, now I will be thinking of that moment again for a few days...*sigh*

WWTLTY asked someone on a date?
It's been a long while, but damn that kiss was the best kiss I've ever had. Thanks, now I will be thinking of that moment again for a few days...*sigh*

WWTLTY asked someone on a date?
Hmm. It’s been awhile. Probably a year or two

WWTLTY took a solo trip?