Where would you like to be right now.....

On a sailboat with my friends with a warm, fresh breeze and an endless supply of dark'n'stormies
l started this post and it reached 5000, I'm really not sure if it was re-started. l apologize if it has...

I'm feeling tropical ….l really want to be somewhere beautiful so l can leave the stress of this world behind me.....


Exactly here with someone very special.
In bed, smoking dope is where I wanna be and where I am at so that is whats up with that.
l started this post and it reached 5000, I'm really not sure if it was re-started. l apologize if it has...

I'm feeling tropical ….l really want to be somewhere beautiful so l can leave the stress of this world behind me.....


Next to you on that lounge chair.
A dimension of my own that I have full control of and can do whatever I'd like in.
^^^ Me three, its amazing how we take for granted so much. There's a lesson to be learned by all this....l hope people learn from it.
As much as I'd like to be somewhere normal, my mind drifts to its usual naughty place. I'd like to be someone's easter dinner so I'll choose to be on a dinning table!
At my tiny casita in Mexico.
The best beach in north America, gentle waves and my GF beside me.

This looks like a good spot, calm view, comfy chairs good company and cold drinks...can't forget a nice fire....