Why the Hell??

Re: Dear Mr. Unregistered ...

SecretScribe said:

I won't bother to further castigate you for your post, others have already done it very well. But I will address your statement about why you don't register. If it is to protect your privacy ... sorry, you are out of luck. Look in the lower right hand corner of each post, right there in the very corner ... where it says "IP: logged". Yes, that's right. The internet address you have posted from. It is tagged to every message you make. It's actually far more personal to you than anything most people use when registering (unless you are very honest when you register).

It's just there for the forum admins in case of real trouble ... and I'm afraid you'll never measure up to that.

Just a thought for you ... Have a nice day. Bye!!!

Love your way of making a point.
Hey - H4H - Nice point yourself. Give her a peck on the check (take your pick ;) ) and I'll do the same for my hubby. (also sitting beside me posting)
mbb308 said:
This boy should have wandered into a biker bar and said in a very load voice, "Who's the cocksucker riding that piece of shit Harley I just backed over with my pick-up?!?"

But then, of course, he didn't hang around for his evisceration, did he???

I was just noticing that . . .

Takes an awful brave person to pick a fight and duck out the back way . . .
mbb308 said:
This boy should have wandered into a biker bar and said in a very load voice, "Who's the cocksucker riding that piece of shit Harley I just backed over with my pick-up?!?"

But then, of course, he didn't hang around for his evisceration, did he???

~whispers~ ahh, but it is lurking still....
Hi PE!

PassionsEcho said:
Actually I think some would be amazed at what the source codes on each page reveal about each individual poster...

I also felt I needed to add to this in continuance of another post of mine...I despise people that make assumptions such as unregistered as to who may be neglecting a damn thing here. You don't "know" these people, you have no idea if they are neglecting anything. You can only assume...assumptions don't make very good arguing points.

*waves* Hi PE! Haven't seen you in TC for a while!
~kicks my toes at these balls laying here on the floor~ I found these near the beginning of this thread...anyone know who these might belong to?
mbb308 said:
This boy should have wandered into a biker bar and said in a very load voice, "Who's the cocksucker riding that piece of shit Harley I just backed over with my pick-up?!?"

Yeehaw! :D

It wouldn't be long before Bubba was being dragged behind his old pickup!
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Re: Hi PE!

SecretScribe said:

*waves* Hi PE! Haven't seen you in TC for a while!

I've been waiting for another embarrassing sexual encounter to confess about...
The brave guy walked in the bar. Weasel liver here ducked it all.

Lurk away, scumsucker.

Unless you prefer the old duel - say, military rifles, ball ammo, open sights, at 600 yards? Your place or mine?
mbb308 said:
The brave guy walked in the bar. Weasel liver here ducked it all.

Lurk away, scumsucker.

Unless you prefer the old duel - say, military rifles, ball ammo, open sights, at 600 yards? Your place or mine?


wooohoooo You Go Mbb!:D
sortacurious said:

And you said it so well! Can I watch?
Always been a sucker for challenge throwing, well armed men!

Sure, but I have a feeling there shall never be a show. I think it may be the Assault Kitten AV....
PassionsEcho said:
~kicks my toes at these balls laying here on the floor~ I found these near the beginning of this thread...anyone know who these might belong to?

LMAO....OMG....They are small too....LMAO....
mbb308 said:

Sure, but I have a feeling there shall never be a show. I think it may be the Assault Kitten AV....

lmao...It is a fearsome looking kitten! Had me shaking and shivering!;)
sortacurious said:

lmao...It is a fearsome looking kitten! Had me shaking and shivering!;)

She's a mean little wretch - took my entire chocolate milkshake!!!!
Unregistered said:
Just a question for everyone that posts here on Lit. I have been lurking here for a long time..I won't register because I don't want to. I like reading what people have to say but that is about it. I have noticed and read that alot of you are married with children, but yet you stay on til the wee hours of the morning. Why do you do that? Don't you ever not want to spend time with your children to hold them close to you especially with everything going on in the world these days! It is sad to see wives neglecting their hubbies so they can sit on Lit and post all day long. I know that I am going to catch hell for posting this. But I think it is something that needs to be brought up. Do you ever feel guilty sitting here. Do you wonder where your kids are and if they are safe? What are your thoughts? Just wondering if you don't feel guilty sometimes!

I wasn't going to respond to this but I just can't help it. Unregistered, I appreciate your concern for all of us here at lit, but I really do have to just point one teeny weeny thing out to you. You obviously can answer your own question better than any of us here.....do you feel guilty "lurking" all hours of the day and night getting your jollies? For you to know how often so many of us are on here, you must spend quiet a bit of time here yourself, who are you neglecting? I guess its ok for "unregistered people" to come jack off to pics and then make their shallow remarks. You ever heard the old saying "He who lives in glass houses should never cast stones"? Well unregistered you have a great big neon sign flashing "GUILTY" on your forehead honey. If it makes you feel holier than thou, keep beating your meat to everyone's pics, but don't go judging the very people that you just used to get your rocks off.

Ok, I'm done preachin.
Originally posted by PassionsEcho
~kicks my toes at these balls laying here on the floor~ I found these near the beginning of this thread...anyone know who these might belong to?

LMAO....OMG....They are small too....LMAO....


What are you two talking about? I can't see anything at all!

LMAO! ! ! ! Damn, girls, you brought tears to my eyes. :D
Anyone seen the fierce protector of Family Values of Literotica since last night, the courageous starter of this well posted thread, the tri colored warrior for truth, justice, and the American way, that defender from evil, the mighty sword of righteousness, the God fearer his Gelded Self??????? No ????

Somehow, I didn't think so....

Still waiting for a reply - testicles not required!!!!
Sheer Evil makes me bump this, in case anyone missed it and wants to get in a shot or three . . . .
mbb308 said:
Sheer Evil makes me bump this, in case anyone missed it and wants to get in a shot or three . . . .

Why waste evil on something like this??? the unregistered who did this probley hasn't been back since they started this assinine thread, so taking a "shot or three" is a waste of time..we all said our piece, let the troll and "it's" thread die..

I forgot i was subscribed to it..LoL Thanks for posting on it mbb..you just reminded me to add another unsubscribed thread to my list..:p

"Happy troll stomping everyone":D
See? It wasn't a complete waste of time. And I haven't crossed paths with you lately. Hope that you are doing well.

I seem to have enough evil to go around. When I run low, I make more.

And, after all, who really knows where the troll lurks????
mbb308 said:
Sheer Evil makes me bump this, in case anyone missed it and wants to get in a shot or three . . . .

So, not only do you want the guy dead, you want to be sure he's ripped to shreds... You and Kitty are indeed kindred spirits, aren't you!

Is this a good day for you or a bad one? :)
sliced, diced and packaged

so there's nothing I can add, and might I commend each of you on some very well said words, and cipher, you have every right to say whatever, wherever you want.
Now I did find a photo of our friend "unregistered" at play, talk about disturbing
I wonder if all the trolls and unregistered are as cheap as this one, won't even bust for a real can of playdoh