X-Men: A Bright New World (OOC)

I aced it, no problem! But I'm not going to lie....I was fretting big time. Hehe. Phew ;)

Now I just need to *GET* through to Wednesday's shift and I'll be able to write! Can't wait :)

Thanks you two(and everyone else)!
We're back up, baby. Just posted for Gambit. Next up will be a (combined?) narrative response for the gal-pal team of Jean Grey and Laura/X-23!

Apologies for the wait. And thank you once more :)

(PS -- there is a link in my Gambit post, for those in that location....to the OOC map post I did. You may click on it there to get a remembered, idea....of positioning and what not!)
Phew. Okay, check on another post.

So, this incoming week. I'm going to be accruing lots of hours, because of the big holiday. And probably will only have one day off. So I probably will NOT be able to write. Because of this. Just a heads up.

Anyhow, after that. My attention next up....should be. On the Southern Belle!

And a pre - HAPPY HOLIDAYS. To anyone -- here -- that may be celebrating this week. :)
Ah, real life, how it interferes with writing fun :D Hopefully you get a rest soon Lach- it sounds like you've been crazy busy.
Yes! Finally got myself(earned as appropriate?) a day off here, once more. And have survived the onslaught of 11-12 hour shifts non stop in a row.

Phew :)

I hope everyone is doing okay, has been safe.....happy, and healthy at that!

With that said, I'm sure things will pick up once again after things settle for everyone. This time of year -- with the holidays -- it's best to be patient. Though, I find communication will be one of our closest of friends, always.

So please let us -- me -- know, just so we know the situation. Chances are, if I haven't heard from someone in a bit, I'll be trying to contact you anyhow. Proactive vs. reactive, right? ;)

Rockstar people.
Holiday Update: It would appear that this time of year, has unfortunately 'swallowed' some people up. Whole. It happens. And there's nothing that can be done about it. But carry on. Somehow, in someway. Keep on, keeping on.

That's the formula that I've been using all along. And will continue to use. :)

In terms of the story and the 'three(four)' main locations within. The one that was mostly affected was -- per the Character Location Breakdown -- C)at The Brazen Fox. For those at this setting, I'm probably going to seek to....take things in hand and advance the story(even further) with my possible next post via Gambit once more. To...alleviate the lack of a participant(s?) -- of whom we might have been waiting for -- to post from before. So that 'we' are not *waiting* anymore on that end.

Other locations, most especially the Russian front. Should be good to go.

My next writing assignment for the roleplay, will be at Rogue's area. Sorry for the delay there! *doh*

If anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns.....please feel free to get in touch with me. That's assuming we haven't been talking all ready! :)
So I'll admit my motivation has been lacking... I *do* have a good excuse though! I'm pregnant (yay) but the joys of morning (all-day really) sickness means I am fighting constant nausea and can't muster the concentration to write! Hopefully I'll get my crap together soon Xx
First and foremost, Miss "SinisterSpiders": Congratu-freakin'-lations!!!! That's awesome....very happy for you both :))))))

Time frame wise, will that make a Summer time baby then??

Very, very cool!

(now Jean is *REALLY* going to need someone like Laura to 'protect'/watch-over-her.....especially....if 'she' is going to be under the weather some, for the foreseeable future? Hehe....sorry, I'm a *GEEK*....I'll stop!*tiny grin*)

Thanks :D We are very happy. Due to being in the southern hemisphere it will be a winter baby- which means reduced joy of seeing teeny feet and hands due to cold, but all good :)

Once the constant nausea takes a hike Jean should be on a roll, at least until July!
Let me know if there's anything that "I" personally can do for you, on my end. Y'know....get you some pillows, uhm....get the comfy sofa set up. Get this *LOUNGE* place all fixed up for you----!*looks around a bit**searching**searching**screeeeeeeeeams*

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMEC!!!! Can I get some help on over here? Can'tcha tell the lady's pregnant?? We need to....bend over back for her, to make sure she's got everything she 'needs'....whilst she's hanging around, in these here parts....y'see???



Hehe. No, but seriously. Don't hesitate to ask. I....we are more than willing to help out when and where we can, Miss "SinisterSpiders"! :)

In the meantime, I was wasting the most of my morning *THINKING* I had "LOST" my....*ahem*...wedding ring and trying to "find" said....item..............when really it was upstairs in my room, where it was SUPPOSED to be! *pheeeeeeeeeeew*



So.....I'm going to try and.....make do with some time here, and maybe write something. As it pertains to this roleplay. That *MIGHT* be.....useful and all. And then we can all get back on par (in the eventuality) with 'righting this ship', mm? :)

PS EDIT: Oh and Happy Holidays to all out there!! ;)
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Haha, you're too sweet. Unfortunately I need nothing more than to ride out the next 0-12 weeks and hope the grossness passes. I should be able to work on something on Wednesday evening :heart:
Splendidly relieved to see you were feeling better(or at least contained that nausea enough) to be able to write Miss "SinisterSpiders"!!! It was very much a treat to say the least :)

I just did a soft update on the roster.

To reflect the current activity -- most especially for those at The Brazen Fox location, I took it upon myself to advance the story and took control of the character War, so we weren't 'held up' anymore. If you're able to come back and/or still want to "Felix80" you're more than welcome to. Hopefully you understand from a GM's point of view where I was coming from, since I hadn't heard from you...

And with "AnyOtherName's" say so, I believe the Russian front shall soon be heating up as well, courtesy of her very talented self. :)
Congrats, Sinister!

I hope that the morning (or all day) sickness abates for you sooner rather than later; I'm told it usually gets better after the first trimester (as you've already indicated) but I wouldn't know from experience. Although I'm also expecting... I was very fortunate in that I dodged the nausea bullet entirely.

And since the cat is out of the bag I may as well announce to the thread: I will be absent most of April for the birth of my first. I expect I'll be back in early May, after the cycle of visiting family has gone through and I've given myself some time to adjust. I'm hoping to have my character somewhere that she won't disrupt the story with her absence; and if that's not possible, I'm more than happy to relinquish control to Lach until my return.

I should have something for the IC thread before the end of this weekend!

Take care, everyone! Especially you, Sinister! :rose:
Yay- congrats AnyOtherName :) My daughter was born in April- it's a great month. I'm almost 14 weeks now and the nausea is still here (thinking it will stick around for another 8 weeks if last time is anything to go by).
It's funny how the mind plays tricks/games on one, but...because both of your character's are -- well, they have a 'bond' in game, and thus could be considered -- 'friends'. I *ALMOST* associate that out of game, out of character as well. As such, when I first learned of Miss "SinisterSpiders" pregnancy, and knew of Miss "AnyOtherName's" -- I thought it was *EXTRAORDINARY* to say the least, almost cosmic...and yes.....fated, meant to be...and all the like!! :)

Of course it may simply be a ridiculous coincidence, but....sometimes....I like to 'read' into things a lil' more. Just for the fun of it. Hehe.

Anyhow, my thread has never been more bless-ed than it is now. Because of the likes of you gal-pals -- *lil' grin* -- and "Remec" plus "NekoMata" included! As always, I'm completely thankful for the chance opportunity to write with anyone, and consider it a beautiful honor....to indeed be able to share the time, fictionally, with all of you guys...here in these very pages! Can't thank everyone of you guys enough for that. Really!(this also references those that have come and gone, for whatever reason....and any that may, seek to appear in the forthcoming future! :) )

Every moment, in life, and on here....is(and can be) an outstanding one. (of course it doesn't always *FEEL* like that, now does it? Heh) Just wanted to give everyone props and their due respect, kindly enough....because let's face it. You all rockkkkkk! ;)

Back to the thread. For my part, and to speak of our *THIRD* gal, I'm just waiting for her to "return" so that hopefully I can once more advance her in character situation. Either way, I'm looking to write on my next day off which will be this Thursday! And we'll take it from there....
Thanks, Sinister! Sorry to hear about the continued nausea. :/

Lach: you're so sweet. Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of such a fantastic story! I think that you deserve some praise yourself, Mister GM; running a group thread is no easy task, especially when one goes to the lengths that you do. So. Thank you for all the trouble you go through to keep this story alive and well!

...And! It was not my intention to be a liar...but I happened to be unexpectedly busy this weekend so I lacked for the time to write. I'll have a little time today, though I promise nothing (my muse has been difficult as of late, I'm afraid to say)... But I will have something posted by Wednesday night.

Hope everyone had a great weekend~
Group photo everyone(and company)! I was just happy that I could find something that had the current roster of characters in it...so I'll take what I can get ;)

....and I didn't get to write today, like I would have liked. Which is unnerving me, but I want to at least apologize for that folks.

I'll find out when my next day(s) off are for next week, and look to post then. Promise!

(Oh. And I loooooove "AnyOtherName's" last post to pieces. Officially! So thanks for that! *nuuudge*)
Please help me (re)welcome Miss "tight_n_ready" back to our roleplay here! She was one of the original members of the team, so to speak, and will be playing(again) as the Southern Belle....none other than Rogue! A gal after my own heart....:)

I updated the roster to reflect this.

...and I'm off this Wednesday + Thursday, so expect to see some writing sometime then. Happy Monday all!
In anticipation of my forthcoming writing and prioritizing aloud here, I've got a Rogue post that I'll probably squeeze out first. Followed by a Brazen Fox/Gambit one. Lastly, if I can get to it....Mother Russia!

And maybe. Just maybe....an interlude as well! But now I'm dreeeeeeeeamin'...;)

*EDIT -- I posted in the Existing Threads to see if I could potentially 'net' any possible future writers for us here!
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Proverbs 3:27.




Name: Kurt Szardos Wagner
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Ethnicity: Descended from a Caucasian American and a Romani-Latverian-- a "gypsy," though the term is considered derogatory --and raised by Sinti-- members of the German subgroup of Romani --Kurt's ethnicity is nevertheless not externally obvious because of reasons.

Abilities: Kurt lacks a single specialized power, like some of his mutant brethren, but instead has quite a repertoire of lower-power abilities.

His primary gift lies in his ability to teleport, as accompanied by a quick burst of sulfurous stench and flame. By transitioning for a brief instant into a nameless, Hellish subdimension, Kurt can emerge back into our existence at an elsewhere of his choosing. The process is instinctive, but not effortless-- the more people, the more mass he carries along with him, the harder it is on everyone involved. His range is generally limited to two miles, though under great duress and in times of great desperation he can teleport greater distances. If he is going somewhere unfamiliar to him, he requires line-of-sight view so as not to accidentally arrive in the same space as another solid object-- "as deaths go, it's not the funnest." If, however, he has been to a place before, he can arrive there jumping blindly and trusting to his instincts to guide him to a safe landing.

Kurt's agility-- while perhaps not quite on a par with the infamous Spider-Man --exceeds the peak human level, and this is only bolstered by the sheer flexibility of his skeleton and joints-- he is a natural contortionist. His dexterity is similarly deft, as he is not only ambidextrous, but capable of using his feet to hold and manipulate things-- not to mention the prehensile tail lashing behind him. Because of his extensive athleticism, he is also quite strong and capable of feats of stamina on a level with the most dedicated Olympians.

Also like Spider-Man, Kurt has the ability to wallcrawl, adhering to smooth vertical surfaces and ceilings as easily as breathing. Kurt can even run along walls while standing perpendicular to them, though he prefers to gallop on all fours.

Kurt has excellent nightvision with his molten golden eyes, though he can be known to bolster this with a flashlight as necessary.

Nightcrawler's somewhat extradimensional nature causes him to turn invisible in shadows. This, too, is instinctive, and cannot be deactivated, perhaps causing a problem for his friends when he is knocked unconscious in the dark.

Kurt's combat skills are excellent-- with his acrobatic training, natural brawling, master-class swordfighting, and finely-honed physical memory, he can hit as hard as a prizefighter with fists and feet, or carve you cleanly with an edged weapon, and then be gone before you can counterstrike.

Additionally, Kurt is a masterful performer of various circus acts, as well as a charismatic and evocative thespian.

Kurt speaks English, his native German, and ecclesiastic Latin.

Physical Appearance: Kurt is slender to the point of looking almost fragile, but possesses a wiry strength. He resembles a mythological creature-- indeed, a Sorcerer Supreme might at first glance find him indistinguishable from a certain species of demon --with his pointed ears and fanged teeth and golden, sometimes glowing eyes. Kurt's midnight-blue skin is covered with a thin layer of matching fuzz, including his aforementioned tail. Kurt's hands each possess two long, thick, surprisingly nimble fingers and an opposable thumb. Similarly, Kurt's feet each have two large toes that can be curled like fingers, and a rear digit on the heel analogous to a thumb. (Secretly, just as Kurt possesses two fingers on each hand and two toes on each foot, he also possesses two of something else, though he is rather modest about this endowment and does not go out of his way to advertise it.) Kurt's head of hair is dark and curly when he does not style it straight, midnight blue like his fur-- though in some lighting it simply looks black with blue highlights.

Personality: Kurt is literate and articulate, given to great theatrical showmanship and displays of jaunty, trickstery joie de vivre, though also given to times of somber contemplation. Though his spirituality has been largely influenced by the Judeo-Christian tradition, and he has studied the theology thereof, he adheres very strongly to the doctrine of general revelation: God shows truth in all things. Kurt will quote The Tao or The Buddha as often as he quotes The Bible, and is familiar with the workings of Wicca. He's quite fond of Shakespeare and old-school pirate flicks.

He's a peaceful, gentle soul, if you let him be one-- "if The Devil can masquerade as an angel of light, as it is written," he might say, "can I not be an angel with the mask of a devil?" On the other hand, he can have a wicked, cackling wit, and a courageous, righteous indignation-- if you make him mad for the right reasons, look out.

Despite his unearthly appearance, Kurt is quite charismatic and has an attractive allure-- rather like the species of incubus he so strongly resembles. If he let his guard down-- though that's not really his nature --he might actually have almost as much luck with the ladies as certain Ragin' Cajuns.

History: The infant Kurt was abandoned in-- though his mother might say "entrusted to" --a camp of Bavarian Sinti that traveled with a circus. His only clues to his origin would be a Catholic Bible wrapped up in his swaddling clothes, and the fact that his mother was of The Rom, and spoke with a Latverian accent. Raised in the traditions of this circus environment, Kurt discovered that he was a born showman, and that despite his disfigurement, his abilities-- especially the teleporting, when that showed up in his early teen years --lent themselves to the trapeze, to funambulism, to dueling onstage, to flips and leaps and sawdust and the spotlight.

Not a day went by, however, that Kurt did not wonder to Margali Szardos, the fortuneteller that raised him, about the truth of who and what he was. He did, eventually, trace his childhood Bible back to an American Army chaplain named Christian Wagner. Inspired by his biological father's apparent spirituality, Kurt studied hard and took a number of courses by mail with seminary schools-- learning what he could about his father's beliefs. (He even, as part of this process, had his name legally changed to incorporate his father's surname.)

One thing he could never learn, however, was what he really was, or where he came from. He has never yet learned of his birth-mother.

To this end, he bid his foster-mother farewell and traveled to The United States, seeking out the vaunted genetics expert Charles Francis Xavier-- if anyone could hunt out the truth of Kurt's bloodline, Kurt felt, it was Charles.

Having tracked Charles down, however, Kurt discovered much more than a possible way to discern his origins: he found a school that taught good deeds and a stout heart, kindness and bravery to one's neighbor, no matter their ilk, and most of all accepted him for who he was. Even an ocean away from the place of his birth, Kurt Wagner was suddenly home.

Since then, he has taken the Americanized codename "Nightcrawler," inspired by his German stagename of "Nacht-Wurm."


"I am of the people, man. What I seek, I find. What I hunt, I take. I can hide in a shadow. My teeth are sharp enough to cut bone. I run on four legs as easily as two. I am kin to dwarrow and nightgaunt. I owe allegiance to none born, and fear nothing."
-Neil Gaiman, Sandman.​
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I want to take this time to welcome the illustrious, Miss "ChasNicollette" to our roleplay here! As shown with her character profile, she is going to bring her worldly talents and passion to the furry blue mutant...whom is also her fave. It should also be known that I've been trying to recruit her amazing talents for a good long while too.....so it feels *GOOD* when stars align just so, and one -- "I"(perhaps 'we' all) -- are given an opportunity!

I'll stop gushing...but.....it's a truly, glorious Monday. Thank you for that....everyone. It always means the world, when 'dreams come true' and I have one...if not all...of you guys to thank! :)

***EDIT -- I updated the roster to add the additional character of yours. I also believe Miss "AnyOtherName" will be taking on the role of another character, forthcoming as well. ;)

I'm off this coming Thursday and Friday so will be writing some good Russian posts then for the roleplay!
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Ok guys, I'm probably not going to be able to post for the next week or so, I will try my hardest to, but if I can't I apologise. I should be back up and posting after that though :)
That's perfectly all right, chicka! Loved your latest post -- it was *PERFECT* -- so thanks for THAT! :)

Hope you are able to take care of everything you need to, and/or that everything goes swimmingly for you.

The time frame is actually perfect, since it probably won't be around that time....ishhhh......since/till I 'circle' back around to your character again anyhow! (looking forward to the *merge* of locations for sure...hehe)

Anyhow, thanks for letting us know :))