Young Justice/Teen Titans (OOC)

So I finally got caught up on the IC. I like how Steel shot out the electric bolt from her hammer, but we need a conductor since there are six individual targets. M'gann doesn't need to use the wires now, but she could make the sprinklers go off right before the electric charge, or Tigress could shoot an arrow at just the sprinkler over the Sins. Or M'gann could still use the wires to wrap around the Sins to carry the charge from Nat's hammer so it shocks all six Sins equally. And... I totally fucking forgot about the six or seven zombies, haha.

I think the sprinkler is the best option to guide Nat's charge to shock all the baddies at once, but what do you guys think? Is it possible the bolt from the hammer can branch out to hit them all? Is it one quick burst or a sustained charge that she can aim to hit each of the bad guys?
So I finally got caught up on the IC. I like how Steel shot out the electric bolt from her hammer, but we need a conductor since there are six individual targets. M'gann doesn't need to use the wires now, but she could make the sprinklers go off right before the electric charge, or Tigress could shoot an arrow at just the sprinkler over the Sins. Or M'gann could still use the wires to wrap around the Sins to carry the charge from Nat's hammer so it shocks all six Sins equally. And... I totally fucking forgot about the six or seven zombies, haha.

I think the sprinkler is the best option to guide Nat's charge to shock all the baddies at once, but what do you guys think? Is it possible the bolt from the hammer can branch out to hit them all? Is it one quick burst or a sustained charge that she can aim to hit each of the bad guys?

I was intending it as one quick burst aimed at the heart of a knot of bad guys, assuming that the team had herded the baddies close together while Steel was reconfiguring Lucy, but it's a directed charge-- using EM-tunneling to guide the bolt. If M'gann can use the sprinkler-spray to spread out the charge, I wouldn't be opposed.
Yeah, the team has the baddies in a knot, but they would have to all be touching skin to get shocked from one charge. The best way around that is to either have them all wrapped up in a metal wire or all covered in water, and since it's a lot easier to set a sprinkler off, that seems like the best option :). It could be just the sprinkler over the baddies so it doesn't hurt the Titans. Either that or she could throw the hammer into the group of baddies and then it electrifies everything in a three foot radius or something, haha. But that would require too much of a re-edit. If we do the sprinkler, then you don't have to edit anything at all, Chas. We would just need M'gann or Tigress to set it off in their next post as if they did it right before Nat sent out the charge. I suppose Nightwing could do it, but I wanted to give other characters a chance for some team work :).
I'll give Lily and Tighty a chance to claim the "sprinkler attack," though if they haven't had a chance to post by the time I get home from work in the morning, I'm going to post and I'll just have Nightwing set off the sprinkler. I would just write it this morning, but I've had a long night at work and don't feel like writing it right now, lol. I was so pissed because my boss promised me someone would be there to cover the 6am shuttle and I had three guests waiting in the lobby and guess what? 6am comes and nobody is fucking there. Turns out the person she told me would be there at 6am was actually still home in bed because she told him another person had it covered. I wrote a big long angry rant letter in the logbook about how it is important to always have the shuttle covered. "If no one is scheduled to be here at 6am, there must ALWAYS be a note for me so I have time to call a cab for the guests. It makes us look bad when we promise a shuttle and then no one shows up." I forget exactly how I worded it, but I underlined and highlighted several parts and when the Front Desk Manager came to relieve me at 7am, I pointed out the note to him and said something along the lines of, "This is unacceptable. If we promise something to our guests, we HAVE to follow through," and he was like, "I told Carlos Margaret said to come in at 6!" and I was like, "Well he says Margaret told him that Chris was coming in at 6."

Grrr. That shit pisses me off, and even though I am not a manager I don't hesitate to let the actual managers know when something pisses me off.

Anyway, long night, just wanna relax this morning.
Shawna could teleport away. It just seems like they sit in these tiny cells indefinitely... is that even legal? Isn't it false imprisonment? LOL. Slade I understand because his prison is controlled by a government agency. I assume maybe there is a kitchen somewhere in the prison and the guards probably feed him.

IF she could teleport away is a question of if we are supposed to buy that her powers work as claimed instead of the way the clearly work. I mean anybody who saw the episode knows that her teleporting is clearly not limited by line of sight, people who can only teleport places they see by definition can't teleport in their sleep and wind up strange places. However officially she's trapped in that cell because she can't see out. (Personally I think it's a mental block and the only thing keeping her locked up is essentially her poor self esteem.) But assuming we buy how her powers are claimed to function she can't get out of Star Labs, I don't see any windows on the place and in a hallway, she's be annoying sure but Cisco could kick her ass inside a confined space like that. She has to get out in the open to use her power to any real effect. Also blindfolding her should render her powerless. Even if it's just a mental block that should work just fine.

I like the idea of a translator, Chas, I just wish they would actually make reference to one in the MCU, lol. A good translator would be a brain implant that alters your senses slightly so you think you are hearing people talk in your language and seeing their lips form words you know. But then you have problems with words that are combinations of multiple languages. Many English words use variations of Greek and Latin. You also have syllables and sentence structure. I always thought it was weird that the Universal Translator in later Star Trek shows and movies knew when to translate and when not to. Like if Worf is telling Riker a phrase in Klingon, Riker's UT knows not to translate it to English if Worf intends for him to hear it in Klingon.

The variatings or combinations of multiple languages SHOULDN'T be a problem actually the snag you'd hit are words that simply have no translation at all or where the translation would be horribly garbled. Like some words/phrases just don't exist in other cultures, how would the Japanese Seppukku translate to english? I mean it's effectively suicide and that would probably me the word your universal translater would come up with, but Seppukku is NOT suicide. What about made up words? I mean shit with little or no definition, Cowabunga, Booyakasha, Boomshakalacka. Does the Universal Translater go "Insert jubilation"? What happens to acronyms? How would S.H.I.E.L.D. translate to Asgardian, I mean it's not actually a word. . .okay that might come out as shield, but what about NASA or something that doesn't conveniently make a real word.

Dr. Who must have some kind of trick for names by the way, since one episode covers that Earthy is very nearly unique in thinking Doctor means healer, thanks to what a bad ass the Doctor is the rest of the universe thinks Doctor=Warrior.

On subject if nobody comes back to do the sprinklers I'm sure Nightwing has metal wire, hell it wouldn't shock me to find out that the grapple is some sort of laced with steel.
I'm reminded of that old Alan Moore "Green Lantern" story where a Lantern (I think it was Katma Tui?) was sent to recruit a Lantern from a Sector of space that had never known light or sight or vision-- all its species had evolved in complete darkness. No translation existed for the color "green," or the notion of a "lantern," because this race had no concept of it.

So eventually Katma realizes that she'll have to work around this-- and instead suggests that this new recruit build his persona around an inspiring and heroic sound, instead--

--and instead of a Green Lantern, the new recruit would refer to himself as an F-Sharp Bell.
And yeah, Nightwing's grappling cables are metal, but it would take far too long for him to wrap it around them on his own, but M'gann could always take control of them. If we had a speedsters -- cough cough (Lachy) cough cough -- he could grab the wire and run circles around the baddies.
Shawna could teleport down the hall and try to use the elevator, or teleport into the cells of other metas through the glass and use them to free her.

Also, this is a really cool infograph showing 52 misconceptions many people make. A few of these even I didn't know, lol.

Fair enough, still blind fold. Even if the metal guy had lived Flash doesn't actually need the Megaton punch to take him, he should be able to wrangle him just fine if it occured to him. The one that's impossible to even figure out how they are holding is the gas guy. I mean. . .does he not breathe?
Fair enough, still blind fold. Even if the metal guy had lived Flash doesn't actually need the Megaton punch to take him, he should be able to wrangle him just fine if it occured to him. The one that's impossible to even figure out how they are holding is the gas guy. I mean. . .does he not breathe?

True. Any air vent would be a way for him to escape. Even a filtered one -- if oxygen can get in, he can get out, unless his gas form is denser than oxygen and can't pass through the filter.
Huzzah I knew most of those, and most of the ones I didn't I had never even heard of (like that guy who hated Mozart, or Washington growing weed) or think the technical definition at this point is incorrect, Jihad is not struggle TODAY it's Holy War. I'm sorry I don't care what Webster wrote down. The same way if you walked up to a man at his wedding and said "You're the gayest man here, you look so gay." He'd be perfectly within his rights to slap you because that is NOT what that word means today and if you're using it that way it's because you're trying to be a clever douche.
True. Any air vent would be a way for him to escape. Even a filtered one -- if oxygen can get in, he can get out, unless his gas form is denser than oxygen and can't pass through the filter.

Well that is how gas masks basically work. I'd have to go and double check how his power worked though if he has to turn into that specific poison gas or if he chose it because it's effective.
I'm reminded of that old Alan Moore "Green Lantern" story where a Lantern (I think it was Katma Tui?) was sent to recruit a Lantern from a Sector of space that had never known light or sight or vision-- all its species had evolved in complete darkness. No translation existed for the color "green," or the notion of a "lantern," because this race had no concept of it.

So eventually Katma realizes that she'll have to work around this-- and instead suggests that this new recruit build his persona around an inspiring and heroic sound, instead--

--and instead of a Green Lantern, the new recruit would refer to himself as an F-Sharp Bell.

Exactly, and that sort of thing should crop up a lot more often than it does in comics. At least Marvel has the "excuse" of the High Evolutionary and the Celestials. It wouldn't shock me to find out that a combination of Intelligent Design is true for the entire Marvel Universe (not just Earth and Mutants which depending on the continuity were basically designed by Apocalypse.) is the reason that virtually no matter where you are in the universe it's filled with bipedial humanoids, five fingers, five toes, various quirks sure but even in the Green Lantern Corps the overwhelming majority of Lanterns could be mistaken for human.

Though as I brought up once in a Gargoyles discussion they never really discuss texture. By which I mean how human is Sinestro supposed to appear? I know he's red but does he look like a guy walking around in face paint? Or would you instantly be able to tell he wasn't human because his skin looks like leather or something.
When I think of bipedal humanoids with five fingers and such, I think of evolution. On Earth, our race succeeded mostly because we evolved the ability to build and use tools and to process higher cognitive functions. It seems likely to me that in order for most other races to develop advanced civilization, they would evolve similar features to humans. Everything that makes life possible on Earth can be found elsewhere in the universe as well, so it's not so much of a stretch to think that out of trillions upon trillions of planets and moons, maybe more than one developed humanoid life. Having aliens shaped like humans is just as possible as other planets looking like Earth.
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Though there are weird things, like how all Klingons seem dark-skinned, suggesting they all evolved near the equator of their home planet and never migrated towards the poles. Vulcans seem to have a similar skin tone range to humans, which suggests their planet is similar to Earth as well. Aliens with other skin colors like blue and green would likely also have ranges of dark and light tones based on how close to the equator of their home planet they evolved, though that would vary depending on atmosphere, chemical structure, and the planet's orbit and seasons.
On Earth, skin tone is mostly based in where our ancestors evolved. Those closest to the equator developed the darkest skin to protect themselves against the intensity of solar radiation. Those who migrated north lost this protection over the generations, resulting in paler skin. That's why people with pale skin sunburn easier and are more likely to get skin cancer than those with darker tones.
Oh, and awesome posts, everyone. I'll write up mine in the morning and lead into the battle against Superboy.
Except evolution doesn't REALLY work like that. Yes the need to manipulate your environment is a necessity but there doesn't seem to be any reason at all why you shouldn't see just as many centaurs are you do humans. Humans have five digits because EVERYTHING has five digits, even if some of them have fused together like in horses. No reason why six or four wouldn't work just as well. Or why your head HAS to be on your shoulders.

The kink in evolution is that it doesn't necessary do the best thing, it effectively finds a working model and rides it till the wheels fall off.

There could easily be races that simply don't have an equator the way we think of it though. I mean if the Earth was a few thousand miles closer everybody would be darker skinned and if it was a few thousand miles farther away everybody would be lighter. So it doesn't necessarily mean those raises primarily developed in any particular part of their planet. (Though it is likely.)

When I see humanoids as the dominate life form across the universe, many like the Kryptonians indistinguishable from humans I think a combination of lack of creativity, wanting the character to be relatable (lets face it Manhunter in his natural form is not someone most people can relate to.) and in the case of television and movies the limitations of budget and SFX.
And yeah, Nightwing's grappling cables are metal, but it would take far too long for him to wrap it around them on his own, but M'gann could always take control of them. If we had a speedsters -- cough cough (Lachy) cough cough -- he could grab the wire and run circles around the baddies.
As if I'm not in the dog house with my wife, enough. For being in *TWO* roleplays....(IE, writing on my days off when she gets home from work because my slow butt couldn't FINISH writing during the day!) -- are you suggesting I 'man-up' and make it *THREE*...??




...hehe. I think if I was a faster writer, or a *FORMULATOR*('translator'?) of wouldn't be a slowwww butt just cannot keep up!

...other than ALL THAT! I'm totally in!

Ahahaha ;)

(But seriously, wish there was something I could do for you guys...for the moment, if you want to check out can see "Lunaramblings'" Star City: Heroes of Tomorrow thread...where the zany teenager is up to no good at all! *lil' grin*)
How could life evolve on a planet with no equator?

Why is an equator (in the way that we recognize it, the warmest place on the planet, not some arbitrary line) necessary to life in anyway shape or form? You could be closer or farther from the sun, have different ocean currents or any number of reasons why the planet could heat more evenly than it does. If the continents had formed up in a different way we most likely would have drawn our lines some other way.

As if I'm not in the dog house with my wife, enough. For being in *TWO* roleplays....(IE, writing on my days off when she gets home from work because my slow butt couldn't FINISH writing during the day!) -- are you suggesting I 'man-up' and make it *THREE*...??




...hehe. I think if I was a faster writer, or a *FORMULATOR*('translator'?) of wouldn't be a slowwww butt just cannot keep up!

...other than ALL THAT! I'm totally in!

Ahahaha ;)

(But seriously, wish there was something I could do for you guys...for the moment, if you want to check out can see "Lunaramblings'" Star City: Heroes of Tomorrow thread...where the zany teenager is up to no good at all! *lil' grin*)

All planets should have an equator because that is where the sun is most often overhead. That's why living close to the equator is warmer year round and farther away from it you have the seasons. No matter how close or far away, there will be an equator, or a zone that spends the most time facing the sun. Farther north or south the heat is scattered more and thus is less intense on the skin. Plus in places where it snows, a lot of light and heat is reflected back into space. The only way a planet could not have an equator would be if its rotation is so unstable that it turns back and forth randomly, which would likely mean an unstable magnetic field and thus no life.

The equator is the warmest part of the planet and the poles are the coldest. If the planet was heated evenly over it's entire surface, that would mean a greenhouse effect and a thicker atmosphere, which could possibly make it void of life, and any life that did exist there would die on our Earth unless it had a pressurized suit with internal heating because they would have evolved to adapt to extremely warm temperatures and intense atmospheric pressure.
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