📮 The 3rd Annual ✨July✨ PM Challenge 📮

Day 22:

PM at least 1 Litster you'd like to reconnect with - maybe you've fallen out of touch or you've been busy - but if you miss talking -
reach out!
Day 22: I done this with 3 or 4 Litsters. I got one reply. Totally surprised. I didn't think they were really on Lit anymore. Call me surprised. And no, I didn't send a dick pic. Just my hairy moobs.
Day 23:

Alright Lit has sometimes had a gossip problem. Shocking I know. Well today we are going to spread some good gossip.

PM 1 Litster and pass on a second hand compliment - something good you've heard about them.
I’m going to respectfully skip this one. I must be really out of the loop. No one really gossips about other Litsters with me…good or bad. Have a good day everyone!
I've managed to complete number 22. I would have a go at twenty, but I'm way too shy to do that, so I'll leave that in my imagination instead.
Sounds like I need to start spreading good rumors. I'll let you pick your poison -

Their cum tastes like cotton candy.

They made their millions as a foot fetish model.

They do product testing for Bad Dragon
Day 23:

Alright Lit has sometimes had a gossip problem. Shocking I know. Well today we are going to spread some good gossip.

PM 1 Litster and pass on a second hand compliment - something good you've heard about them.
I couldn’t resist jumping on this one and happily sent out a handful of messages. Some I was able to cite the source and some had to be anonymous, but either way I just loved having a reason to share complimentary things.

If there’s a vote at the end for favorite challenge, this one has mine hands down (I know, bold and brazen considering the event is not over and I haven’t officially played 🤣) Some of the reasons I love this one so much:
  • It’s an opportunity to be good to other people which is something everyone could use more of in their lives. You never know how impactful a kind word or compliment can be to someone else or how much they may really need to hear it.
  • It made me realize and appreciate that I couldn’t have participated a year ago. I didn’t really know many people here and definitely not well enough to have them share good confidences about other Litsters. I’m grateful that’s not the case anymore.
Day 25:

Let's have a scavenger hunt!

1. Look back at your second to last post.
2. See the poster that posted above you. PM them.
3. For bonus stars - PM anyone they follow or who follows them that has a username that starts with the same letter as your user name.