2009 Survivor Poetry Challenge: Discussion and Announcements

It's a saying over here when someone says something that comes out somewhat garbled then we would say "That sounds a bit Irish." I don't think it is a slur as more like the Irish blarney used to confuse the English. Ron is half Irish and certainly has the gift of the gab!
To "put Irish on the ball" is to strike the cue ball in such a way as to put a spin on it and curve the path the ball takes.
It's a saying over here when someone says something that comes out somewhat garbled then we would say "That sounds a bit Irish." I don't think it is a slur as more like the Irish blarney used to confuse the English. Ron is half Irish and certainly has the gift of the gab!

Ahh! Got it. You are right, slur was not the right term. But it is a nice sounding word.

I should change my name to

I can't think of any way in writing a poem from the POV of a Persian Carpet that isn't simply bad. Maybe you'll come up with some clever way of doing that. For me, that is simply rote. Easy to do, but unsatisfying result.

Hey Pushkine, I am the carpet. Okay it is not great or anything close to great, but it was not bad. Come on baby, be the carpet. Oops, I mean, come on, Sir, be the carpet. There are many paths to satisfaction. Come on, take your own.

So glad to see you writing again.
Hey Pushkine, I am the carpet. Okay it is not great or anything close to great, but it was not bad. Come on baby, be the carpet. Oops, I mean, come on, Sir, be the carpet. There are many paths to satisfaction. Come on, take your own.

So glad to see you writing again.
The Rubaiyat of Omar Karastan

My world lies flat, beneath their feet
Where soles aplenty do I greet
And cleanse of dirt, though not of sin.
I'm cleaned more harshly, being beat.

I'm pounded all about my skin.
Take several on my fuzzy chin.
I'm laid outside to catch my chill
With several of my closest kin.

Here's Rashid and my cousin Bill
And Nicholas, who's from Brazil
(And woven rather slovenly—
His nap's susceptible to pill).

Now freed of dirt and such debris,
I'm laid before the hearth. You see,
Because I'm Persian and not cheap,
I'm fire-retardant, guaranteed.

My pile is lovely, dark and deep.
But I have warranties to keep,
And miles go slow beneath their feet,
And miles to go before I sleep.
this is hilarious

show off


The Rubaiyat of Omar Karastan

My world lies flat, beneath their feet
Where soles aplenty do I greet
And cleanse of dirt, though not of sin.
I'm cleaned more harshly, being beat.

I'm pounded all about my skin.
Take several on my fuzzy chin.
I'm laid outside to catch my chill
With several of my closest kin.

Here's Rashid and my cousin Bill
And Nicholas, who's from Brazil
(And woven rather slovenly—
His nap's susceptible to pill).

Now freed of dirt and such debris,
I'm laid before the hearth. You see,
Because I'm Persian and not cheap,
I'm fire-retardant, guaranteed.

My pile is lovely, dark and deep.
But I have warranties to keep,
And miles go slow beneath their feet,
And miles to go before I sleep.
The Rubaiyat of Omar Karastan

My world lies flat, beneath their feet
Where soles aplenty do I greet
And cleanse of dirt, though not of sin.
I'm cleaned more harshly, being beat.

I'm pounded all about my skin.
Take several on my fuzzy chin.
I'm laid outside to catch my chill
With several of my closest kin.

Here's Rashid and my cousin Bill
And Nicholas, who's from Brazil
(And woven rather slovenly—
His nap's susceptible to pill).

Now freed of dirt and such debris,
I'm laid before the hearth. You see,
Because I'm Persian and not cheap,
I'm fire-retardant, guaranteed.

My pile is lovely, dark and deep.
But I have warranties to keep,
And miles go slow beneath their feet,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Well both my illustrateds have been rejected again for the same reason and I don't know why they are not being received as I checked and doubled checked. Will have to PM Lauren because unless someone else will trust me with their email address and try sending them in for me or if the fact that I posted them here counts on my score card, I might as well chuck in the towel now
Well both my illustrateds have been rejected again for the same reason and I don't know why they are not being received as I checked and doubled checked. Will have to PM Lauren because unless someone else will trust me with their email address and try sending them in for me or if the fact that I posted them here counts on my score card, I might as well chuck in the towel now

Mine was rejected again. I tried it two different ways. No towel chucking allowed!

I am going to PM Laurel, figured I would wait and see if this time it would go through.

Good luck!

Mine was rejected again. I tried it two different ways. No towel chucking allowed!

I am going to PM Laurel, figured I would wait and see if this time it would go through.

Good luck!

Mine was rejected the first time. Champagne suggests embedding the picture in a MS Word document and uploading the entire document instead of trying to separate the artwork from the text. That's what I will try next.

Or was that one of the ways you tried, Ms. Swirls?
Trying again for a Terzanelle!

when our love is a waning moon
that trails its toe in velvet sky
sweep its glitter into a spoon

exhale with lovers' moonless sigh
and hold your thumb to what is missed
that trailed its toe in velvet sky

here is a girl who is needing kissed
you know by the way she pouts her lips
and holds her thumb to what is missed

when our love is a silver slip
knit slowly fuller, spidersilk fine
you know by the way we pout our lips

when our love is a valentine
blotted lipstick swells night's cheek
knit slowly fuller, spidersilk fine

every month when moonlight's sleek
the night wind hungrily will croon
of blotted lipstick on night's cheek
sweep its glitter into a spoon

It is a terzanelle yet???
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Trying again for a Terzanelle!

when our love is a waning moon
that trails its toe in velvet sky
sweep its glitter into a spoon

exhale with lovers' moonless sigh
and hold your thumb to what is missed
that trailed its toe in velvet sky

here is a girl who is needing kissed
you know by the way she pouts her lips
and holds her thumb to what is missed

when our love is a silver slip
knit slowly fuller, spidersilk fine
you know by the way we pout our lips

when our love is a valentine
blotted lipstick swells night's cheek
knit slowly fuller, spidersilk fine

every month when moonlight's sleek
the night wind hungrily will cry
of blotted lipstick on night's cheek
moon trails her toe in velvet sky

It is a terzanelle yet???
Close, but you've pulled the wrong line from the first stanza for the final stanza.

Lines one and three of the first stanza repeat as lines 17 and 19. You repeated line two as line 19, which is interesting (it repeats three times), but not strictly the form.

Other than that, the terza rima seems correct and the other lines seem to be pulled correctly.

The form, though, is flexible, as most forms are. If you like it this way, you might want to see if Lauren will accept it as a variation.
Mine was rejected the first time. Champagne suggests embedding the picture in a MS Word document and uploading the entire document instead of trying to separate the artwork from the text. That's what I will try next.

Or was that one of the ways you tried, Ms. Swirls?

Yeppers. That was the way #2. Only problem is I don't have MS Word, so I had to do a "Save As Word" and upload that.

Thanks! I am not sure what is next...maybe I just have to borrow a PC somewhere.
I don't have time right this minute, but later today I'll see if I can help those of you with ilustrated submission problems. :)
I'm back, but still feeling my general anaesthesia. You had never submitted illustrated poetry before this, right? Here's what we can do: email those images to me, at laurenhynde@gmail.com, and I will try to help. I can e-mail them for you.

Damn, took me 10 minutes to write this.
I'm back, but still feeling my general anaesthesia. You had never submitted illustrated poetry before this, right? Here's what we can do: email those images to me, at laurenhynde@gmail.com, and I will try to help. I can e-mail them for you.

Damn, took me 10 minutes to write this.

Good grief woman go and lay down and do as your told oh and I don't know any whys and wherefores but hugs anyway :rose: