2009 Survivor Poetry Challenge: Discussion and Announcements

Or just contact me in one of the messenger thingies I have over there by my avatar.

You are too sweet. I am going to keep trying. This time the message read "Impossible to display this poem. Download this file, convert it and upload again."

So I am going to try it as RTF and see what happens.

I want to make this work, dang it. I do not want to feel like an 85 year old who can't set the VCR.

Hmmm. This time I uploaded, hit Preview, but never got to the button to press for SUBMIT.

And it keeps flashing

You are too sweet. I am going to keep trying. This time the message read "Impossible to display this poem. Download this file, convert it and upload again."

So I am going to try it as RTF and see what happens.

I want to make this work, dang it. I do not want to feel like an 85 year old who can't set the VCR.

Hmmm. This time I uploaded, hit Preview, but never got to the button to press for SUBMIT.

And it keeps flashing

I submitted mine as an RTF. I got a message that said the robots couldn't process the file for preview (presumably because of the embedded photograph), but it did allow me to submit it.

What version of Word are you using? Word 2007 defaults to a "docx" extension, which they probably can't process.
when you submit a document file as an upload, rather than directly into the text window, you don't have the preview feature enabled. The site directors must come and manually post the file.

Seriously, the CafeDuck poem wasn't very difficult to load. I could find you the html code to embed an image directly but I don't think Lit likes it done that way. Now that LaurenH is happily file manipulating (in a good way) the site shouldn't have a rough time accepting the pieces.

Patience, patience.

p.s. Has anyone tried uploading their photo pieces to a free hosting site like photobucket and then adding the link into the notes field on their submission page. The body of the poem could read: Please see linked file in the notes field. Just a thought, I don't know if it would work though. Lemme know if you try it?
I'm getting more confused by the minute I've sent one to Lauren but I want to know do I resubmit it yet in the normal way?
You do realise we will probably go through all this again when it comes to the audio poem!
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Speaking of which I have my microphone up and running stand by for lift off!!
LOL I was just reading through this thread and wondering if you'd gotten the illustrated's submitted yet.

You know, you can post an uploaded file to the forums and then link to the address when you open the pic to embed the image, don't you? Watch...



  • th_banisterMan.jpg
    1.9 KB · Views: 64
LOL I was just reading through this thread and wondering if you'd gotten the illustrated's submitted yet.

You know, you can post an uploaded file to the forums and then link to the address when you open the pic to embed the image, don't you? Watch...


I've sent the illustrateds to Lauren to send and resubmitted so crossing my fingers. No I didn't know that nor do I understand how to.... care to explain?!! I've done the audio poem now got to figure out how to send so you can all hear the accent!
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LOL I was just reading through this thread and wondering if you'd gotten the illustrated's submitted yet.

You know, you can post an uploaded file to the forums and then link to the address when you open the pic to embed the image, don't you? Watch...


Interesting.... I will do that, just upload it to Mannequin and then email them the address?

I will not be defeated by technology.
You could try it that way... I think you can also embed the link directly into the body field of the submission form. I haven't tried that but I'm bettin' it could work.

eta: I just submitted my illustrated NASA pic of the day poem using html coding to embed the image. The preview works but I don't know if the bot will accept the link. ... oh! I'd better add a note explaining what's going on. I'll let you know if the submission goes through.
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You could try it that way... I think you can also embed the link directly into the body field of the submission form. I haven't tried that but I'm bettin' it could work.

eta: I just submitted my illustrated NASA pic of the day poem using html coding to embed the image. The preview works but I don't know if the bot will accept the link. ... oh! I'd better add a note explaining what's going on. I'll let you know if the submission goes through.

I've discovered that if you build an account at Photobucket and copy and paste their HTML coding, provided beneath the thumbnail of an uploaded image, to embed the image into the text field of the submission form here at Lit, it will go through.

In the notes block say: The link above is for a file on Photobucket that I'm submitting for an illustrated poem. Then copy and paste the url directly from the address bar, on the window in which your image enlarges from photobucket, into the same field.

It worked for me.
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Mine finally posted both of them! Lauren you're a star! :rose:
Champ I understood that until the last bit lol
Thanks Champ, I will try that! I still have to do my second illustrated so have not hit the "gotta do it now" wall yet.

I've discovered that if you build an account at Photobucket and copy and paste their HTML coding, provided beneath the thumbnail of an uploaded image, to embed the image into the text field of the submission form here at Lit, it will go through.

In the notes block say: The link above is for a file on Photobucket that I'm submitting for an illustrated poem. Then copy and paste the url directly from the address bar, on the window in which your image enlarges from photobucket, into the same field.

It worked for me.
I've discovered that if you build an account at Photobucket and copy and paste their HTML coding, provided beneath the thumbnail of an uploaded image, to embed the image into the text field of the submission form here at Lit, it will go through.

In the notes block say: The link above is for a file on Photobucket that I'm submitting for an illustrated poem. Then copy and paste the url directly from the address bar, on the window in which your image enlarges from photobucket, into the same field.

It worked for me.

That's very helpful Champ. Thanks! :)
what does the last sentence mean ?
In your explorer window you have an address bar that is the url of the page you're viewing.

When you click on a thumbnail in your photobucket album the pic will open in its own window.

Copy and paste that web page address from the pic window into the "Notes" block of the Literotica submission form along with an explanation that the url named will link back to the embedded image you've coded in the main text block.
In your explorer window you have an address bar that is the url of the page you're viewing.

When you click on a thumbnail in your photobucket album the pic will open in its own window.

Copy and paste that web page address from the pic window into the "Notes" block of the Literotica submission form along with an explanation that the url named will link back to the embedded image you've coded in the main text block.

Aha gotcha ....... I think lol
Okay, for the third or fourth time, I submitted my NASA illustrated poem. This time I put it up on the web and included the link.

The reason it was rejected this time was :

All art in submissions - including photos - must be created by & the property of the author. If you are the creator and own the copyright to these images, please let us know this in the AUTHOR'S NOTES and resubmit.

Well, I do not own the copyright nor does anyone in the challenge, but other images were approved :(

Any suggestions?

Should I just write that it is public property and wait another 2 weeks to see if that approach works? Hey, I can do this all year :) I am a persistent little bitch. I think this is the most times anyone has read my poetry. Laurel and Manu will be cursing their inbox.