2009 Survivor Poetry Challenge: Discussion and Announcements

Okay, for the third or fourth time, I submitted my NASA illustrated poem. This time I put it up on the web and included the link.

The reason it was rejected this time was :

Well, I do not own the copyright nor does anyone in the challenge, but other images were approved :(

Any suggestions?

Should I just write that it is public property and wait another 2 weeks to see if that approach works? Hey, I can do this all year :) I am a persistent little bitch. I think this is the most times anyone has read my poetry. Laurel and Manu will be cursing their inbox.

A. If you haven't done so already, give yourself the point on your survivor scorecard.

B. PM Laurel and tell her that your poem is being rejected while many others, using stock photos from the same site, are being accepted. I imagine it'll be easier for Lit to approve your poem than to take down all the ones they already accepted.

C. Where's your poem so we can go look at it? Can we leave comments (lolz, I typed comets first, very appropriate for a NASA photo poem)? That'll totally circumvent Lit. :)
I've had to take one of mine down did it wrong lol

But that was your choice, right? Or did someone from Lit (like Laurel) tell you that you couldn't use the NASA photo because you didn't take it yourself? I know I've seen more than a few of the NASA photo poems. Has everyone had to take theirs down? That's the only way I can justify them not accepting Anna's illustrated poem.

Many of us don't always use our own photos. I often use ones from a site called stockxchange, which offers many, many photos for free use as long as it's not commercial. And no one has told me I can't do that.
Okay, for the third or fourth time, I submitted my NASA illustrated poem. This time I put it up on the web and included the link.

The reason it was rejected this time was :
All art in submissions - including photos - must be created by & the property of the author. If you are the creator and own the copyright to these images, please let us know this in the AUTHOR'S NOTES and resubmit.

Well, I do not own the copyright nor does anyone in the challenge, but other images were approved :(

Any suggestions?

Should I just write that it is public property and wait another 2 weeks to see if that approach works? Hey, I can do this all year :) I am a persistent little bitch. I think this is the most times anyone has read my poetry. Laurel and Manu will be cursing their inbox.
I assume the reason for the "must be created by & the property of the author" statement is Laurel and Manu's due diligence to insure that they won't get sued by someone for copyright infringement. According to the rights page at NASA "NASA still images; audio files; video; and computer files used in the rendition of 3-dimensional models, such as texture maps and polygon data in any format, generally are not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video, audio, and data files used for the rendition of 3-dimensional models for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations and Internet Web pages. This general permission extends to personal Web pages." So I don't think there should be any legal problems except for this: "NASA should be acknowledged as the source of the material except in cases of advertising."

I didn't acknowledge NASA as the source of my image, and I suspect had I done so, it would have been rejected for the same reasons yours was.

It's kind of funny it was accepted, though. They must think I have a private satellite or something. :cool:

I would agree with Angeline and suggest you just post it in one of the Survivor threads here are call it good.
Lauren submitted my illustrateds for me can't you just do that?

Sure, anyone can do that. All you'd need to say when you submit the poem at Lit is something like "illustrated poem will arrive via email from..." (and use the addy for whoever is sending it). You didn't do anything wrong. :)
Thanks Pushkie, I will copy and paste that into the notes when I re-submit.

I thought you DID have your own private telescope! Isn't that what you tell all the girls to get them up to your pad?


I assume the reason for the "must be created by & the property of the author" statement is Laurel and Manu's due diligence to insure that they won't get sued by someone for copyright infringement. According to the rights page at NASA "NASA still images; audio files; video; and computer files used in the rendition of 3-dimensional models, such as texture maps and polygon data in any format, generally are not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video, audio, and data files used for the rendition of 3-dimensional models for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations and Internet Web pages. This general permission extends to personal Web pages." So I don't think there should be any legal problems except for this: "NASA should be acknowledged as the source of the material except in cases of advertising."

I didn't acknowledge NASA as the source of my image, and I suspect had I done so, it would have been rejected for the same reasons yours was.

It's kind of funny it was accepted, though. They must think I have a private satellite or something. :cool:

I would agree with Angeline and suggest you just post it in one of the Survivor threads here are call it good.
Thanks darlin! The poem is not good. Seriously. Fair at best. I am going to give it another try. I did not do an illustrated poem with the text on the photo, just the photo with text below. Nothing fancy :)

A. If you haven't done so already, give yourself the point on your survivor scorecard.

B. PM Laurel and tell her that your poem is being rejected while many others, using stock photos from the same site, are being accepted. I imagine it'll be easier for Lit to approve your poem than to take down all the ones they already accepted.

C. Where's your poem so we can go look at it? Can we leave comments (lolz, I typed comets first, very appropriate for a NASA photo poem)? That'll totally circumvent Lit. :)
Lauren submitted my illustrateds for me can't you just do that?

It is not a problem with them getting the image. After a few tried, I got it to them in a format they could use. This time they got it but said I did not have ownership of the image.
okay I did it, posted Pushkine's copyright info and gave NASA credit under my poem. I offered them my first born, but they don't think they can handle him.

They are right.

Thanks Pushkie, I will copy and paste that into the notes when I re-submit.

I thought you DID have your own private telescope! Isn't that what you tell all the girls to get them up to your pad?

Um, sex in Skylab
Can be hell, so
Be sure you both have
Lots of Velcro.
I have a question, is there a form that is somewhere inbetween a Sestina and a Tritina and if so what are the rules of where the repititions go?
I have a question, is there a form that is somewhere inbetween a Sestina and a Tritina and if so what are the rules of where the repititions go?
Maybe a roundelay would serve but you repeat entire lines as described in the rules thread. I couldn't say if there's a form exactly as you're asking about. If not, why not invent one and make up your own rules?
Maybe a roundelay would serve but you repeat entire lines as described in the rules thread. I couldn't say if there's a form exactly as you're asking about. If not, why not invent one and make up your own rules?

well I was wondering about that for a poets choice using one of the triggers but didn't want anyone saying is that supposed to be a flippingina and you've not put the repititions in the right places lol
well I was wondering about that for a poets choice using one of the triggers but didn't want anyone saying is that supposed to be a flippingina and you've not put the repititions in the right places lol

if you are using poet's choice, it can be whatever you want it to be, does not have to adhere to any form (real or imagined :) )
For the record - I detest the Onegin Stanza. I feels totally wrong and uncomfortable. What a horrid form.

Rant over
For the record - I detest the Onegin Stanza. I feels totally wrong and uncomfortable. What a horrid form.

Rant over
It seems it's everyone's impression
That this form is très difficile.
But it's just perfect for expression—
Makes Ars Poetica facile.
It just requires a little gumption
(Perhaps a sturdy rubber truncheon),
To batter words to proper tone
And keep four beats in metronome.
The male and female rhymes sing sweetly
In different alternating lines.
That just takes practice; in no time
You'll be "Onegining" quite neatly.
But if no Pushkin may you be,
You've always hope—immunity.
It seems it's everyone's impression
That this form is très difficile.
But it's just perfect for expression—
Makes Ars Poetica facile.
It just requires a little gumption
(Perhaps a sturdy rubber truncheon),
To batter words to proper tone
And keep four beats in metronome.
The male and female rhymes sing sweetly
In different alternating lines.
That just takes practice; in no time
You'll be "Onegining" quite neatly.
But if no Pushkin may you be,
You've always hope—immunity.

Now you're just being cruel but I'm not giving up. I still don't like that form.

Rubber truncheon! :D
Now you're just being cruel but I'm not giving up. I still don't like that form.

Rubber truncheon! :D
I love the form. Is that presumption?
I think you'd be quite good at this,
Though I'm proceeding on assumption
That yours would, blessèd be, pure Tess.
For Tess writes elegant, not teary,
Quite clever poems that do not weary
Those reading them, in point of fact.
Poems careful readers find impact-
Ful , heartfelt, true, emotionally
imbued with Life (guy gets not girl).
So, Tessie: Surely you can twirl
And spin some lines quite practically
Perfection in Onegin's norm:
You've always simple, perfect form.
I love the form. Is that presumption?
I think you'd be quite good at this,
Though I'm proceeding on assumption
That yours would, blessèd be, pure Tess.
For Tess writes elegant, not teary,
Quite clever poems that do not weary
Those reading them, in point of fact.
Poems careful readers find impact-
Ful , heartfelt, true, emotionally
imbued with Life (guy gets not girl).
So, Tessie: Surely you can twirl
And spin some lines quite practically
Perfection in Onegin's norm:
You've always simple, perfect form.

Thank you for your vote of confidence. I'm trying to twirl but it makes me dizzy.
Thank you for your vote of confidence. I'm trying to twirl but it makes me dizzy.

this one made me sick too. I was determined to write one about Pushkin himself-- and even had a lead (he was proud of his paternal grandfather for his african descent, I wanted to do the "Black Russian" twist with this one as well. )

But I could not pull it off, not with hours of research on this writer I knew next to nothing about. At any rate. I stuck to what I know and wrote about the Black Russian drink :rolleyes:

You are really on a roll Tess!

Spring break is over and I am ready to start writing again.... see how it rolls...