2009 Survivor Poetry Challenge: Discussion and Announcements

What a dumbo I am (blonde you know) if I had thought about it (instead of panicking!) I just need to save it to pictures then go from there......... kicks self in shins! I may be back though with more dumb quessies lol
Can I assume that the original artwork in trigger #8 could be a photograph taken by yours truly?

If so, I think my haiku will wait until late spring or early summer, unless I choose to go with a zappai, which is probably more my outward personality in any case.
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The one I had all the trouble sending is a photo taken in my garden. Thankyou for your kind feedback by the way I couldn't answer you as you are turned off lol
The one I had all the trouble sending is a photo taken in my garden. Thank you for your kind feedback by the way I couldn't answer you as you are turned off lol

You're quite welcome ... I really liked the one I commented on.

And thanks for the reminder ... I had turned off receiving PM's from the general populace after a particular situation in the recent past, but had only intended to leave them off for two or three days.
Can I assume that a passage from the Psalms would be an acceptable mote for a glosa?

What is man, that thou art mindful of him?
and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels,
and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
Psalms 8:4-5

I'm not sure I will go with this, but can I assume an appropriate 2-verse passage from the psalms would work, rather than trying to figure out what ACTUALLY would constitute a psalmic stanza?


Accosted eh? In your dreams!

Yes, unfortunately, just in my dreams.
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Thats trigger 8 has to be your own artwork trigger 7 is the NASA one

yeah, I understood the triggers, but Lit guidelines for photos say that it has to be taken yourself. Lauren said it's okay though, since the NASA photos aren't copyrighted.
Can I assume that a passage from the Psalms would be an acceptable mote for a glosa?

What is man, that thou art mindful of him?
and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels,
and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
Psalms 8:4-5

I'm not sure I will go with this, but can I assume an appropriate 2-verse passage from the psalms would work, rather than trying to figure out what ACTUALLY would constitute a psalmic stanza?
Yes, I don't see why it wouldn't work. :)
Hey Lauren I was checking out some of the illustrated poetry and found one of yours, the one with the writing going upwards, now funnily enough I know how to do that and moving across the page! Didn't feel brave enough to do that tho lol Did it one time on a different messageboard and made the posts shoot across the page lol wouldnt dare do that on this one though I might get banned!
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It probably wouldn't work in this forum, because it doesn't allow any html coding. But yeah, I remember that one. It was fun to make, but a bitch to make small enough to be within Lit's size limit. :D
Can I assume that a passage from the Psalms would be an acceptable mote for a glosa?

What is man, that thou art mindful of him?
and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels,
and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
Psalms 8:4-5

I'm not sure I will go with this, but can I assume an appropriate 2-verse passage from the psalms would work, rather than trying to figure out what ACTUALLY would constitute a psalmic stanza?


Yes, unfortunately, just in my dreams.

hmmmm did you turn on your PM's yet? I have not accosted a man in years.

Lauren has been poeting behind my back! It's wonderful. I wish to God that I could participate. Good luck all! :kiss:
Smiles are a good thing :)

How is PA? I am originally from there-- down here in TX it was 80 yesterday and today we are wearing parkas.

It has been quite cold all month along the PA-NY border. We did have one day where it warmed up a little to melt off some of the snow on the roads, but otherwise below freezing most of the time for 3 weeks or so.
sorry, wrong thread

though I will say, while it is interesting reading the discussion on the Asian forms ... I feel a mite sad so many of us are writing poetry for Lit on a Saturday evening
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sorry, wrong thread

though I will say, while it is interesting reading the discussion on the Asian forms ... I feel a mite sad so many of us are writing poetry for Lit on a Saturday evening

Don't feel sad for me! I'm sitting on my sweetie's lap, with her playing with my boobs, while I cuss about Haiku! :cool:
I'm jealous.
Nobody's playing with my boobs.

nobody is playing with my boobs either.
which is good. they are too sensitive. How can you type while someone is playing with your boobs? Touch my boobs and you better be prepared to


you know