2009 Survivor Poetry Challenge: Discussion and Announcements

Cleared off/ran away/eloped that sort of thing oh dear this completes mucks up my limerick if
no-one knows what it means

Is there a rule that everyone has to know what a foreign phrase means? I thought that was what Google is for. LOL

If you want to use it, why not add a little note at the end of the poem that defines it?
It might be nice, not necessary, but nice, if Survivor poets put the trigger and form below their poem when submitting, that way readers can be alerted to the challenge.

I kind of like reading a poem without knowing the form, because if I know the form, my brain starts to look for the patterns while reading and I get distracted from the message. However, if the form were to show up after reading, it would be interesting to re-read it as an example.

Just a suggestion.

I like that idea.

The villanelle I submitted early this morning won't have that, but I'll try to remember.

For the Cento #1 trigger--do we/should we ask any poets we are thinking of using for permission to do so? Also, could someone give a quick re-rundown on what the codes are to put links to said poems (plus superscripts for footnoting, and how to change font size)? Thanks. :)

For the Cento #1 trigger--do we/should we ask any poets we are thinking of using for permission to do so? Also, could someone give a quick re-rundown on what the codes are to put links to said poems (plus superscripts for footnoting, and how to change font size)? Thanks. :)


I bloody hope not cos I haven't!
For the Cento #1 trigger--do we/should we ask any poets we are thinking of using for permission to do so? Also, could someone give a quick re-rundown on what the codes are to put links to said poems (plus superscripts for footnoting, and how to change font size)? Thanks. :)

REMMY!!! <Squeals like a girl>

Don't worry about being sued for plagerism. I'm sure Laruen's going to pay back any court costs... :devil:

As for codes are you talking about here in the forum or to be used when posting on Lit?
REMMY!!! <Squeals like a girl>

Don't worry about being sued for plagerism. I'm sure Laruen's going to pay back any court costs... :devil:

As for codes are you talking about here in the forum or to be used when posting on Lit?

Hiya Safe *hug smooch* :rose:

The ones when submitting. I think, if I remember rightly, that most are the same as in the forums but use lower case letters and <> instead of []. I don't remember the special codes, though. It's been too long since I've used them.

I bloody hope not cos I haven't!

I just thought I'd ask since there had been some problems back when we were doing one of the Poetry Challenges and I wouldn't want to step on anyone's toes. As it were. *g*

I just thought I'd ask since there had been some problems back when we were doing one of the Poetry Challenges and I wouldn't want to step on anyone's toes. As it were. *g*


I think it is nice to ask but not necessary. My question is how many different poets do you have to use?
I would like to ask everyone to do this: when you're filling your scorecards, turn the titles of your poems into links to those poems. :)
For the Cento #1 trigger--do we/should we ask any poets we are thinking of using for permission to do so? Also, could someone give a quick re-rundown on what the codes are to put links to said poems (plus superscripts for footnoting, and how to change font size)? Thanks. :)

If you can contact them, it might be nice. There shouldn't be any legal issues, though, since you're only supposed to lift a line from each poem, so it's not a significant-enough portion of the poem.

As for the codes:

<b>bold</b> will produce bold
<i>italics</i> will produce italics
<u>underlined<u> will produce underlined
<a href="http://www.literotica.com">literotica</a> will produce literotica
<sup>1</sup> will produce ¹

Any codes that try to change the size of the fonts, other than <sup>xxx</sup> and <sub>xxx</sub>, are not advised. If you're trying to make the text small, for footnotes, use <sub>text</sub>
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As for the codes:

<b>bold</b> will produce bold
<i>italics</i> will produce italics
<u>underlined> will produce underlined
<a href="http://www.literotica.com">literotica</a> will produce literotica
<sup>1</sup> will produce ¹

Any codes that try to change the size of the fonts, other than <sup>xxx</sup> and <sub>xxx</sub> are not advised. If you're trying to make the text small, for footnotes, use <sub>text</sub>

Thanks. That's actually pretty close to what I remembered from the last time I used them; but that was a while ago, and I wanted to be sure.

Lauren, a question:

When writing Cento 2, does it matter if we a) don't use lines taken from the speech page you linked in the example, and b) use more than one line attributable to the same public personage? I discovered a very interesting source for this found poem this morning, think it would make a cool cento and can attricbute all the lines, but I want to be sure it's kosher. :)
Lauren, a question:

When writing Cento 2, does it matter if we a) don't use lines taken from the speech page you linked in the example, and b) use more than one line attributable to the same public personage? I discovered a very interesting source for this found poem this morning, think it would make a cool cento and can attricbute all the lines, but I want to be sure it's kosher. :)

a) No, it doesn't matter. That was just for inspiration, should you feel lost and without knowing where to look for speeches. :D


b) No, it doesn't matter. It's kosher if all lines come from the same person.
Thanks Lauren! Very helpful.

Can you pretty please put this in the Read This First thread when you get the chance, so that we can find it more easily when the time comes to use them?

Thanks so much!


If you can contact them, it might be nice. There shouldn't be any legal issues, though, since you're only supposed to lift a line from each poem, so it's not a significant-enough portion of the poem.

As for the codes:

<b>bold</b> will produce bold
<i>italics</i> will produce italics
<u>underlined<u> will produce underlined
<a href="http://www.literotica.com">literotica</a> will produce literotica
<sup>1</sup> will produce ¹

Any codes that try to change the size of the fonts, other than <sup>xxx</sup> and <sub>xxx</sub>, are not advised. If you're trying to make the text small, for footnotes, use <sub>text</sub>
a) No, it doesn't matter. That was just for inspiration, should you feel lost and without knowing where to look for speeches. :D


b) No, it doesn't matter. It's kosher if all lines come from the same person.

Oh well mine is extra kosher then because all lines come from the same two people. :D
Question on illustrated poems ......the actual poem is on the picture so can I just email it in?
The poem can be inscribed on the picture itself, or not. Whatever you prefer.

If you haven't submitted illustrated poetry before, I highly advise reading neonurotic's how-to piece, Poetry With Pictures.
but, the pic can't be the actual pic from NASA, right? since the guidelines say photos have to be your own.

Am I reading that right?
but, the pic can't be the actual pic from NASA, right? since the guidelines say photos have to be your own.

Am I reading that right?

Literotica's guidelines allow it - since they're not copyrighted. Poetry Survivor calls specifically to use one of those NASA photos in one of the illustrated poem triggers.

Author's Survivor is more restrictive than the guidelines and does not allow it, so you won't be able to use the NASA poem for that. Sorry. :rose:
Ok I still have a problem with this sending of the illustrated poem I have got it as a file I don't know how to put it in a file it's in an email helppppp!
Ok I still have a problem with this sending of the illustrated poem I have got it as a file I don't know how to put it in a file it's in an email helppppp!
Quoting that How To that I linked you to before... :D

This is a two-part process.

The first part is to send the image as an attachment to submit@literotica.com with "Title of your poem - ARTWORK" in the subject line and mentioning in the email with your attachment: yourfilename.jpg - Artwork to be added to "Title of your poem" submitted by yourname through the regular submission form.

The second part is to submit the poem the usual way through your user's panel, checking illustrated poem. Next, submit a poem in the regular fashion, but simply write, in the body of the poem:


- Artwork, yourfilename.jpg submitted via e-mail by youremailaddress@dot.com

- Please note that the poem is entirely an image and that no text is involved.

Don't write anything else, don't upload any files.

Done! You are finished once you press the submit button.