2009 Survivor Poetry Challenge: Immunities

get you fine little ass signed up then, missy


someone needs to tell me to stop posting bs and write a frackin' terenzelle. I need a poetry-master with a whip. No, a tesla coil. Whips would just make me wanna be bad. Zaps would be a better enforcer.
someone needs to tell me to stop posting bs and write a frackin' terenzelle. I need a poetry-master with a whip. No, a tesla coil. Whips would just make me wanna be bad. Zaps would be a better enforcer.

where is LadyFreak? I am quoting my own quotes and think I might have a multiple personality disorder :D:rolleyes::cool::cattail: meow
The results of this week's immunity draw are: 04 - 24 - 25 - 31 - 33 - 36 - 40

We have three winners! They're Angeline, annaswirls and NorthernPA4U.

If you won, don't forget you need to make a post in this thread before next Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT, telling us what form/trigger combo you'll be using the immunity for. Otherwise, you lose it.
The results of this week's immunity draw are: 04 - 24 - 25 - 31 - 33 - 36 - 40

We have three winners! They're Angeline, annaswirls and NorthernPA4U.

If you won, don't forget you need to make a post in this thread before next Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT, telling us what form/trigger combo you'll be using the immunity for. Otherwise, you lose it.


Buh-bye roundelay (L) and double inverted acrostic (2). One more win and I can jettison the sestina! (Yes Lauren I know I still have to do them in the second round, right? Or did that change with the change to round 2? Oh I know you'll say no just to make me suffer. I know you too well lol.)

Buh-bye roundelay (L) and double inverted acrostic (2). One more win and I can jettison the sestina! (Yes Lauren I know I still have to do them in the second round, right? Or did that change with the change to round 2? Oh I know you'll say no just to make me suffer. I know you too well lol.)

Gives Ange the eyebrow lift...
Gives Ange the eyebrow lift...

As you can see, La Hynde is not letting me off the hook in the second round! And you have written how many survivor poems thus far? Eh Mr. Critical? :D

(Yes, I love you, but you need to write a poem man. Like a sonnet or villanelle or cento or sestsomething)

As you can see, La Hynde is not letting me off the hook in the second round! And you have written how many survivor poems thus far? Eh Mr. Critical? :D

(Yes, I love you, but you need to write a poem man. Like a sonnet or villanelle or cento or sestsomething)


I think he has written 20 and is saving them as a gift to us on Valentines Day.

I take Sestina Audio (M-3)for my immunity.

Shot in the arm may I never catch it...
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I think he has written 20 and is saving them as a gift to us on Valentines Day.

I take Sestina Audio (M-3)for my immunity.

Shot in the arm may I never catch it...

Lol, we can only hope. I know he likes writing some of this form stuff about as much as any of us.

You are writing some really good stuff in the passion thread btw. I read a whole bunch of it last night and thought "that Anna is coming back strong." It's like riding a bike, yknow--only it takes a little more practice when you haven't done it for a while.
Lol, we can only hope. I know he likes writing some of this form stuff about as much as any of us.

You are writing some really good stuff in the passion thread btw. I read a whole bunch of it last night and thought "that Anna is coming back strong." It's like riding a bike, yknow--only it takes a little more practice when you haven't done it for a while.

aw you are a doll, thank you! Being a poet is a lifestyle-- at least for me. I cannot do it half way. It is like unzipping the wetsuit, leaving the snorkel on deck and diving in unprotected...you feel everything.

And then wrap tight in a blanket and hide for a month.

The results of this week's immunity draw are: 09 - 11 - 14 - 16 - 38 - 46 - 47

We have three winners! They're Safe_Bet, BlueFish11 and UnderYourSpell.

If you won, don't forget you need to make a post in this thread before next Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT, telling us what form/trigger combo you'll be using the immunity for. Otherwise, you lose it.
Whooo hooo where do I collect my 20 million pounds? oh ok I will make do with Onegin Stanza trigger 44
Who's turn is it next week? I didn't think I would get it for ages but glad to get rid of that form didn't fancy it at all!
Who's turn is it next week? I didn't think I would get it for ages but glad to get rid of that form didn't fancy it at all!
I want it to be mine... I got rid of the damned Clerihew and the dreaded trigger #44 in one fell swoop. (My theme may have been handled before in this contest but oh well... the words tried to fit). I have others waiting to be difficult, too, though. So bring on the immunity.

p.s Annie, I love your illustrated poems.
Thanks Champ I am so mad I can't get them accepted if they don't go through this time I might ask a friend if he can change them in some way so they have 'doc' at the end if not I will have to ask if there is anyone here that is willing to let me have their email address and try to submit them for me.
The results of this week's immunity draw are: 05 - 23 - 24 -26 - 29 - 39 - 44

We have a winner! It's annaswirls.

If you won, don't forget you need to make a post in this thread before next Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT, telling us what form/trigger combo you'll be using the immunity for. Otherwise, you lose it.