2009 Survivor Poetry Challenge: Immunities

1393 Wed 29 Apr 2009 01 15 35 42 45 48 (38)


15 lillygurl678
35 Remec

Hurry on up, you only have three days to claim your immunity.
The results of this week's immunity draw are: 01 - 08 - 10 - 13 - 20 - 28 - 34

The winners are loganforester, Tristesse2 and PandoraGlitters.

If you won, don't forget you need to make a post in this thread before next Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT, telling us what form/trigger combo you'll be using the immunity for. Otherwise, you lose it.
Oh! My prayers are answered, I don't even need to ponder - knock off form L (the dreaded Roundelay) and trigger 45 (Zero-Gravity... etc.) for me please.
I see 37 came up in yesterday's (2009-05-13) UK Lottery, so please whack form M (sestina), round two for me.

Congratulations Pushkine

Here are the other numbers for those who are interested

13 16 19 31 37 47 (05)

13 Tristesse2
19 jclaw
31 NorthernPA4U
37 hellebore
37 pushkine
The results of the 2009-05-20 UK National Lotto are: 09 - 10 - 29 - 30 - 37 - 45 - 46

Winners are Safe_Bet, hellebore, and me (again--yay 37!).

Double-check your number in case I skipped you through incompetence.

I'll take Form U (Blank Verse), round two, thank you very much.
I may be jumping the gun on this, but if so, Lauren can simply bless these results (or correct them, if I screwed up). The result of the immunity drawing for 2009-05-27 is:
2 - 12 - 24 - 31 - 40 - 41 - 48
and the winners seem to be:
Jack_Samuel, annaswirls, NorthernPA4U
Double-check things your own selves, of course.

Hey. What happened to NPA4U? He was rocking on the contest and then just disappeared. Do I have bad breath or something?
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I may be jumping the gun on this, but if so, Lauren can simply bless these results (or correct them, if I screwed up). The result of the immunity drawing for 2009-05-27 is:
2 - 12 - 24 - 31 - 40 - 41 - 48
and the winners seem to be:
Jack_Samuel, annaswirls, NorthernPA4U
Double-check things your own selves, of course.


okay I take the villanelle and the thing with um that's what jazz means to me.
I am not sure if I am still doing this challenge. kind of fizzed. I never finish anything
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You better finish it, darn it! :(

(Hey, Anna. Have you seen the pilot for Caprica yet? It's going to be good. :D)
The results of this week's immunity draw are: 03 - 04 - 06 - 22 - 31 - 33 - 35

The winners are Angeline, NorthernPA4U and Remec.

If you won, don't forget you need to make a post in this thread before next Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT, telling us what form/trigger combo you'll be using the immunity for. Otherwise, you lose it.
well nobody's announced this weeks Immunities yet but I'll claim mine anyways. I'll take D:6 Double Dactyl & Dramatic Monologue
well nobody's announced this weeks Immunities yet but I'll claim mine anyways. I'll take D:6 Double Dactyl & Dramatic Monologue

Hey Logan,
If you go check for yourself, it would be really helpful to post all of the numbers here, save everyone a step (just a suggestion)

Many times the announcement is just made by regular posters like you, so no need to wait for the official announcement, feel free to take charge yourself.


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Here are the rest for:

Wednesday 10th June 2009:

03 08 21 23 30 46 (26)

I think Logan was the only one who got it :) Congratulations!
Hey Logan,
If you go check for yourself, it would be really helpful to post all of the numbers here, save everyone a step (just a suggestion)

Many times the announcement is just made by regular posters like you, so no need to wait for the official announcement, feel free to take charge yourself.



I'll be sure to do that next time Anna, not certain of what the protocol for these things are.
I'll be sure to do that next time Anna, not certain of what the protocol for these things are.

Protocol?? I don't think there is one around here :D If there is, it goes something like this:

If something needs done, do it.

at least that is how I see it.

And if you step on someone's toes you can blame me. :rose:
The results of this week's immunity draw are: 08 - 10 - 11 - 14 - 18 - 28 - 36

The winners are loganforester, BlueFish11 and UnderYourSpell.

If you won, don't forget you need to make a post in this thread before next Wednesday at 7:30pm GMT, telling us what form/trigger combo you'll be using the immunity for. Otherwise, you lose it.
Wow two weeks in a row. I'll take J:5 Pantoum and Cento. Of course I now have as many immunities as poems. Yeah I really need to get writing again