a companion to 30 in 30

Sara Crewe said:
On Saturdays we walked the railroad
track to Larkin’s Dam, listened
ear to iron for trains long retired
and watched for storybook wolves
to leap from the woods. We carried

Love this one Sara.

Cute, funny a bit sad and great imagery.
Just spoke to me and I had'ta say it ~!!


Everyone ... keep up the great writes. Lovin' it ~!!!

:rose: :rose: :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
Love this one Sara.

Cute, funny a bit sad and great imagery.
Just spoke to me and I had'ta say it ~!!


Everyone ... keep up the great writes. Lovin' it ~!!!

:rose: :rose: :rose:

I'm glad you said it. Thank you! :rose:
Well damn, missed writing yesterday.

Will start over, but not right now.

ut it's not like you'll be starved of poetry. There's some excellent 30-races going on right now. Hat off to all of ya.
Liar said:
Well damn, missed writing yesterday.

Will start over, but not right now.

ut it's not like you'll be starved of poetry. There's some excellent 30-races going on right now. Hat off to all of ya.

That's too bad, Liar, and after a particularly great poem the day before yesterday. Well, always leave on a high note, yes? :rose:
champagne1982 said:
In desperation for a topic, the poet sees her toes.
We've all been there, Champie. Very good poem about flailing for topic.

Which prompts the question... Foot av? :rolleyes:

Aw, c'mon. ;)
4degrees said:
the scent of
your inguinal region
Yo, Curt! Man, I absolutely have to congratulate you for using the word "inguinal" in a poem. Major hey, well done!

Um, expanded my vocabulary too. Had to look it up. Why this is in small print. Ah, thanks. :)
ShyErraticTable said:
We've all been there, Champie. Very good poem about flailing for topic.

Which prompts the question... Foot av? :rolleyes:

Aw, c'mon. ;)
I put my lady slippers on for you. Thanks for the kudos. I am really getting stuck for topics. Here I am stuck in bed for an indeterminate amount of time, leg elevated, bitchiness tucked under my pillow to suffocate it; some days, it works and other days I can only freak on my toes.
Sara Crewe said:

Your love
bends grass, a trail/
/my path.
Thank you, Sara Crewe. :)

That was kind of forced out. I'm pleased you like it.

This one of yours
Sara Crewe said:
Not all urban legends are dark. . .
is not only sexy, but wonderfully evocative. Good, really good.

My opine, o'course. ;)
Lauren Hynde said:
Congratulations on completing another great run, Carrie! :rose:
Thank you.

I think the 30 in 30 helps me to keep my resolve to write something each day. A challenge tends to motivate. (Lying around with a leg up on pillows is a good way to find things to keep busy in as well).

It's great to read that 30/30 thread everyone. I'm glad you're posting to it.
It's fun to end a run in such fine company...

an elegantly dressed table and a classy crewe :p ...

Although I have no tablecloth
and am, therefore, unclothed,
I'm lucky that the poetess-
es 'long with me were gold.

Or maybe not, because their poems
were better than my own. :rolleyes:

Au revoir, vous poétesses doux!
May I be fond of cabbage, mes petits choux?
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Lauren Hynde said:
Done! It was exhilarating, but I don't think I ever want to try that again. Ever. :D
Congrats! Just think of the raw material you have available for edit now!

What a great start to 2007 poets!

Thanks RM.
Lauren Hynde said:
Done! It was exhilarating, but I don't think I ever want to try that again. Ever. :D
Well done, Lauren. Congratulations.
Good Job, Champ and Table-Dude and Lauren!
:rose: :rose: :rose:

I always seem to be coming in when so many are finishing up :) Least I have Chris and Curt to keep me company :)
annaswirls said:
Good Job, Champ and Table-Dude and Lauren!
:rose: :rose: :rose:

I always seem to be coming in when so many are finishing up :) Least I have Chris and Curt to keep me company :)

yes, and its quite possible i'll be starting over...and over. :)
annaswirls said:
:) I like your perserverence...hope it rubs off on me

i like your poet-ism skillz. i hope you rub off on me.

yes i said you.
SeattleRain said:
careful what you wish for big boy
my skillz are flat. :heart:

um, yeah. whatevA.

you lay it down the way i like it,
the way i wish to do it.