a companion to 30 in 30

Comment for Dr. Mabeuse

Just a comment for Dr. Mabeuse: it looks like you can write this stuff after all.

I liked your fifth one on September's antics the best.

I feel like I'm going to have to get off my butt and write a story.
hey El, dr_m said 'whip' ;)

dr_m, see, you're whuping those words around all over the place now. :D

Curt, did you know you could freeze grapes? i heard about doing that the other day, haven't had a chance to do it myself yet, but apparently they're great alternatives to ice blocks. --- okay now i really am nuts. ;)

my kid gets in the fridge and cranks it way up, and freezes everything. frozen strawberries and grapes are painful to eat.
wildsweetone said:

Fledglings flown

I think no one knows
the difficulty of cooking half -

meat packs that feed
a family of five
now sit, frozen
at the end of the freezer,

a wasteland stash
of summer-tossed fodder.

No one knows the stretched silence
where tinnitus intrudes, (yet again)
to reiterate the empty walls
of echoed words,

rain knocks
and I would let it in,

if the cat's curled tail
around my ankle did not lock me
to this chair.

Bough bones scratch the spouting,
a mozzie flies close to hand,
legs dangling to almost land -
a suicide mission.

No one knows.

Nice one. :rose: can relate! Ah those saturday nights!

Would Northerners know what a mozzie is though?
Eluard said:
Nice one. :rose: can relate! Ah those saturday nights!

Would Northerners know what a mozzie is though?

good question. i think they're the same thing as Them Up There call 'skeeters', right?

Curt, is it time to put a padlock on the fridge? ;)
wildsweetone said:
good question. i think they're the same thing as Them Up There call 'skeeters', right?

Curt, is it time to put a padlock on the fridge? ;)

Aren't 'skeeters' kids with baggy pants who lug around a coffin-shaped plank with wheels on it?
Eluard said:
Aren't 'skeeters' kids with baggy pants who lug around a coffin-shaped plank with wheels on it?

did you know you can wear baggy pants and not carry a coffin-shaped gold fibre-glass plank complete with motion movers?

do you still have punk rockers over there?

wildsweetone said:
did you know you can wear baggy pants and not carry a coffin-shaped gold fibre-glass plank complete with motion movers?

do you still have punk rockers over there?


Surely no self-respecting punk would be caught dead in baggy pants? What kind of weird hybrids are you growing over there, neighbour?

Punks have hair that stands up like a tuft of grass and wear torn t-shirts with safety pins in them. They have bought the Sex Pistols album 5 times now since all of their previous copies have either worn out or been stolen by flat mates who left without paying the phone bill!

Come forward into the Nineties neighbour, it's a brave new world!
Eluard said:
Surely no self-respecting punk would be caught dead in baggy pants? What kind of weird hybrids are you growing over there, neighbour?

Punks have hair that stands up like a tuft of grass and wear torn t-shirts with safety pins in them. They have bought the Sex Pistols album 5 times now since all of their previous copies have either worn out or been stolen by flat mates who left without paying the phone bill!

Come forward into the Nineties neighbour, it's a brave new world!

You forgot the kilts (yum). and the tattoos and piercings. And the fact that at least two of those copies of Sex Pistols (you're showing your age, darling - punks these days think that's old school) were broken during fistfights in the flat on drunken Friday nights.


Rainy night, black streets, Chicago,
Shiny slash of wet tire
Neon coming on prairie wind
Strange to think my heart needs an umbrella
That joys need be covered to be picked up from the ground
That I need someone's protection
To be bundled safe from the dark
When the night rains come down.

When the leaves hang like things left unsaid
And the poem's not hard to write
Not as hard as knowing it won't be read
Nor is the sound of one hand clapping hard to do
It's easier to bear than the echoes caused by two

It’s the depth of the reflection in the rainy streets I like
How it doubles everything and makes it rich, gives me another world
A life underground, smeared, bright, drunk, and forgiving
Where I might melt in a beauteous dream and do my real living
With the ghosts of things that knew me once up there
The neon signs the color of my wants and quaint despairs
No more complicated than that.

I want to be with you bone on bone
I want to be with you, your teeth in my mouth
I want my soul washed clean in the liquid of your eyes
My life redeemed by the desperation in your smile

This rainy night is sucking me down
In the reflection of streetlights on a wet corner
I founder and drown

you know something, 'founder' in the last line might be an error, but it's really growing on me, along with some of your great phrases. i really like the way your poetry is coming together. i like how you suck me into your words and i have to read until the end, and i hope the end never arrives.
Dr M, Your rainy poem is so incredibly musical. Please tell me someone is working on a melody and score. It's gorgeous.

All of the work on the 30/30 is be-yoooo-tiful everyone. I'm enjoying my visits there thoroughly. Hopefully, once the turmoil here settles, I'll have a chance to stir up Calliope and get writing.

wildsweetone said:


I would write of man
describe him in detail
as a man describes a woman,
her arches, her curves,
her red bowed lips.

He carries an attraction
his jaw, his eyes,
but it is the raised brow,
the unexpected wink
or touch of his palm
that turns my head.

There is warmth in his smile,
guile in his words
that convey his strengths -
sight assures me
I know them.

I would compose poetry
not of him,
more of the swirl of joy
he sets in motion,
the tilt of soul he lifts,
the possibilities of tomorrow
he promises.

I really enjoyed reading this one Sweets. You brought the two together in perfect unison and caught the assured attraction. Very nice pen here my friend.

RhymeFairy said:
I really enjoyed reading this one Sweets. You brought the two together in perfect unison and caught the assured attraction. Very nice pen here my friend.


pretty much the only thing holding me together at the moment is my daily fix of 30/30.

glad you liked that one RF, thanks for letting me know.

welcome aboard AChild. neat! 29 more days of reading you to go. :)

been reading some this morning on the 30/30.

some nice stuff, WSO, VD, and Dr. Mabeuse. :)

good to have you here, Dr. M -- one of the poetry regulars recommended your prose to me a while back. i recall liking it very much. like your poetry, too.

and Curt, congrats on finishing another round. it was a while ago -- i'm remiss in saying that.
wildsweetone said:
congratulations on your first 30 in a row dr-m and thank you for the ride.


My pleasure WSO. Hard to believe there were actually 30. I think I might go for 31 just to make sure I counted right.

I'm going to miss this. It's been a nice bit of discipline,

dr_mabeuse said:
My pleasure WSO. Hard to believe there were actually 30. I think I might go for 31 just to make sure I counted right.

I'm going to miss this. It's been a nice bit of discipline,

Well, this from the master of discipline ;). No need to give it up drM. Just keep on going through another round. Congrats on your run.

Nicely worked WSO. I love your very rich poems. It's a pleasure reading you.,
Congrats, Dr. Mab. I knew you had it in you, and the poems have been a pleasure to read--sort of like tossing Coleridge and the Beats together in a 21st-century word salad.

You have more of the poet in you than you know. Please keep writing and sharing your poetry.

Hey, TRM — Life at the Right Hand of the Father was powerful stuff. I don't have a religious upbinging but it still resonated powerfully.
I will just add that I'm not sure about the end of the first stanza — that created a hiccup for me and I had to go back and correct the rhythm of the reading.